CRA20050052u���u� C2ga�s� 5Z OF EDAfk4lO City of Edmonds Development Services Department Planning Division Phone: 425.771.0220 ra'�" I s91) Fax: 425.771.0221 The Critical Areas Checklist contained on this form is to be filled out by any person preparing a Development Permit Application for the City of Edmonds prior to his/her submittal of the application to the City. The purpose of the Checklist is to enable City staff to determine whether any potential Critical Areas are, or may be, present on the subject property. The information needed to complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at CAMM aMIMNO, P=il 05� 0113TIM PC # I �� D80 IR- Date Received: 0 , City Receipt #: Critical Areas File #: Critical Areas Checklist Fee: $135.00 Date Mailed to ADDlicant: A property owner, or his/her authorized representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it to the City. The City will review the checklist, make a precursory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. Please submit a vicinity map, along with the signed copy of this form to assist City staff in finding and locating the specific piece of property described on this form. In addition, the applicant shall include other pertinent information (e.g. site plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assistant staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to file this application on the behalf of the owner as listed below. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT DATE D �� i Property Owner's Authorization By my signature, I certify that I have authori d the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, and grant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of inspection and posting attendant to this application. �)IGNATURE OF OWNER I -- DATE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Owner/Applicant: coil �r�s Name 1 DO Zuv MN. 94 W Street Address Applicant Representative: IN50N PcNDKW Name -tm o 11w AUE q # W Street Address PMDNh Wk 1102 o WMC WA 190 City State Zip City State Zip Telephone: 115 - 115 - 4z l Email address (optional): torhNCinh@ADi•G m Telephone: 415 ` 444 -7141 Email Address (optional): comcA4t reef #P20 Critical Areas Checklist Site Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) 1. Site Address/ Location: 2. Property Tax Account Number: CA File No: O 30onZ 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): I�� 12 ti •� 4. Is this site currently developed? ✓ yes; no. If yes; how is site developed? 5lg4f fAMiLj MME 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. Rolling: slopes on site generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 66-feet). Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% and less than 30% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). �w..,�., Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on site (a�yerq} al rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 33-feet). ✓ Other (please describe): Vrm inn 6wr 10 (�Kj(.�COprp�jtt�(,((�, 0mriko 'Wor DC flirt 6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: NO ; Approx. Depth: 7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: No ; Approx. Depth: What season(s) of the year? 8. Site is in the floodway_ floodplain K0 _ of a water course. 9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year-round? go Flows are seasonal? NO (What time of year? ). 10. Site is primarily: forested ; meadow ;shrubs ; mixed urban landscaped (lawn, shrubs etc) 11. Obvious wetland is present on site: ND ______---_--__For City Staff Use Only 1. Plan Check Number, if applicable?� 2. Site is Zoned? 3. «— s SCS mapped soil type(s)? LC) to fz'y 1J t (C�l'1 t — L` err C Pt~3 4. Critical iyn-veentory�o-r� C.A. map indicates Critical Area on site? �JI- ,4L- &C.' F-4+ ZCr D �Areas 5. Site within designated earth subsidence landslide hazard area? 1 t c DETERMINATION STUDY REQUIRED WAIVER F Reviewed by: J- Vitl�-'�° Date: Critical Areas Checklist/3.25.2004 616 I�I J�IIfITlllll� :. / 830-- - - 827_- 809 ood Urban land complex, 2-8 % 741 731 728 101 �Il � 624 114 118 206 212 216 620 J 633 632 623 At, n. 7 �r u ........ . . . . 10, 031 rnr 0 341 209 307 313 315 / 300 314 324 342 350 652 654 656 907 909 #P20 CA File No: Critical Areas Checklist Site Information (soils/topography/hydrology/vegetation) 1. Site Address/Location: o Fluff P v W 2. Property Tax Account Number: 606;fj b t�DOIJ 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): If 1- ii0t 4�� 6F 4. Is this site currently developed? K yes; no.. — If yes; how is site developed? 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all thataply..