CRA1997006604/18/1997 10: 20 2067830305 I�IIi�III MPF i qq-- Q ('!d VVJ toinr t1,ur �•�uo L01 40" Q 01; TECH 94/18/1497 09e52 286781i1305 CAC? pq� d CA F1fl: iVO,_�" C tica� Ames Sits InfolMfilOrt (abilsf too L� T���WII,Wi�4i1WT.111.�_w=�Yl.+rlT#iI�v1YW P gra P hy1 tTydrell0V jvwgxfttlon) I. Site Add"/ IrMtion: aim a,-, I Prop erep Tax Aa;omt R .r 3, Approxi mia Site Sin -='-0'� � ._,�.... ( or aclstare ftet}: •�. • � � k,. 4_ Is This site. cua g ady d�tvekppW? }f �y,, j' ee•� � Y if yti:�f l is site dwvdopW? 4.r � ni, �'* Ilr% e—&- S• Dewrtba the ge xew aitR "Smphy. Ch ch &H ftta;Ply, �•.` Fiat: less than 5-fo@t s10"tianehange orr tntlra site. Raiting; slopes on site generally leas than 15% (a vardcal rise of TO.feat pVr . hariauo Ul diottme of 66-feet), 'lly. sl°Fas pnowAaaiaaRTe of abort+e dw WVM"4j" Oft305i r se of lateet *v= a horizgntal d axtce of 0 tv a t)! St4ep: padea of gre wr than 30% resent Est site v p 4a erlical x•Lns of Xatit over a Vital diatanre of loss tf, m ig- .0s Other (yitaae 4"CrR e); g• Site contains am of yeer-retMd fta Wate r. ate �•+",�,,� aru�s o" �.: �. �� ettndmg water: �,; Apprm. Mp& What saascsO) of tit@ year? B. Site .is in tit: flceodway . ,� ti odplain-jhi of it wa%r count, 0. Site contains a or art gnm W)tsrE witrr floWS Sa ty ('L year-round? �ta,�„ err *Q+ucntal. ►� P"`� =dam? Mawl Bice ' — "j _,.. (W'Itat !hm at Felt? }. 10. 31% it prirarlly: forested : meadow---.., �; ahrtt� UAW iandeeaped (Uwn .tgr W etc) -- 11. Obvious w atland is present on site: .r _....�Qc�iFi�'�wJ{i{7`iS��CaA\l�if�•l t�f.. _ ...�._..,w........__.f .!'r�Yn..'_,. •F�'•� 53 mamd soil typoll,AL��O`���.�dgr� QWtW Ames ;Cr1t:. Huff+ ttid tts Caltie $iGe �tltiriytwrlg�Is� i+�r�'ai�lsttde�is�d al9lluTe �i�ITa�RnaOi�ol+irdiu?p�v�iiviie�t431v'Str;e��tieoilsr...'.r�:.dti''" �'t ,:1.<� .rq�'sj�.... ��''.��; � "' ..., i�;+}� I. .'i�a :I�`qq....fi+», r•��.yrnqa•' ;n'..r-ti. • l' 5•.� r,.l ir.,. � �:1i i i �.L �� �,: .. yy�;Y �■p��. f�ri�RlT'\r�V�,��1,�r'�W..�S rI •1���5�.r�::�: tv. r • ' • � � j;..,a.;;,,�.. 4:' _ r,! r�.�,:,._Lwy!,,..' sirr ,,• ��{"a '. q "„� u , .� .a., ... �:r�,�;idf,k:,'•i t,�5 ,qy�• I :t'+ i4 i:��l�A r;. /4�{(]``'T/�Y`�'.I �. N., &.0 Pt-5 04/18/1997 10:20 2067830305 Oaf in; a r 11; UQ -U4UV 40a %OI L 494fWMI 01j:Ole zub1UJIDJ D CCCI PAGE 02 rn��ri4 �a�vc «,..n yyvur t::tid P" 03 City of Edmonds Critical Areas Checklist sae. t villa The Gd&al Ares OmWist centauted on this fora+ is to be Mud out by sexy person preparingr s D"dopmgnt Permit Application for dw O y of Edrxtor►ds prior to his/her submittal of s development permit to the City. The pwrposo of the ChoclAst is to enable City sb i to debwaaw whether any. potential Critical Arms are or may be present on the subject property. The irdermthon needed to complete the Chwklist should Us ply availabia from obssrvatiev►s of the site or dAta► avallaMe at City Hatt (Cartdc.A Areas inventories, gyp$, or soli sttrrreys). An applimt, or his/her representative, tx not fill out the chocklvat, slip and dxts it and subnt it to the pity. Tho City will review am cturci usk take a paew`tary* 41W visit, and zucs a de=*Mdon of the subsequent steps n0=85Aq to complete sa development permit Appikation. .r•. .�... c4rp,- ti.. Wi6a cagy o���,ia6;; i�, the appll tt shmdd also suWit a tr dxnty, map or p1001M for indavidud lots o the prod with enough deto that City sra.£f can SPA and idantUy the subjwt pi(s). to atton, the applie shoo iadade other p+at"nent Info udon (e g. site plan, topography map, Oft) or dedies in conjurzKon With tus Chw"d to "do shff to compie ft t!*lr preUminary assesstee t angle site. l have completed the attached Critical Area Checklist and at t that the answers provided are factual. to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate colunm WOW). 't NnW/AppYiear►t; � It �a�taitt�ez CASE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. PARA ;r &er r rti! TG� 'a I i C,; Name Name 9757 Greenwood Ave. No stm st t ddrm Seattle, WA 98103 783-4377 C1 , fato, filp done d-18-9 i-9 i sren�r* V*t4 Se;��I.! i& 4L�'� � 9 Za1W75bb Cky�Mile _,a 4Ak/q7 slum ere Dad City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: Hall Determination #: CA-97-47 Project Name: Permit Number: Site Location: 1225 Viewland Way Property Tax Acct #: 7295-000-004-00 Project Description: Non -Project Specific Determination: Study Required The purpose of this study would be to identify the location and type of the slope and the required buffers and setbacks. The slope appears to be a Steep Slope Hazard Area. This would need to be confirmed with a Geotechnical study. If it is a Steep Slope Hazard Area, a buffer of 50 feet is required from the top of the bank/slope and a 15 building setback from the edge of the buffer. The Geotechnical study may recommend a modification of the 50 buffer down to 10 feet. If an applicant feels that their development proposal will not effect the Critical Area in any way, they may request a Conditional Waiver from the requirement to prepare a Study. Conditional Waiver Criteria must be reviewed on a project by project basis and all criteria must be found to apply: 1. There will be no alteration of the Critical Area or its required buffers; 2. The development proposal will not impact the Critical Area in a manner contrary to the goals, purposes, objectives and requirements of the Critical Areas ordinance; 3. The development proposal meets the minimum standards of the Critical Areas ordinance; 4. The above findings are based on the following conditions of approval: a.) "relevant conditions" Stephen Bullock April 21, 1997 Name Sigifature Date