CU0809 HE Decision.pdf`n C. 18913
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771.0221 MAYOR
In the Matter of the Application of ) NO. CU -2008-9
Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club )
For a Conditional Use Permit }
The request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow construction of an addition and facility
upgrades to an existing Local Public Facility in the Single --Family Residential (RS -8) zone at
10307 — 238" Street SW in Edmonds is GRANTED, subject to conditions.
Rick Ashleman, on behalf of the Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club (Applicant), requested a CUP
to allow construction of an addition and facility upgrades to an existing Local Public Facility in
the Single -Family Residential (RS -8) zone at 10307 -- 2386 Street SW in Edmonds.
HearinnZ Date:
The City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner conducted an open record hearing on the request on
May 15, 2008. The Hearing Examiner conducted a site view prior to the hearing.
At the open record hearing, the following individuals presented testimony under oath:
I . Gina Coccia, Planner, City of Edmonds
2. Rick Ashleman, Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club President, Applicant
3. Jeff McDowell, Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club Manager
4. John Rasmussen
5. Doug Dahl
6. Steve Waite
7. Jim Spangler
8. Philip Assink
9. Jennifer Gettman
10. Alvin Rutledge
11. Jeff Hill
12. Robert Warren
13. Janice Warren
14. Sheri Hill
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City ofEdmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9 page I of 9
• Incorporated August 11, 1890 •
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
Traci Shallbetter, Attorney, represented the Applicant.
At the open record hearing the following exhibits were admitted into the record:
1. Planning Division Staff Report, dated May 6, 2008
2. Zoning & Vicinity Map
3. Land Use Application
4. Applicant's Criteria Statement and Supplemental Project Information
5, Site Plan
6. City of Edmonds Code Interpretation (file 2008-1) regarding "Local Public Facility"
7. Hearing Examiner Decision for CU -1996-11 (permit decision for the existing conditional
8. Parking Agreement Letter for CU -1996-11, dated March 20, 1996
9. Technical Committee Memos/Comment Forms
10. Public Notices and Affidavits
11. Dahl Comment Letter, received May 7, 2008
12. Applicant's PowerPoint presentation slides (2 pages)
13. Correspondence to Applicant from Snohomish Health District, dated April 10, 2008
14. Comment letter from Faith Community Church, dated May 8, 2008
15. Parking agreement between Applicant and Edmonds Homeschool Resource Center, dated
May 5, 2008
16, Proposed parking agreement between Applicant and Sherwood Elementary, dated May 5,
Upon consideration of the testimony and exhibits submitted at the open record hearing, the
Hearing Examiner enters the following findings and conclusions:
1. The Applicant requested a CUP to allow construction of an addition and facility upgrades
to an existing Local Public Facility in the Single -Family Residential (RS -8) zone at
10307 — 238' Street SW in Edmonds.' Exhibit 1, page 1; Exhibit 3, Application.
2. On January 15, 2008, the City issued a code interpretation regarding whether private
recreational facilities are "local public facilities" pursuant to the Edmonds Community
Development Code (ECDC). According to the City's determination, private clubs that
' The subject property is known as Tax Parcel Number 27033600301900. Exhibit 1, page 2.
Findings, Conclusions, and &ecision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
page 2 of 9
are open to the public for membership are "local public facilities" as the use is defined in
City Code, A CUP is required to operate a local public facility in the RS zones. ECDC
3. The CUP application was submitted on February 5, 2008 and deemed complete on the
day of submittal. Exhibit 14.
4. The 2.48 -acre subject property is generally flat and contains no critical areas. Presently,
it is developed with three tennis courts, a five -lane competition swimming pool, a wading
pool, locker rooms, a 1,900 square foot bathhouse, and associated amenities. The site
contains approximately 32 parking spaces and is landscaped with mature ornamental
vegetation and open lawn area. Exhibit 1, pages 1-2, Testimony of Mr. Ashleman; Site
visit; Exhibit 4.
5. All surrounding properties share the site's RS -8 zoning designation, with the exception of
the parcel to the north, which has an Open Space (OS) designation and is owned by
Edmonds School District. Most properties in the vicinity are developed with single-
family residences, except for Faith Community Church across 238` Street SW and a
cemetery located west of the site. Exhibit 1, page 3; Testimony of Ms. Coccia; Site visit.
