Complete_moreinfor_PLN20150023.pdf']1c. Is 9 v
June 30, 2015
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 - Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web:c,dcclk.grj
Tony Shapiro
A.D. Shapiro Architects, PS
18105 Sunset Way
Edmond, WA 98026
Subject: Letter of Completeness and Request for Additional Information
Accessory Dwelling Unit Application # PLN20150023
Mr. Shapiro,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the application for an
Accessory Dwelling Unit at 9011 —192nd Street SW for completeness pursuant to Edmonds
Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and 20.21.025. The City has determined that
the application meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is complete. Please
accept this letter as the City's notice to applicant of determination of completeness pursuant to
ECDC 20.02.003. While the application is procedurally complete, additional information and
clarifications are needed for continued review of the application. Please respond to the
following so review of this application can proceed:
1. Site Plan:
a. Please clearly identify the three off street parking spaces on the site plan.
b. Please identify the primary ADU entrance and how it will be accessed on the site
c. Show fences and other structures on the site plan.
2. Floor Plan: Please include floor plan for the entire residence with the ADU application.
Clearly identify on the floor plan which portions of the residence are going to be used for
and by the ADU.
3. Building Comments: Please see the attached comments from the Building Division.
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within
90 days (or by September 28, 2015) or the application will expire.
Since the application has been determined to be complete, a notice of application will be posted
on the subject property and mailed to adjacent property owners within the next two weeks
consistent with ECDC 20.03.002.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
kenicqi.lien,(u>ehdmorids\ F,i aov.
Cc: Curt and Theresa Pruett