„ _ t Flat: less than 5-feet elevation change over entire site. w X_ Rolling: slopes on site generally less than 15% 1 a distance of 66-feet). S 1-� Hilly: slopes present on site of more than 15% Ala !t over a horizontal distance of 33 to 66-feet). Steep: grades of greater than 30% present on sit - �l distance of less than 33-feet). Other (please describe): Zo �4P� r 6. Site contains areas of year-round standing water: Z 3 = 7. Site contains areas of seasonal standing water: ; A What season(s) of the year? 8. Site is in the floodway floodplain _� of a w� 9. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? Flows are year-round? Flows are seasonal? (What time of year? ). 10. Site is primarily: forested ; meadow ;shrubs ; mixed urban landscaped (lawn, shrubs etc) 11. Obvious wetland is present on site: For City Staff Use Only 1. Plan Check Number, if applicable? 2. Site is Zoned? PIS - 8' 3. SCS mapped soil type(s)? U - A (Qu- v,.,A - U r b a„ I &AA c zong ., . 8. 1 S 7. s �cac s 14. Critical Areas inventory or C.A. map indicates Critical Area on site? 90 15. Site within designated earth subsidence landslide hazard area? DETERMINATION STUDY REQUIRED Reviewed by: MWhM Date: 5}� 16Yyj,,�__ ya I f.t UA v , camN V+*k . -Frnr r rwd )rolscn —3, Fw . ~1-fi 'i lV/ U7 #P20 'QC. Ig9" City of Edmonds Development Services Department Planning Division Phone: 425.771.0220 Fax: 425.771.0221 The Critical Areas Checklist be filled out by any neram Permit ADmliwatittll� The pMpase oft st �IL me�b�aff to det ti tica Areas are, or may b su ject property. The information needed complete the Checklist should be easily available from observations of the site or data available at City Hall (Critical areas inventories, maps, or soil surveys). R E C E I V E D APR 1 9 2005 Date Received: - C} - City Receipt #: a (0 01 D 7_ ��� Critical Areas File #; 0� 0. ; —O Critical Areas Checklist Fee: $135.00 Date Mailed to Applicant: - -,200 P property owner, or his/her authorized representative, fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it e City. The City will review the checklist, make a sory site visit, and make a determination of the subsequent steps necessary to complete a development permit application. Please submit a vicinity map, along with the signed copy of this form to assist City staff in finding and locating the specific piece of property described on this form. In addition, the applicant shall include other pertinent information (e.g. site plan, topography map, etc.) or studies in conjunction with this Checklist to assistant staff in completing their preliminary assessment of the site. fithmil The undersigned applicant, an L/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to le this h ation on the behalf of the owner as listed below.SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT DATE D�• v / Property Owner's Authorization By my signature, I certify that I have autho Cied the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, and grant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of inspection and posting attendant to this application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER Owner/Applicant: Name ZU;11 1 my P� . V�1 Street Address EP WRK I WA JI Ozo City State Zip Telephone: yZ.S " 6 ?3— Pi� / Email address (optional): DATE F - I 4� - Applicant Representative: 0�;�N k Name _Mb'5 E. SAW ST. Street Address Gf, f wit City State Zip Telephone:2_11�20 Email Address (optional): CR , fll� eam. &M CITY OF EDMONDS CRITICAL AREAS RECONNAISSANCE REPORT Site Location: 22619 — 95th Place W. Tax Acct. Number: 00 5443 000 07 700 Determination: Study Required Determination #: CA-05-56 Applicant: Amy Frerker Owner: Michael & Carol Clark Case Design & Project Management CRITICAL AREAS RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: STUDY REQUIRED (CA-05-56) During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site may contain critical areas, including Geologically Hazardous areas, pursuant to Chapter 23.40 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC). GENERAL CRITICAL AREAS REPORT REQUIREMENTS Critical Areas Reports identify, classify and delineate any areas on or adjacent to the subject property that may qualify as critical areas. They also assess these areas and identify any potential impacts resulting from your specific development proposal. If a specific development proposal results in an alteration to a critical area the critical areas report will also contain a mitigation plan. You have the option of completing the portion of the study that classifies and delineates the critical areas and waiting until you have a specific development proposal to complete the study. You may also choose submit the entire study with your specific development application. Please review the minimum report requirements for all types of Critical Areas which are listed in ECDC 23.40.090.D. There are additional report requirements for different types of critical areas (see