Complete_moreinfo_PLN20160023.pdf`11c. 1 g9 ,
June 7, 2016
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www edmondn wa. ov
Craig Pierce
Select Homes
16513-13`hAve W
Ste A 107
Lynnwood, WA 98037
Subject: Letter of Completeness and Request of Additional Information
Woodway Court 2 Five -Lot Formal Subdivision Application # PLN20160023
Mr. Pierce,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the application for a 5 -lot Formal
Subdivision at 23800 — 104`h Avenue West for completeness pursuant to Edmonds Community
Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and 20.75.040. The City has determined that the application
meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is complete. Please accept this letter as the
City's notice to applicant of determination of completeness pursuant to ECDC 20.02.003. While the
application is procedurally complete, additional information and clarifications are needed for continued
review of the application. Please respond to the following so review of this application can proceed:
Plannin Qivision Comments:
1. Please show all easements on the preliminary plat map including:
a. Ingress/egress easement through Woodway Court 1
b. Utility Easements
c. Easements identified in the title report (Items 9, 10, and 11)
d. Ingress/egress easement across Tract 998 for that portion of the paved City access alley
on Tract 998
e. Any other easements
2. Update the legal description on the preliminary plat consistent with the title report update 5 legal
3. Title report items.
a. I was able to locate most of the reference title report documents except for Item 1 (Puget
Sound Power & Light Company easement AFN 496845) and Item 7 (Order and Decree
recorded under AFN 201507020545). Please provide copies of these documents.
b. Items 9 and 10 (and potentially 11?) relate to cemetery operations. Item 9 is an easement
for ingress and egress for the purpose of visiting the cemetery and Item 10 are for "rights
of sepulcher in burial lots." Item 11 is kind of vague ("restrictions imposed by law...")
which may be related to cemetery operations. If this area has been removed from
cemetery dedication (title report Item 7), then it seems items 9, 10, and 11 would no
longer apply. Please verify this property has been removed from cemetery dedication and
update title report as necessary.
I ;an eriiig ki ision Conlmertis:
4. The Associated Earth Sciences geotech report dated January 6, 2015.
a. A minimum of two test pits at the exact location of the proposed infiltration
trench is required
b. Location map does not show the proposed facility.
c. Sieve analysis data included is for EP -1 and EP -3 only.
d. Provide textural triangle and correction factor —see Handout E72 D Requirements
for Establishing Design Infiltration Rates for submittal checklist.
5. Preliminary Drainage Report.
a. Page E-1 Description of infiltration trench states depth of 3', WWHM report input
was entered as 4' depth.
b. Page E-2 does not pertain to the proposed system.
c. Preliminary sizing per geotech report is 2 iph. 10 iph is suspected and may be
used "provided that this value is verified by field infiltration testing". Without
this further testing, the preliminary system must be sized using the design
infiltration rate of 2 iph.
6. Clearly indicate proposed points of access for each lot.
7. Sheet 3 of 4: Under ROOF/FOOTING DRAIN NOTE, please add verbiage indicating
that those systems will be part of the building permits, not the short plat process.
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within 90 days (or
by September 5, 2016) or the application will expire.
Since the application has been determined to be complete, a notice of application will be posted on the
subject property and mailed to adjacent property owners within the next two weeks consistent with ECDC
20.03.002. Once all City comments have been addressed, I will schedule the public hearing before the
Hearing Examiner.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
kc oo w ::.1 y.
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Cc: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician