CRA19960183.PDFCritical Ar(111111111 -iecklist
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Site, Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation)
1. Site AddressfUcation: I (oL4--,> P1 VJ
2. Property Tax Account Number: 5 173 t Q 9 -7 (D 0 2-jC) 10
•� :. .
3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): QLA-A k
4. Is this site currently developed? —yes; '$- no.
if yes; how is site developed?
5. Describe the general site topography. Check all .that apply..
Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site.
Rolling: slop
es site generally less than 1.5% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a
horizontal distance of 66-feet).
Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15 % and less than 30 % a vertical rise
of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet).
Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a
horizontal distance of less than 33-feet).
Other (please describe):
6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water- ge Approx. Depth: 10 4_(Al
7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: Approx. Depth:
What season(s) of the year?.
8. Site is in the floodway floGdplain of a water course. LA_WVA,_0W VL-
9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year-
round.* seasonal?
is round.? * Flows are(What time of year?
10. Site is primarily: forested
I urban landscaped (lawn shrubs etc)
;rneadow _; shrubs -, mixed
11. Obvious wetland is present on site:
r Ciq Staff Use Only
1. Site is Zoned?. R I Z P,5 - 201 2. SCS mapped soil type(s)? _.4 5,4 g4.,Aq
'Vw 7Mo
3. Wetland inventory or C.A. map indicates wetland present on site?
4.-�- t-,.Critical Areas inventory or C.A. map indicates Critical, Area on site? Cj&ct 26 tjow, "'A otef
5.. e within designated earth subsidence landslide hazard area? Ya 36 .04 0*�
6. Site designated on the,Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map? Yes - Stqx en .,�-
Reviewed by:
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City of Edmonds
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Critical Areas Checklist
The Critical Areas Checklist contained on
this form is to be filled out by any person
preparing a Development Permit
Application for the City of Edmonds prior
to his/her submittal of a development
permit to the City.
The purpose of the Checklist is to enable
City staff. to determine whether any
Potential Critical Areas are or may be
present on the subject property. The
information needed to complete the
Checklist should be easily available from
observations of the site or data available at
City ball (Critical Areas inventories, maps,
or soil surveys).
An applicant, or his/her representative,
must fill out the checklist, sign and date it,
and.submit it to the City. The City will
review the checklist, make a precursory site
visit, and make a determination of the
subsequent steps necessary to complete a
development permit application.
With a signed copy of this form, the
applicant should also submit a vicinity map
or plot plan for individual lots of the parcel
with enough detail that City staff can find
and identify the subject parcel(s). In
addition, the applicant shall include
other pertinent information (e.g. site
plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in
conjunction with this Checklist to assist
staff in .completing their preliminary
assessment of `the site.
I have completed the attached Critical Area Checklist and attest that the answers provided are
factual, to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below).
Owne / Applicant: Applicant Representative:
AY-M cx&
Name t "' ��
179 13 -B Wl,- Avc c)
Street Address
h n��d v� �- q%v3�
Cit , State, ZIP Phone
Signature Date
Street Address
City, State, ZIP Phone
azure Date
City of Edmonds
Critical Areas Determination
Applicant: [Armando Chilelli Determination #: CA-96-183
Project Name: Permit Number:
Site Location: 16424 - 75th Place W, (Lot Property Tax Acct #: 5131 097 002 0104
2 and North 1/2 of Lot 3)
Project Description
Non -Project Specific
Determination: Study Required:
During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site appears to contain
and/or is adjacent to a number of critical areas, including a Steep Slope Hazard Area,
Landslide Hazard Area, Erosion Hazard Area and a Wetland/Stream pursuant to Chapter
20.15B of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC).
Based on these findings, prior to submission of any development permit, you will be required
satisfy the requirements of ECDC 20.15B by completing the following:
To determine if a Steep Slope Hazard Area does exist, a topographic survey prepared by a
Licensed Land Surveyor delineating Steep Slope Hazard Areas must be completed. Any slope
over 40 % with more than 20 feet of rise will be classified as a Steep Slope Hazard Area. A
50 foot buffer is required from both the top and toe of the slope. A 15 foot building setback is
required from the 50 foot buffer.
For development of any kind which is proposed within the critical area, 50 foot buffer or 15
foot buffer setback, it must be shown that the development will not adversely impact the
Critical Area or its buffer, by doing one or possibly both of the following depending on the
outcome of the study:
1. For development proposals which will occur within the 50 foot buffer, but no closer
than.10 feet from the top or toe of the slope, the 50 foot buffer requirement may be
reduced to 10 feet if a study is completed by a licensed geologist or geotechnical
engineer which clearly demonstrates that the proposed buffer alteration will have no
adverse impact upon the site, the public or any private party. All Critical Area Studies
must be completed under a three party contract where the City hires the professional
required, and the applicant pays for the study (pursuant to ECDC Section 20.15B.150).
2. If development must occur within the critical area, buffer, and/or buffer setback, and is
not identified as an exception per ECDC Chapter 20.15B, a Reasonable Use Exception
and Variance must be obtained pursuant to ECDC 20.15B.180A and 20.15B.040C.
Landslide Hazard Area
All proposed development of the subject lot must meet the requirements of Chapter 19.05
(Building Permits - Earth Subsidence and Landslide) of the Edmonds Community
Development Code. Note that building permits within the Meadowdale Landslide Hazard
Area require more detailed information than is normally required, which is detailed in the
Meadowdale Earth Subsidence Packet.
Erosion Hazard Area
The site is also in anarea designated on the Critical Areas inventory as Slopes with Erosion
Potential. All proposed development must have an erosion control plan approved by the City of
Edmonds Engineering Department.
My site investigation has shown that at the site or adjacent to it that the soil is moist (on a dry
September day) and that the slope shows evidence of water draining across it. The
Engineering Division has confirmed that the entire slope has seeps and that interceptor drains
have been placed east of the road, which drain into the stormdrain and down into Puget Sound.
Based on the above findings, a Critical Areas Study is. required to determine the hydrology of the
area and to delineate the approximate boundaries of any wetland or stream and identify its
buffers. If the seeps do not constitute wetlands or streams, then the study should -also address
what type of construction techniques are needed to place driveways or structures on this site. All
critical areas studies shall be performed as three party agreements with the city selecting the
consultant and the property owner or applicant paying the fees.
If the results of the Critical Areas Study determine that the lot may not be developed, the
applicant may apply for a Reasonable Use Exception and Variance pursuant to ECDC
20.15B.180A and 20.15B.040C).
If the property owner wishes to apply for a specific development permit which they feel
would not impact the Critical Areas located on the site, they may submit their proposal to
the Planning Department for review. If the Planning Department finds that the proposed
development permit will not adversely impact a Critical Areas or its buffers, a conditional
waiver may be issued on a project by project basis.
Name Ugnature Date