below). Note that it is important for the report to be prepared by a qualified professional as defined in the ordinance. There are options on how to complete a critical areas study and an approved list of consultants that you may choose from. You may contact the Planning Division for more information. General Mitigation Requirements for all Critical Areas are discussed in ECDC 23.40.110 through 23.40.140. STUDY REQUIREMENT — LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREA It appears that this property contains or is adjacent to a Landslide Hazard Area. • A Landslide Hazard Area is any area with a slope of forty percent (40%) or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten (10) or more feet (except areas composed of consolidated bedrock). • Landslide Hazard Areas are further defined and illustrated in ECDC 23.80.020.B. • In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, specific Critical Area report requirements for Landslide Hazard Areas are provided in ECDC 23.80.050. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ASSOCIATED WITH LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS Development is restricted within a Landslide Hazard Area and its buffer. • Projects that will intrude into these areas will require a report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. • The criteria that are applied depend on the amount that the buffer is reduced. • The buffer can be reduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet (with an additional 15' building setback per ECDC 23.40.280) if a report is prepared that meets the standards listed in ECDC 23.80.050). The alteration must also meet the requirements listed ECDC 23.80.060. • In addition, proposals to reduce the buffer to less than ten (10) feet must comply with the design standards listed in ECDC 23.80.070.A.3. ALLOWED ACTIVITIES Certain activities are allowed in or near critical area buffers as specified in ECDC 23.40.20. If you have any questions about whether your proposed development qualifies as an allowed activity, please contact a Planner for more information. EXEMPT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Certain development proposals may be exempt from Critical Areas Requirements (ECDC 23.40.230). If you think that a specific development proposal may be exempt, contact a Planner for more information. Name re ril 22, 2005 Date NOTE: Cited sections of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) can be found on the City of Edmonds website at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. 2 Al''d-'PiVVtU Aid INU I tU BY ENGINEERING ALL 9008160 SURFACES TO ■ ■ .,- NORTH PROP, LINE 181'-4-3/4" . , Date: "'�� 'r Ili 'allg0lllllllllllllllll�� :` . ���� ���IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EXST.ROCKERY PROPOSED CONC. r-- uSLAB vu ELEVI 100'•0° ELM 99ti9°..- i JEEXISTING TWO p CRY RESIDENCE c soa lfl" 1f sEw�Yi080 SP (1ST FLOOR) �j,�6T, AWAY082 SF (2ND FLOOR) M6 UNE i� ELEVt 991-4" VVATV- L tRf, r N r- ELM 99'4" ' SOUTH PROP. LINE 181'-4.314" 24,_C 21,_3„ T4 WNNECT TO 'EX EX. CATCH BASIN ON WEST SIDE OF ROAD USED FOR DATUM POINT 741-5" w I� pI�A1N��pCCG�- I LOT COVERAGE: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCS. 1966 SQ.FT. (13.3%) EXISTING BUILDING ROOF OUTLINE:1080 sf. (Const.1974) LOT AREA.. EXISTING DRIVEWAY:1790 sf. (Const.1974) 147810 SQ.FT. EXISTING WALKWAY: 60 sf. (Const.1974) PROPOSED ADDITION: 498 sf. PROPOSED CONC, SLAB: 225 sf. TOTAL EXISTING:2930 sf. TOTAL PROPOSED: 722 sf. TOTAL EX, + PROPOSED: 3662 sf. HEIGHT CALCS: A=107.9° B_100'-O" C=99'-8" D=105'11" 45'-3" ACCEPTABLE TIGHTLINE MATERIAL SDR 35 N-12 40 pro NOR �Nt RECEIVED APR 19 2005 PERMIT COUNTER APRIL-12, 2005 CLARK RESIDENCE - ADDITION SCALE:1" = 20' 22619 95TH PL. W. EDMONDS WA 98020 VE GRADE=103'-4" ' ACTUALM 1031.412" APPLICANT MAXIMUM=103'-4° + 25'-0" =128'4" COPY THE GALU GROUP Geotechnical Consulting Tony Case Case Design and Project Management 3903 E. James Street Seattle, WA 98122 Subject: Geotechnical Reconnaissance Clark Residence 22619 - 95th Place W Edmonds, WA 98020 Dear Tony: MAY 19 2005 BUILDING DEPARTMENT cPT' OF EDMONDS March 16, 2005 Project 1343-01 On May 9, 2005, a geotechnical engineer from The Galli Group visited the above referenced site to evaluate the existing foundation and soil conditions. The site is located on the East side of 95`h Place W. at the toe of a slope that ascends to the North at an inclination of about 80 percent for a total vertical distance of about 20 feet before flattening out again. The purpose of our site visit was to evaluate the influence on the existing slope from constructing an addition on the southeastern end of the existing residence. As shown architectural site plan, proposed addition will be situated about 20 horizontal feet away from