CRA20170201 determination.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS 121 5t" Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • PLANNING DIVISION '0C. 189., Critical Area Determination (CRA20170201) Based on a review and inspection of the subject site, staff has determined that one or more critical areas are located on or near the site. Critical areas are ecologically sensitive or hazardous areas that are protected in order to maintain their functions and values. Site Location Tax Account Number Property Owner Applicant Critical Area(s) Present Site Description 23028 97t" Ave. W 00434500000401 Chris Christianson Same ❑ Wetlands (ECDC 23.50) ❑ Frequently Flooded Areas (ECDC 23.70) © Geologically Hazardous Areas (ECDC 23.80) ® Erosion Hazard Areas ® Landslide Hazard Areas ❑ Seismic Hazard Areas ❑ Fish & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (ECDC 23.90) ❑ Streams The southern half of the subject site where the existing house is located is relatively level but the northern half gradually slopes down to the north. Near the northern edge of the parcel, the slope falls away steeply toward commercial development south of Edmonds Way in the Westgate Area. According to NRCS data, the southern half of the site is underlain by Alderwood Urban land complex soils (8-15% slopes) while the northern half is underlain by Alderwood-Gravely sandy loam soils (15 -25% slopes). As a result, the northern half of the site is a potential erosion hazard area and the slope just north of the site is considered to be a potential landslide hazard area. What does this mean? The critical area regulations are only triggered when an alteration is proposed to a critical area or its buffer. However, once an alteration in or near critical area is proposed, critical area studies and City review and approval may be required. What is an `Alteration'? According to Section 23.40.005 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC): "Alteration" means any human -induced action which changes the existing conditions of a critical area or its buffer. Alterations include, but are not limited to: grading, filling; dredging; draining; channelizing; cutting, pruning, limbing or topping, clearing, relocating or removing vegetation; applying herbicides or pesticides or any hazardous or toxic substance; discharging pollutants; paving, construction, application of gravel; modifying for surface water management purposes; or any other human activity that changes the existing landforms, vegetation, hydrology, wildlife or wildlife habitat value of critical areas. Mike Clugston, AICP, Associate Planner �i�/1,� December 8, 2017 r Name, Title Signature Date Cited sections of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) can be found at http://www. cod epublishing. com/WA/Edmonds Environmentally Critical Areas General Provisions (ECDC 23.40) Wetlands (ECDC 23.50) Frequently Flooded Areas (ECDC 23.70) Geologically Hazardous Areas (ECDC 23.80) Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (ECDC 23.90) Building permits — Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Areas (ECDC 19.10) City of Edmonds GIS map tool with approximate location of critical areas: http://maps. edmondswo. gov Page 12 " City of Edmonds CRA20170201 0 47.02 94.0 Feet This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and isfor referenceonly. Data layersthat appear on this map mayor may not be accurate, WGS 1984_Web _Mercator _AuxiIiary Sphere current, or otherwise reliable. © City of Edmonds THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION Legend Contour Lines 10 50; 100 ArcSDEGISSTF=T CEVTEF;JNE <all other values> 1 2 5; 4 9;71;7;8 Notes 23028 97th Ave. W #P20 Critical Areas File #:�'2�71�-b2C'�1 eO Initial Determination - $100 ❑ Subsequent Determination - $50 Date Received: t t /30/1am Date Mailed to Applicant: The purpose of this checklist is to enable City staff to determine whether any critical areas and/or buffers are located on or adjacent to the subject property. Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams and steep slopes, are ecologically sensitive or hazardous areas that are regulated to protect their functions and values. The City's critical area regulations are contained within Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters 23.40 through 23.90. Property Owner's Authorization City of Edmonds Development Services Department Planning Division Phone: 425.771.0220 www.edmondswa.gov A property owner, or an authorized representative, must fill out the checklist, sign and date it, and submit it to the City. Staff will review the checklist, conduct a site visit, and make a determination of whether there are critical areas and/or critical area buffers on or near the site. If a "Critical Area Present" determination is issued, a report addressing the applicable critical area requirements of ECDC Chapters 23.40 through 23.90 may be required depending on the scope of the proposed activity. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and grant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of inspection attendant to this application. The undersigned owner, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete infonnation furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE —Z .2U/vy Owner: Name Street Address City State Zip Telephone: 67, e -) %l1/- 3 Ol % Email address: LC —VI Applicant/Agent: Name Street Address City Telephone: Email Address: State Zip Revised on 114117 P20 - Critical Areas Checklist Page I of 2 CA File No: #P20 Critical Areas Checklist Site Information 1. Site Address/ Location: 2�0 ,7-0 2. Property Tax Account Number: X) 4 3 15 MDm Lt ® i 3. Approximate Site Size (acres or square feet): t hcP�- (.�Qpp 0 4. Is this site currently developed? G"Yes ❑ No If yes, how is the site developed? l i"760 �4_ i- 0w:: 5. Describe the general site topography. Check all that apply. ❑ Flat to Rolling: No slope on/adjacent to the site or slopes generally less than 15% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 66-feet). Moderate: Slopes present on/adjacent to site of more than 15% and less than 40% (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of 25 to 66-feet). ❑ Steep: Slopes of greater than 40% present on/ to site (a vertical rise of 10-feet over a horizontal distance of less than 25-feet). 6. Have there been landslides on or near the site in the past? ❑ Yes 'ENo If yes, please describe: 7. Site contains areas of year-round standing water? ❑ Yes (approx. depth: ) %�No Site contains areas of seasonal standing water? ❑ Yes (approx. depth: ) 4No If yes, what season(s) of the year? 9. Site is in the floodway or floodplain of a water course? ❑ Floodway ❑ Floodplain 10. Site contains a creek or an area where water flows across the grounds surface? ❑ Yes kNo If yes, are flows year-round or seasonal? ❑ Year-round ❑ Seasonal (time of year: ) 11. Obvious wetland is present on site? ❑ Yes &No ------------- ------j—�---- _ ---------- ------ For City Staff Use Only-------------_____� 1. Zoning: /L p I SCS mapped soil type(s):G.vIfIA / /o u l{c, ` d/`wo, Q S �0 0 �S — 2 ��/o I� r1 r 3. Critical Akkreas inventory or C.A. map indi tes Critical Area on site: ) j 4. Site within designated North Edmonds Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area (ESHLA)? v v Dc DETERMINATION ITTC L AREAS PRESENT WAIVER Reviewed by: Date: j_�_Yfn' �/ % Revised on 114117 P20 - Critical Areas Checklist Page 2 of 2