CTW Cooling Tower.pdf Page # Item # X: Tags - CTWR001 Calculate the maximum loading at the most critical restraint location. MfrModelMin. limitActualMax. limit EvapcoATWB 9-7H8 Ss =1.27ap = 2.5From the tables:Fp/Wp = 0.38 g's1.835 g's2.024 g's z/h =1.0Rp = 2Fa = DLE 1.00 Site ClassCIp = 1.5S = Load Combination 11 0.844 DS 0.7 Use GroupIVCalc'd Seismic Design CategoryLoad Combination 20.6 D Input DataCalculated Values WeightHcgXcgYcgHoriz g'sVertical g'sPhxPz MaxPz Min 16130 #86.2"44.9"50.8"1.2840.4821.11820715 #18035 #7773 # Overturning Rigid Weight Seismic Vertical Restraint Locations Iy1Ix1IxyJ1 LoadsDistributionDistribution 0.00"0.00"19752576225545505864 #2649 #88257140 44.44"0.00"02576025765864 #2688 #88707160 88.88"0.00"19752576-225545505864 #2728 #89147179 88.88"101.50"1975257622554550-5864 #2728 #-2814-4549 44.44"101.50"0257602576-5864 #2688 #-2858-4569 0.00"101.50"19752576-22554550-5864 #2649 #-2903-4588 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ThetaIy totalIx totalIxy totalJ total0 #16130 #180357773 Max Reactions per Location 180.0 deg0.000 rad789915453023352 Comp (Max Vert) 8914 # Tens. (Min Vert) 4588 # Tanr max# Vertical Restraints# Horizontal Restraints Shear 3479 # 0.00067.5"66 X: Tags - CTWR001Wind Loads Per ASCE7-10 MfrEvapcoModelATWB 9-7H8DLW 101.5"Wind Speed115 mphEquiv g's0.22Load Combination 11.2 Length 1 89.9"Mean Height54 ftExposure SummaryLoad Combination 20.9 Depth Urban/suburban, closely spaced buildings, trees 172.5"ExposureBB Height Open with scattered obstructions 16130 #qh25.9 psfC Weight Area 121.6 sq ftWind ForceDFlat, unobstructed, fields and water surfaces 3480 # Calculate the maximum loading at the most critical restraint location. XcgYcgHcgHoriz g'sVertical g'sPhPz MaxPz Min 44.9"50.8"86.3"0.2161.2000.9003480 #19356 #14517 # Restraint LocationsOverturning StaticWind Distribution Iy1Ix1IxyJ1 Loads1.0 g Vert XYMax VertMin Vert 0.00"0.00"1975257622554550-986 #2644 #2187 #1394 # 44.44"0.00"0257602576-986 #2686 #2237 #1431 # 88.88"0.00"19752576-22554550-986 #2727 #2287 #1469 # 88.88"101.50"1975257622554550986 #2733 #4265 #3445 # 44.44"101.50"0257602576986 #2691 #4215 #3408 # 0.00"101.50"19752576-22554550986 #2649 #4165 #3370 # CxCyIy totalIx totalIxy totalJ total0 #16130 #19356 #14517 # 44.4"50.8"790015453023353Comp (Max Vert) 4265 # Maximum Center of Restraints# Vertical Restraints# Horizontal RestraintsTens. (Min Vert) 0 # Reactions 44.4"50.8"66Shear 643 # Profis Anchor 2.5.0 www.hilti.us Company:The VMC GroupPage:12 Specifier:Project:Swedish Edmonds ACC Address:11930 Brittmoore Park Drive, Houston, TX 77041Sub-Project I Pos. No.:CTWR001 Phone I Fax:713-466-0003 | 713-466-1355Date:3/3/2015 E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: AWS D1.1 GR. B 7/8 Effective embedment depth: h = 6.500 in. ef Material: Proof: Design method ACI 318-08 / CIP Stand-off installation: e = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.750 in. b Anchor plate: l x l x t = 24.000 in. x 11.000 in. x 0.750 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) xy Profile: no profile Base material: cracked concrete, 3000, f' = 3000 psi; h = 20.000 in. c Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; edge reinforcement: > No. 4 bar with stirrups Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) yes (D.3.3.5) Geometry \[in.