October 24, 2006
Stephen Waite
Waite Architects
111 Elm Street
Edmonds WA 98020
Dear Mr. Waite:
Your application for the design review of Kero’s Auto Brokers located at 22304 Highway 99 in the
General Commercial (CG2) zone has been determined to be and has been scheduled for
Architectural Design Board (ADB) review at the time and place listed below.
Action: Architectural Design Board Review
File Numbers: ADB-06-119 (AKA PLN20060119)
Date of Meeting: December 6, 2006
Time of Meeting: 7:00 PM (or as soon thereafter as possible)
Council Chambers
Place: Public Safety Complex
250 5 Avenue North, Edmonds
Hearing Body: Architectural Design Board
Also, although it does not affect the “completeness” of your application, please be advised of the
following comments, which will eventually need to be addressed:
1. The parcel number shown on the land use application appears to be for the parcel next door. You
show 27042900306600 on the application – if this needs to be changed, please redline the land
use application or submit the correct parcel number in writing.
2. The Engineering Division will be reviewing the impervious surface calculations with the building
permit submittal. They will need a breakdown of the impervious surface calculations in order to
determine if a detention system will be required. Please contact Lyle Chrisman at 425.771.0220
extension 1324 if you have any questions.
3. Fire Marshal John Westfall redlined the site plan you submitted with your ADB application on
Friday 10/20 which now shows “Fire Access Striping.” Please let me know if you would like to
look at the file and I’ll be happy to go over it with you. Please contact John Westfall at
425.771.0213 if you have any questions.
Please be aware that your presence at the hearing is highly advisable. If an applicant or his representative
is not present, the item may be moved to the end of the agenda. Items not reached by the end of the
hearing will be continued to the following month’s agenda. If you have further questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 425.771.0220, extension 1778. Thank you for your interest in development in
the City of Edmonds – I look forward to working with you on this project.
Gina Coccia
CC: PLN-2006-0119 (ADB Minor)