CRE Properties Warehouse.DOC
Date:March 25, 2008
To:Building Department
From:Mike Smith, Acting Fire Marshal 425-775-7720
Subject:CRE Properties/Office Warehouse 21030 70 the Ave W
Permit BLD20080065
The Fire Department has the following comments:
1) Ann Bullis, ABO, did a very thorough review and I will not duplicate her
2) During the Pre-App you submitted plans for a fully sprinklered building. The
plans I am reviewing do not show the building having a sprinkler system. Please
refer to John Westfall’s comments regarding fire apparatus access and the 150
foot limitation.(2006 IFC 503.1.1) Either extend the Fire Lane(minimum 20’ width
and 13’6” of overhead clearance) to the NE corner of the property and provide
more than 2’3’’ of clearance between the fence on the South and West sides of
the building (to ladder the building it will require at least 10’ of clear space) or
sprinkler the building.
3) If you sprinkler the building please apply for a Fire Connection Permit(see city
handout). The Fire Connection Permit is not deferred and must be issued with
the building permit,
City of Edmonds Fire Department