\] & Loading \[lb, in.lb\] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.5.0 www.hilti.us Company:The VMC GroupPage:13 Specifier:Project:Swedish Edmonds ACC Address:11930 Brittmoore Park Drive, Houston, TX 77041Sub-Project I Pos. No.:CTWR001 Phone I Fax:713-466-0003 | 713-466-1355Date:3/3/2015 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values \[lb\]Utilization LoadingProofLoadCapacity / \[%\]Status aaaaaaaa NV Tension Concrete Breakout Strength45881214438 / -OK Shear Concrete edge failure in direction x+34794346- / 81OK LoadingStatus Utilization \[%\] aaaaaaaayyyyaaaa NVN,V Combined tension and shear loads0.3780.8015/389OK 3 Warnings Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan OTHERMATERIALS,COMPOUNDS,ORFINISHESWITHEQUALORSUPERIORREVISION PROPRIETARY:EXCEPTASOTHERWISEAGREEDINWRITING,THEINFORMATIONANDDESIGNDISCLOSEDHEREINARETHEPROPERTYOFTHEVMCGROUPANDMUSTNOTBECOPIEDORDISTRIBUTEDOUTSIDETHEVMCGROUPEXCEPTTOAUTHORIZEDPERSONSWITHAGENUINENEE DTOKNOW 1.TWONESTEDSPRINGSYIELDTHISLOAD.THECOLORCODEINDICATEDISFOROUTERSPRING/INNERSPRING. PROPERTIESMAYBESUBSTITUTEDASTHEYBECOMEAVAILABLE. COLORCODE MODELM2SH-2F2-SPRINGSEISMICISOLATORSFORNOMINAL2"DEFLECTION GREEN/BLACK SPRING GRAY/GREEN GREEN/BLUEGRAY/BLACK BLACK/BLUE GREEN/RED RED/BLACK GRAY/RED RED/BLUE GREEN BLACK 78 GRAY BLUE RED SPRINGRATE NONE 1OF2 ISOLATORSELECTIONS (LB/IN) DRAWINGNO.: 10001150127514001500167519002200 150275425500650775 SCALE: SHEET: 5 6 NOTE:MATERIALSHOWNISFOR(1)SET. LOC2:LOC4:LOC6:LOC8: DEFLECTION THEVMCGROUP Bloomingdale,NJ07403 RATED ThePowerofTogether (IN) Houston,TX77041 4 3 RATEDLOAD CUSTOMEREQP'T.TAG: (LBS) 10001300155020002300255028003000335038004400 300550850 12 11111111 1 M2SH-2F-1300NM2SH-2F-1550NM2SH-2F-2300NM2SH-2F-2550NM2SH-2F-3000NM2SH-2F-3350NM2SH-2F-3800NM2SH-2F-4400N M2SH-2F-850NM2SH-2F-1000M2SH-2F-2000M2SH-2F-2800 M2SH-2F-300M2SH-2F-550 MODEL LOC1:LOC3:LOC5:LOC7: NOTES: VIBRATIONISOLATORS CONCRETE(6TYP) 13/16DIAHOLEFOR SEISMICRESTRAINT ATTACHMENTTO MODELM2SH-2F 2"DEFLECTION WHOBYTHEUSEHEREOFACKNOWLEDGETHEVMCGROUP'SOWNERSHIPANDAGREETOMAINTAINTHISINFORMATIONANDDESIGNINSTRICTCONFIDENCE. 3.STATICLOADRATINGSONSHEET2OF2AREFORGUIDANCEONLY.VALUESAREBASEDONTESTSOR CALCULATIONSWITHBASEPLATESBOLTEDTOSTEEL.FORATTACHMENTTOCONCRETE,CONSULT 11/2 3/4LIMITSTOPFORCLARITY) 6 (NOTSHOWN INTOPVIEW 21/2 13/4 (3/4) 1/4 1.STANDARDISOLATORFINISH:CASTINGANDWELDMENTS-ONECOATBLACKPAINT, 1ADJUSTINGBOLT ELASTOMERICCUP 5/8-11UNCTAPPED SPRINGS-POWDERCOAT,HARDWARE-ZINCELECTROPLATE. HOLE(4TYP) 71/2 21 1917 SWEDISH EDMONDS ACC 2.ESTIMATEDUNITWEIGHT:130LBS. 43/4 CERTIFIEDFOR: CUSTOMERP.O.: GAP 1/4 SALESORDER: 1 OPERATING FACTORY. FREEAND 7 CUSTOMER: (3/4) HEIGHT 103/8 1 JOBNAME: 9 NOTES: OTHERMATERIALS,COMPOUNDS,ORFINISHESWITHEQUALORSUPERIORREVISION PROPRIETARY:EXCEPTASOTHERWISEAGREEDINWRITING,THEINFORMATIONANDDESIGNDISCLOSEDHEREINARETHEPROPERTYOFTHEVMCGROUPANDMUSTNOTBECOPIEDORDISTRIBUTEDOUTSIDETHEVMCGROUPEXCEPTTOAUTHORIZEDPERSONSWITHAGENUINENEE DTOKNOW PROPERTIESMAYBESUBSTITUTEDASTHEYBECOMEAVAILABLE. 