the toe of the steep slope. Geoloiic and Soil Conditions The existing house is situated on the south -facing slope of a draw that traverses a north -south trending ridge. Geologic maps of the area indicate that the site is likely underlain by glacial till and Advance Outwash (Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and part of the Edmonds West Quadrangles, Washington, James P. Minard, 1983). Glacial till generally consists of unsorted mixtures of silt, clay, sand and gravel, "smeared" over the topography in front of the advancing glacier thousands of years ago. It was subsequently compacted by tons of ice. Glacial till tends to appear very dense, and can stand unsupported in near -vertical relief. When disturbed by moisture and traffic it can become unworkable. Advance outwash generally consists of glaciofluvial deposits of pebbly gravel and sand deposited in front of the glacier and then overridden by the advancing ice. The risk of erosion is greater in the granular advance outwash deposits than in the glacial till deposit. Advance f28 North 201 Lane. Seattle, Washington 98133 • Phone'(206) 546-8901 • Fax (206) 542-7625 Clark Residence — 22619 — 95 h Place W. May 11, 2005 outwash generally appears stable when undisturbed and can stand in slopes approaching 100 percent if groundwater or surface water runoff is not present. We walked the property and noticed evidence of sandy gravel in shallow excavations for the fence, as well as where soil was exposed on the slope. Sand and gravel was also evident in open trenches being excavated on 95 h Place. The observed soil appears more similar to advance outwash than glacial till, indicating that the site is likely situated near or below the contact between the glacial till and the advance outwash. We did not observe any indications of slope movement on the site. Mature Douglas Fir trees dotted the slope and no evidence of surficial erosion was evident. Surficial runoff is not directed toward the top of the slope from the property north of the site. No evidence of groundwater seepage was observed during our site visit. The existing basement wall and timber wall appeared to be functioning without distress. We observed no evidence of foundation settlement or cracking during our visit. Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon our geotechnical reconnaissance, the existing slope appears stable in its current condition. The proposed site improvements will not adversely impact the slope or slope system. Planned excavations consist of shallow excavations for spread footings. These will not adversely affect the existing slope or neighboring properties. The proposed addition will be situated about ten feet from the toe of a small portion of the slope (inclined at about 30 percent) and about 30 feet from the toe of the steep slope (inclined at about 80 percent as shown in attached site plan). This is sufficient to avoid risk to the current slope stability. We recommend restricting excavation on the steep slope and within 10 feet of the toe of the steep slope except for repair of fencing and similar minor soil disturbance. Site soils are subject to severe erosion potential if left unprotected, particularly from points of concentrated discharge, or side slopes from open excavations. We recommend covering stockpiled soil with plastic sheeting during inclement weather, and revegetating the exposed soils once construction is complete. A silt fence should be erected on the downhill side of the disturbed soil areas to prevent migration of sediment off site. Limitations and Additional Services The above recommendations are based upon observations of surficial soil conditions encountered in our research and limited site reconnaissance. If conditions are encountered during construction that vary significantly from those anticipated we should be advised so that we can revise our recommendations if necessary. This report is not intended as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. The above work was performed in general conformance with the state of practice for geotechnical engineering within the state of Washington within the limited scope of work for this project. 13521trrpt 2 of 3 The Galli Group Clark Residence — 22619 — 95t' Place W. May 11, 2005 Please do not hesitate to call if you have questions regarding this report. Sincerely, 'r ALL Paul L. Stoltenberg, P.E. Project Geotechnical Engineer Attached: Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: Portion of Site Plan (reduced scale) I I521trrot 3 of 3 ^�, SF- !( o�5' imms /Z-(�'•ab r The Galli Group W( Ciark Residence: 22619 W 95th Pl, Edmonds, 98020, Page & Grid 474 H1 CLARK RESIDENCE r I uuRC 1 — _ SOUTH PROP. LINE 161'+314' WEST SIDE OF ROAD ANT �'- cv NORTH SITE PLAN CLARK RESIDENCE FIGURE 2