Complete_Moreinfo_PLN20160059.pdf'Oe. 10"
January 18, 2017
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.edmondswa go
David Estes
Strotkamp Architects
PO Box 501
Burlington, WA 98233
Subject: Letter of Completeness and Request for Additional Information
Magic Toyota
Design Review Application PLN20160059
Dear Mr. Estes,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the augmented design review
application for the new Magic Toyota building at 21300 Highway 99 for completeness pursuant to
Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and ECDC 19.00.030. The City has
determined that the application meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is complete.
Please accept this letter as the City's notice to applicant of determination of completeness pursuant to
ECDC 20.02.003. While the application is procedurally complete, additional information and
clarifications are needed for continued review of the application. Please respond to the following so
review of this application can proceed:
Planning Division Comments:.
1. Landscaping:
a. Type V — The site plan indicates there are 189 surface parking and display spaces
associated with the new site layout. Pursuant to ECDC 20.13.030.E, Type V landscaping
requires 35 square feet of landscaping for each space which means 6,615 square feet of
Type V landscaping is required. The landscape plan indicates 5,791 square feet of Type
V landscaping has been provided. Please add additional Type V landscaping in order to
comply with ECDC 20.13.030.E. Also, please identify the square foot of each Type V
landscaping island so compliance with ECDC 20.13.030.E.2 can be verified.
b. Type III — Pursuant to ECDC 16.60.030.A. Lk, when no setback is otherwise required,
Type III landscaping three feet in width and continuous in length is required between
uses in the same zone. No landscaping is indicated along the western property boundary
other than the Type V landscaping islands. Please provide a continuous landscape strip
of Type III landscaping along the western property boundary.
2. Lighting: ECDC 16.60.030.C.3.a notes that, "All lighting shall be shielded and directed away
from adjacent parcels. This may be achieved through lower poles at the property lines and/or full
`cut off fixtures." ECDC also provides that, "External lights shall be shielded,
trained or directed in a manner which minimizes glare onto adjacent property or passing traffic."
The cover letter refers to the photometric plan for information on compliance with ECDC
16.60.030.C.3; however, it cannot be determined how the project complies with ECDC
16.60.030.C.3 or ECDC 17.60.030.B. While the City of Edmonds does not have specific
standards for the amount of illumination allowed by specific projects, the development lighting
levels should not create a bright spot out of character with the neighborhood.
In order to further evaluate lighting, please provide a written description on how the project
complies with ECDC 16.60.0303.C.3 and ECDC and provide illumination
measurements at least to the street side of the sidewalks. For numerical guidance on not creating
a light island, it may be helpful to refer to the City of Lynnwood's Outdoor Lighting Standards in
Lynnwood Municipal Code 21.17. For instance, LMC 21.17 provides outdoor sales frontages an
allowance of 1,500 lumens per lineal foot, which is the standard applicable to the dealership
across Highway 99 from Magic Toyota. Also on the lighting plan, it appears the light standards
along the frontage (Group C) are the only lights not using LED lights. Could you describe why
LED lights are not proposed for the frontage?
3. Height calculations: Please provide height calculations for the proposed building.
[,,iigineering Division Cominentsm
1. Please provide a cross section of the frontage improvements along 212th St SW and Highway 99.
a. 7-10 foot wide sidewalks are required along Highway 99 (width determined by available
b. Along 212th St SW, a 7 -foot sidewalk will be required. Within the first 250 -feet of the
property frontage (from Hwy 99 towards the west along 2121h), street trees will not be
required. After that point, heading west, street trees shall be installed within 3' x 3' tree
c. The existing landscape buffer between travel lane and sidewalk shall be removed.
d. Any existing utility poles along the property frontage shall be relocated to fall outside of the
sidewalk area.
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within 90 days (or
by April 18, 2017) or the application will expire.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
, Kneerely,
� rnen Lien
Inior Planner
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