11000 16 10000 14 HORIZONTALLOAD(THOUSANDPOUNDS) 12000POUNDS (ATTACHMENTTOCONCRETE) 9000 12 SEISMICRATINGS NONE 10 2OF2 8000 DRAWINGNO.: FIGURE1 8 SCALE: SHEET: (ATTACHMENTTOSTEEL) 7000 6 SEISMICRATINGS HORIZONTALLOAD 46000 FIGURE2 THEVMCGROUP Bloomingdale,NJ07403 ThePowerofTogether Houston,TX77041 2 5000 1816141210 2220 8642 4000 )SDNUOPDNASUOHT(DAOLLACITREV 3000 2000 1000 0 0 210002000019000180001700016000150001400013000120001100010000900080007000600050004000300020001000 VIBRATIONISOLATORS DAOLLACITREV SEISMICRESTRAINT MODELM2SH-2F 2"DEFLECTION WHOBYTHEUSEHEREOFACKNOWLEDGETHEVMCGROUP'SOWNERSHIPANDAGREETOMAINTAINTHISINFORMATIONANDDESIGNINSTRICTCONFIDENCE. 4.GENTLYPLACEMACHINEOREQUIPMENTONTOTOPPLATEOFISOLATORBOLTEQUIPMENTORSUBBASE 5.THEEQUIPMENTWEIGHTWILLCAUSETHESPRINGANDTHUSTHETOPPLATETODESCENDANDRESTON 8.CHECKEQUIPMENTLEVELANDFINEADJUSTISOLATORSASNECESSARYTOOBTAINEQUIPMENTLEVEL. OFRECORDANDSHALLBEDESIGNEDTOADEQUATELYSUPPORTTHEWEIGHTSANDFORCESSHOWN. c)IFANYANCHORFAILSTESTING,TESTALLANCHORSUNTILTWENTY(20)CONSECUTIVEANCHORS B.THEINTERSECTIONOFTHEHORIZONTALLOADANDVERTICALLOADMUSTFALLWITHINTHECURVE 1.ISOLATORSARESHIPPEDFULLYASSEMBLEDANDARETOBESPACEDANDLOCATEDINACCORDANCE 7.ADJUSTEACHANDEVERYISOLATORINSEQUENCE,ONEFULLCLOCKWISETURNATATIME.REPEAT 2.LOCATEISOLATORSONALEVELFLOORORSUB-BASE,ENSURINGTHATALLISOLATORCENTERLINES 3.THERATEDLOADCURVESASSUMEONEOFTHEFOLLOWINGMETHODSOFTIE-DOWNATEACHBOLT THISPROCEDUREUNTILTHE1/4"OPERATINGCLEARANCEISOBTAINED.NOTE:BESURELIMITSTOP4.THESUPPORTSTRUCTURE(BYOTHERS)ISTHERESPONSIBILITYOFTHEARCHITECTORENGINEER MATCHTHEEQUIPMENTMOUNTINGHOLES.SHIMORGROUTASREQUIREDTOLEVELALLISOLATOR A.FOUR(4)3/4"DIA.HILTI"KWIK-BOLTII"WEDGEANCHORS,WITHMINIMUM43/4"EMBEDMENTINTO SECURELYTOISOLATORUSINGMINIMUMASTMA325(SAEGR.5)HIGHSTRENGTHBOLTS.BOLTS 3000PSICONCRETE.MINIMUMEDGEDISTANCEIS93/4".(NOTE:OTHERBRANDSOFANCHOR BOLTSMAYBEUSED,PROVIDEDTHEYAREOFEQUALSTRENGTHANDHAVEACURRENTICBO a)50%ORALTERNATEBOLTSINAGROUPSHALLBETENSIONTESTEDTO6200LBSTENSION. TOACHIEVERATEDLOAD,"SPECIALINSPECTION"ISREQUIREDONALLCONCRETEANCHOR 6.BACK-OFFONTHETWO(2)SIDELIMITSTOPLOCKNUTS,SOTHATTHEYDONOTHAMPERTHE A.CALCULATEVERTICALANDHORIZONTALFORCESACTINGONMOUNTINGS,INCLUDING b)TESTINGSHOULDOCCUR24HOURSMINIMUMAFTERINSTALLATIONOFANCHORS. BASEPLATES.A1/4"MAXIMUMDIFFERENCEINELEVATIONCANBETOLERATED. 3.ANCHORALLISOLATORSTOTHEFLOORORSUB-BASEASRECOMMENDED. 9.ADJUSTALLLIMITSTOPNUTSTOOBTAINA1/4"MAXIMUMCLEARANCE. WITHINSTALLATIONDRAWINGSORASOTHERWISERECOMMENDED. SHOULDNOTPROTRUDEMORETHAN1/8"BELOWTHETOPPLATE. PASS,THENRESUMETHEINITIALTESTINGFREQUENCY. B.FOUR(4)3/4"DIA.BOLTSPERASTMA307ORBETTER. TRANSLATIONSANDOVERTURNINGMOMENTS. INSTALLATIONANDADJUSTMENTINSTRUCTIONS SWEDISH EDMONDS ACC INSTALLATIONS,ASDESCRIBEDBELOW: NUTSCONTINUETOSHOWCLEARANCE. 1.TOUSETHERATEDLOADCURVES: FORTHESPECIFIEDPART. 10.ADJUSTMENTISCOMPLETE. THEUPPERBUMPERPADS. ADJUSTMENTPROCESS. RATEDLOADCURVES CERTIFIEDFOR: REPORT). CUSTOMERP.O.: LOCATION: SALESORDER: CUSTOMER: JOBNAME: