CRA20010054.PDFIIII�III Site Information (soils/ al. 2. Site Address/Location: Critical Areas Checklist No: oa 5q ,graphy/ hydrology/ vegetation) Property Tax Account Number: 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): / , Z i3 ¢3 Hrn - j zuul 4. Is this site currently developed? f yes; no. PERMIT COUNTER If yes; how is site developed? 6mg/V 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all"that apply. Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. Rolling: slopes on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal / distance of 66-feet). Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30% ( a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). Steep: grades of .greater than 30% present. on site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 33-feet). Other (please describe):' 6. • 7. 8. 9. 10. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: N/A ; Approx. Depth: Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: hVA Approx. Depth: What season(s) of the year? Site is in the floodway --7J"� floodplain of a water course. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds, surface? Flows are year-round? /& Flows are seasonal? (What time of year? ). Site is primarily: forested ; meadow ;shrubs ; mixed urban landscaped (lawn,shrubs etc) %/ Obvious wetland' is present on site:. G:\Share\Libcary\Planning\Forms\Public Handouts\ Critical Areas Checklist Doc/1-16-2001. City of Edmonds Development Services Department Planning Division ' Phone: 425.771.0220 ; Fax: 425.771.0221' DATED RECEIVED: 5 b k CITY RECEIPT M Critical Areas File M OJ-514 Critical Areas Checklist Fee:_ $45.00 ;DATE:MAILED:TO;:APPLICANT:. CRITICAL" AREAS CHECKLIST The Critical Areas Checklist contained`,on, this" -form is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of a development permit to the City. The purpose. of the Checklist is to enable City: staff to determine whether any potential Critical Areas are,'or may be, present on the subject property. The information needed to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). The"ivity,'will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. Please submit. a vicinity map, along with the. signed copy of this form to assist City staff in finding and locating the specific piece of property described on this form. In addition, the applicant shall include other pertinent information (e.g. site plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assistant staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. An applicant, or his/or representative, must fill out,.ther,; , checklist, sign and date it, and submit it to the City. I have completed the attached CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST and attest that the answers provided are factual to the best of my knowledge (fill out the appropriate column below). PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Owner/Applicant: Name 641Z 6)Gy44j016 MI&W Dti Street Address (��1)mDi-Ib s' IAJ,4 GIP000 City State Zip Telephone: /� �� -- .7 7 6 — RS -1G Signature Date: Applicant Representative: Name 1?1z4 iv Street Address ity State Zip . zz4 -s 7so • • Date: L� 16), • G:\Share\Library\Planning\Fonns\Public Handouts\ Critical Areas Checklist Doc/1-16-2001 • • • City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: Jon Simpson / JWS Design for Determination #: CA-01;.52 S4 Steve and Jill Miller (Owners) Project Name: Remodel/Addition Permit Number: 01-0134 Site Location: 8412 Olympic View Dr. Property Tax Acct #: 4346 000 00104 Project Description: Construction of a new covered rear entry and living room addition within existing footprint of residence as shown on attached site plan Waiver Criteria (all criteria must be found to apply): X There will be no alteration of the Critical Area or its required buffers; X The development proposal will not impact the Critical Area in a manner contrary to the goals, purposes, objectives and requirements of the Critical Areas ordinance; X The development proposal meets the minimum standards of the Critical Areas ordinance; X The above findings are based on the following conditions of approval: 1. This conditional waiver is only for the additions shown in the attached site plan. 2. A building permit is required for all work. Based on the above findings and conditions, the requirement for a Critical Areas Study associated with this development permit is hereby Waived, as authorized by Chapter 20.15B.040 (A)(1) of the Edmonds Community Development Code. Star Campbell �c.,.-.,�J1� 4/12/2001 Name Signature Date • �J City of Edmonds Critical Areas Determination Applicant: Jon Simpson of JWS Design Determination #: CA-01-54 for Steve and Jill Miller (Owners) Project Name: Permit Number: Site Location: 8412 Olympic View Dr. Property Tax Acct #: 4346 000 00104 Project Description: Phase 2, Master Bedroom and Laundry Room addition to the North side of the existing residence structure as shown on the attached site plan Waiver Criteria (all criteria must be found to apply): X There will be no alteration of the Critical Area or its required buffers; X The development proposal will not impact the Critical Area in a manner contrary to the goals, purposes, objectives and requirements of the Critical Areas ordinance; X The development proposal meets the minimum standards of the Critical Areas ordinance; X The above findings are based on the following conditions of approval: Waiver is only for proposed addition described above and shown on attached documents. Based on the above findings and conditions, the requirement for a Critical Areas Study associated with this development permit is hereby Waived, as authorized by Chapter 20.15B.040 (A)(1) of the Edmonds Community Development Code. Star Campbell N 5/30/2001 Name Signature Date • C7 0 -fig---- 1 CL 1 PROPOSED' MASTER BDRM t LAUNDRY .• ADDITION PER PLAN J SITE PLAN SCALE. 1 -40 0 1 h 1 1' r CtC l_ NO. c,Kn:06 A LA,;Fl t;l,: el-,!!-,-YA4rIC: 'JiEW GF; X EXISTING GUEST NOU5E STRUCTURE PROPOSED A'R� lo NEW ENTRY AND �� LIVING RM ADDITION PER PLAN EXISTING RESIDENCE 5TRUCTURE E 1 � � 1 •• 6 • 1 � X � �O 1 ! i 1 Q •1 � 1 I; �� a. fool --vr,-'a coco i77 cat, u6�-Sa❑ SMP dEO:TO iO-bZ-RVW • • nc�.1S9`1 Date: CITY OF E D M O 1 V D S GARY HAAKENSON 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771.0221 MAYOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Letter of Transmittal May 30, 2001 JWS Design To: ATTN: Jon Simpson 8924121 Ave. Southeast Newcastle, WA 98056 Subject: Conditional Waiver for Critical Areas Determination at 8412 Olympic View Dr. Transmitting the Conditional Waiver, Project Description, Site Plan Following Materials: For Your Information: X As you requested: X For your file: Comment: Note enclosures: X You will need to provide a copy of this with submittal of your building permit. Please give me a call at (425) 771-0220 if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, Star Campbell, Assistant Planner • Incorporated August 11, 1890 • Sister City - Hekinan, Japan C7 • JWS Design Associates 9924 121 AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEWCASTLE, WASHINGTON 98056 PHONE: (425) 226-5750 A jes FAX: (425) 227-6363 To: Star Campbell May 24, 2001 City of Edmonds Re: Millet Residence, 8412 Olymplc view Dr. Permit no. 01-134, Addendum to permit. HI Star, The attached is the revised site plan that reflects our proposed Phase 2, Master Bedroom and Laundry room addition to the North side of the existing residence structure as we talked about recently. This proposed addition has a total new developed footprint area of approx. 550 square Feet, is 41' from the Northerly property boundary, and is not in any steep slopes .area. Us will be ready to submit the plan addendum for building permit review In about two weeks. Please review for Critical areas Determination and contact me with any questions or comments you may have. T ank ou, Jo Simpson Design Assoc. Total pages sent including this cover (2) pages r-. r% 11--*-7 C-_7" uBL san SMr dEO = TO TO-bZ-XPW