Complete_moreinfo_PLN20160053.pdf11�c. 1 S9 -
December 7, 2016
121 51h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.edmonds
Roy Gursli
5909 — 164" St SW
Lynnwood, WA 98037
Subject: Letter of Completeness and Request for Additional Information
Edmonds Vista Apartment Complex
Design Review Application PLN20160053
Dear Mr. Gursli,
The City of Edmonds has reviewed the design review application for the proposed 19 -unit
Edmonds Vista Apartment Complex located at 8509 — 244th Street SW for completeness
pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002. The City has
determined that the application meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is
complete. Please accept this letter as the City's notice to applicant of determination of
completeness pursuant to ECDC 20.02.003. While the application is procedurally complete,
additional information and clarifications are needed for continued review of the application.
Please respond to the following so review of this application can proceed:
Planning Division Corninents:
1. Height:
a. Height Calculations: Please provide height calculations for each of the three
structures in the proposed project consistent with the described in ECDC 21.40.030.
There is an average grade calculation shown on sheet DR -09, but no height rectangle
and it cannot be determined which building the calculations apply to. Please see the
enclose handout B41 Height Calculation Information for more details regarding
height calculations.
b. Elevation Views: On at least one of the elevation views for each of the three
buildings show the average grade, maximum allowable height, proposed height, and
the 25 -foot elevation above average grade (in order to verify the 4:12 pitch above 25
c. Accessory Structure: Please note that the maximum height of the garage is 15 feet
pursuant to ECDC 16.30.040.
2. Landscaping:
a. Type I landscaping along eastern property boundary: The landscaping along the
eastern property boundary is not consistent with the Type I landscaping requirements.
The landscaping plan on sheet L1.1 references the Type I landscaping requirements,
but only shows one row of evergreen trees and none of the plan sheets indicate
whether a fence will be constructed along that property boundary. Please revise the
landscaping along the eastern property boundary to be consistent with the Type I
landscaping requirements as detailed in ECDC 20.13.030.A.
b. Type III landscaping along western and southern property boundary: It does not
appear that the landscaping along the western and southern property boundaries is
consistent with the Type III landscaping requirements. No trees are included in the
landscape plan along the southern property boundary and it appears taxus media is
being proposed as the evergreen tree along the western property boundary (as well as
the southern). According to the Western Garden book, taxus media is identified as a
shrub. Please ensure the proposed landscaping along the northern, southern and
western property boundaries are consistent with the Type III landscaping
requirements as detailed in in ECDC 20.13.030.C.
c. Type V Landscaping:
i. Total amount: Calculating the required amount of Type V landscaping from the
number of exterior parking spaces (28 spaces) 490 square feet of Type V
landscaping is required (17.5 square feet per park stall pursuant to ECDC
20.13.030.E). The site plan in Sheet DR -09 only shows 470 square feet of Type
V landscaping. An additional 20 square feet of Type V landscaping is required in
order to be compliant with the Type V landscaping requirements.
ii. Minimum size of planting areas: Pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.E.2.e the minimum
area per plant is 64 square feet. The planter near the southeast corner of the
Building 2 only appears to be 62 square feet. Please ensure all the Type V planter
areas are consistent the requirements of ECDC 20.13.030.E.2.
d. Off-site landscaping: The landscape plan identifies a few existing mature trees to
remain. Some of these trees are located on the adjacent property. Please note that
off-site trees cannot be counted towards meeting the landscape requirements for the
subject development.
e. Deviation from landscaping standards: ECDC 20.13.000 allows the Architectural
Design Board to interpret and modify the landscaping requirements of ECDC 20.13;
provided the modification is consistent with the purposes found in ECDC 20.10.000.
If the project proposes modifications of the landscaping requirements detailed in
ECDC 20.13, please identify the proposed modifications and demonstrate how the
proposed modifications are consistent with ECDC 20.10.000.
3. Parking:
a. Total Number of Spaces: Focusing on the unit make up (number of 1, 2, and 3
bedrooms) 33 spaces would be required (Note there is a discrepancy in the unit make
up between sheets DR -02 and DR -09. This does not impact required parking;
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however, please verify proposed number of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units). Sheet DR -02
also notes there is a 350 square foot private office with bath. Please explain the
intended use of this "Auxillery Space." Depending on the intended use, an additional
parking space may be required for this office space.
b. Tandem: Two of the parking spaces are shown to be tandem parking spaces (the two
spaces in front of the garages in Building 2). Pursuant to ECDC 18.95.030, tandem
parking spaces are prohibited except for extra parking spaces for guests in addition
the number of parking spaces required by the code and in single-family zoned
properties. None of the required parking spaces for the proposed development may
be tandem parking spaces.
Compact Spaces: Ten of the proposed parking spaces are identified as compact
parking spaces. In order to use compact parking spaces, pursuant to ECDC
18.95.020.Lb(1) it must first be demonstrate that sufficient parking area is available
to provide all required parking spaces at the full width dimensions. Please provide a
plan demonstrating that the required parking can be provided at the full width
dimensions as noted in ECDC 18.95.020. Lb(2).
4. Elevation view of garage: Please provide elevation views of the proposed parking garage.
Stairs in setback: The site plan shows stairs projecting into the setbacks. ECDC
16.30.040.C.2 allows for uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps, patios, and decks to
project one-third or four feet (whichever is less) into the required setback provided they
are no more than 30 inches above the ground level at any point. Please demonstrate that
all the projects into the required setbacks are no more than 30 inches above the ground
level at any point in the setback.
6. Lot coverage: The lot coverage calculations on sheet DR -02 do not include the parking
garage. Please include the garage in the coverage calculations for the site.
7. SEPA Checklist: Item B. Le does not provide the estimated quantities of grading for the
project. From looking at the contour lines and ground floor levels of Building 2 it
appears there could be substantial grading associated with construction of the project with
an approximately 10 -foot change in elevation between existing grade and proposed
ground floor level. Please provide estimated quantities of grading associated with the
project as required in Item B. Le of the SEPA checklist.
8. Consistency between plan sheets: There are several inconsistencies throughout the
design review packet. For example, the unit make up on sheets DR -02 and DR -09 do not
match, the ground floor elevations on sheets DR -09, L1.1, and DR -15 do not match, the
buildings shapes and projects shown in the elevation views do not seem to match the
footprints shown on sheet DR -09, the stairs on the west side of Building 2 (DR -09) do
not match the stairs shown on DR -12 and DR -13. Please ensure all the plan sheets are
consistent and accurately depict the proposed project.
9. Lighting plan: Please provide a lighting plan including exterior lighting, lighting
location, height and style of fixtures and intensity of illumination. The lighting plan is
necessary to evaluation design review criteria ECDC
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10. Full Size Plans: Please provide one set of full sized plans. Some of numbers, symbols
and features are difficult to determine on the reduced plans.
En inecrinP Division Comments:
For design review the Engineering division reviews the preliminary civil plans for
feasibility. Engineering has reviewed the subject application and found the following
information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Due to the difficulty in reading the
plans due to scale, and the number of revisions that will necessitate redesign, this review
shall not be considered a comprehensive review. Please ask the applicant to revise and
resubmit plans addressing each of the comments below.
1. The information on the submitted plans is largely unreadable due to scale. The plans
indicate a scale of 1:10 but have been submitted in a reduced format rendering them
unscalable. Please submit full site and civil sheets drawn to a minimum scale of 1:20.
2. The plans shall include the access out to 244th. This can be shown on a separate sheet
if necessary. Please include width, length„ surl'ace, stortnwater ni tigation, type of
easement, existing or proposed improvements atthe connection to 244th,, etc.
3. All two way drives shall be a minimum of 24' in width. Clearly show that this
requirement can be met in all locations.
4. Tandem parking is prohibited per Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC)
chapter 18.95.030. Please remove the two spaces at west end of parking lot.
5. Please show that the end (west) parking spaces on either side will have adequate area
to back out and position vehicles to drive forward out of the parking area.
6. Show that the parking requirements can be met in accordance to ECDC chapter
18.95.020. Clearly indicate the dimensions of the parking spaces and dimension the
drive aisle width between the parking rows. There is a note stating that garage size
can be adjusted to accommodate the parking spaces. Please make the necessary
changes prior to resubmission.
7. Please provide a turnaround if stipulated by the Fire Marshal.
8. Show that there is sufficient area for the garbage and recycling trucks to maneuver in
and out of the dumpster area. There is no area for the trucks to turn around in the
parking lot so it is necessary that they be able to use that area to do so.
9. Apartments buildings are required to have a minimum of one sewer clean out per
building. Condominiums are required to have one sewer clean out for each unit.
Please show on plans.
10. Massing sheet pg #5 references terraced rockeries. Rockeries are prohibited per
ECDC chapter 18.40.020. Please review code section for more information.
Retaining walls may be approved if designed in accordance to ECDC chapter
11. The Massing sheets, pgs #4 through pg#8 do not show the rain gardens, bioretention
swale, retaining walls or fenced yard areas as described on the Site Design plan pg
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12. Landscaping plan pg #14 does not show the same landscaped areas as the Site Plan pg
Stormwater rainaa7 e: As of January 1, 2017, the City of Edmonds will be adopting the
2017 City Stormwater Code. The code is available on our website by following the link
on the Informational Handouts page. Sources for the requirements of the new City code
are the 2012/2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
(SWMMWW) and the Edmonds Stormwater Addendum. The Addendum shall be
available within the next two weeks.
13. Please include impervious surface calculations on the plan sheet.
14. Please submit a orelirninary stormwater drainage a°c goal, and, Preliminary stalls repoq
including relim[ijAM tliltration rata and show on plans how the site will manage
stormwater consistent with the 2017 City Stormwater Code. The stormwater report
shall include reference to On -Site Stormwater Management BMP infeasibility in
accordance with the SWMMWW and the Edmonds Stormwater Addendum.
15. Please note that Category 2 projects (see code for definition) using the LID
Performance Standard option to comply with Minimum Requirement #5 cannot use
rain gardens. A bioretention BMP as described in the 2014 Stormwater Manual may
be used. Please revise plans to remove rain garden bmps.
16. This site discharges into the Edmonds Way basin. Please see the following
requirements related to this basin and incorporate:
Edmonds Community Development Code 18.060.D.5.b
iv. Direct Discharge f egnirerrterrt. Projects that discharge directly to Pta et Strrtrtd thr"ottpla the
City's la S (in accordance cwtth tete restrictions applicable to direct aiiwi atr es to Po et Sotind.
presented in Section 2.5.7 of Voltaire 1: of the l+;lNIW fir") do not have toachieve the 111:1
Perforarrance Standard, nor consider kaioreteattloat, rain Aatr errs, perineaable pavettrent, or d ll.
dispersion„ No nrnst meet the following:
aa, Projects rnatst irtrpleroeut BMP T5.13 (Post t, onstr rction Soil vitality & Depth), B Ps
T5" IO DownsporrtfttllInfiltration Systems.T5.1013 Dovnispoul DjspersionSysteins,or
T5.IOB Perforated tnh-ottt Connections;, and BmP "1"5.11 Conceritrated flow Dispersion
or T5.12 Sheet Plow Dispersion. if feasible for all new pltts replaced hard starfaaces and
land disturbed. See the S MM Via° and the Ertrrrcrnds for
additional details on On-site Storraravater Mattogetnetat fllvl"P infeasibility,
h. Edmonds "'day specific re uireanents. After applying the re(pinernenrs in iterrr (a) alcove,
for all remaining project .site rarno�ff (e.g., ;;il'otta rantnaaraged starlhcesw or from) overflow
Broin oar-siteNIP"s), the post-deaaelopaatent 10-, and 1011 -year reoirrence interval peak
flows shall not exceed, 0.25 and 0.45 critic feet Per second per acre of impervious sairhace
area, respectively°, See the ehnon(15 8tor•rr inner° Addendion for° additional details.
17. On the submitted plans, the stormwater outfall is shown on the adjacent property to
the east, not to the WSDOT property. The existing natural discharge area appears to
be towards the southeast corner of the property. Please address this in accordance
with the 2017 Stormwater Code.
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I"ire lie artment Comments:
1. Fire access roads including turn around and including fire lane markings - IFC 503.2
AND 503.3 AND COE/FDI Standard.
2. Fire protection water supplies/fire flow requirements - IFC 507 and Appendix B.
3. Fire Hydrant locations - IFC Appendix C and ECDC standard.
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within 90
days (or by March 7, 2017) or the application will expire.
Since the application has been determined to be procedurally complete, a notice of application
will be posted on the subject property and mailed to adjacent property owners within the next
two weeks consistent with ECDC 20.03.002.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
erryemlien&edn on l ry .gpv.
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