CRA-2014-0059 Map.pdfqqt City of Edmonds Ldmonds 121 5th Ave N Lynnwood Edmonds, WA 98020 MtLake T. Woodway I'll is (IOCL 0�-al.ot ril at ion pui I) oses only an (I is provid ed on a n 'as is' and 'as available' basi��. T w dat.a' used comes hOM a Val-i(?ty of I-Mblic SOL-Rces and no warranty of any kind i,,, given as to its accuiicy .Use rs of this docun-ienl agiee to inclernilify and save harminss the C,ity of Edmonds, its officials, officeis�, ENE= 60 Feet