6. The surrounding neighborhood, including the existing swim club, was annexed to the
City of Edmonds in 1995. In 1996, the Applicant sought a conditional use permit (CU -
96 -11) to improve the existing private club by constructing a 254 square foot entrance to
the existing bathhouse. The City's Hearing Examiner approved the CUP on March 8,
1996. Exhibit 1, page 3, Exhibit 7, CU -96-11.
7. On April 10, 2008, the Applicant received notification from the Snohomish Health
District of required health and safety upgrades to the public pool facility mandated by the
water recreation facilities regulations in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC).
Specifically, by June 1, 2008, public pool facilities roust comply with new regulations
concerning g pool enclosures (railings, fencing, gates, windows, and doors around pools)
and concerning single main drain safety devices. Failure to complete the mandated
upgrades could subject the Applicant to state and county health department penalties. A
CUP is not required for the mandated pool upgrades, although a City of Edmonds
building permit would be. Exhibit 13; Testimony of Mr. Ashleman: Exhibit 3.
8. Other proposed improvements that would require a building permit, but not a CUP,
include additions to existing restrooms that would make the facilities comply with access
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Exhibit 1, page 3; Exhibit
3; Testimony of Ms. Coccia.
9. For efficiency's sake and to provide the best possible facilities to members, the Applicant
proposes to undertake additional upgrades not mandated by state or federal regulations at
the same time as the required upgrades. The additional proposed work, for which a CUP
is required, includes: one additional lane and a walk-in (stair) access in the competition
pool; renovations to the existing wading pool; and upgrades to an existing mechanical
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
page 3 of 9
area resulting in 210 new square feet of deck area. Exhibit 4; Testimony of Mr.
Ashleman; Exhibit S, Site Plan.
10. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this site is "Single Family Urban 1 ". City
Planning Staff identified the following Comprehensive Plan goals of residential
development as applicable to the current proposal:
B.5.a Residential privacy is a fundamental protection to be upheld by
local government.
B.5.d Private property must be protected from adverse environmental
impacts of development including noise, drainage, traffic, slides, etc.
2006 Comprehensive Plan, page 54.
11. The purpose of the RS zones includes the intention to provide for additional
nonresidential uses that complement and are compatible with single-family dwelling use.
ECDC 16.20.000.
12. Development standards applicable to new RS -8 zone development (including the
proposed expansion) require: a minimum street setback of 25 feet; a minimum side
setback of 7.5 feet; a minimum rear setback of 15 feet; a maximum structure height of 25
feet; and a maximum lot coverage of 35%. ECDC 16.20030.
13. As proposed, all improvements would comply with maximum height and minimum
setback requirements. A total of 37,332 square feet of lot coverage would be allowed
pursuant to zoning standards. With the proposed expansion, the project would remain
below the maximum lot coverage. Exhibit 1, page 4; Exhibit 5, Site Plans, Testimony of
Ms. Caccia.
14. The club, which operates seasonally, is open to members from approximately June
through October. It is closed for the other eight months of each year, during which time
there is minimal site traffic. Exhibit 4; Testimony of Mr. McDowell. Average daily
attendance was 74 people per day from May through September of 2007. Testimony of
Mr. Ashleman.
15. The club has a self-limiting membership in that it seeks to balance adequate revenues
from membership dues with the desired level of privacy and service to its members.
Currently 94 families belong to the club, resulting in a total membership of
approximately 220 individuals. The Applicant stated that it intends to maintain a
membership of between 200 and 245, as it historically has. There is a four to five year
waiting list to join the club. Membership turnover is common in early summer, which is
a time when families with high school graduates tend to choose to give up their
memberships. None of the proposed improvements would result in increased
membership numbers; rather, they are intended to provide a higher level of service to the
current number of members. Exhibit 4; Testimony of Mr. Ashleman.
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
page 4 of 9
16. The club participates in the Seattle Summer Swim League. According to member
testimony, the League consists of six or seven private clubs in addition to the Applicant's,
organized into 16 swim teams. All swimmers are youths, high school age or younger.
The Klahaya Swim Club takes turns hosting summer swim meets on a rotating basis, so
that each summer it hosts either three or four meets. Swim meets are evening events that
have traditionally run from 6 pm to 9;45 pm, with the lights and public address (PA)
system turned off by 10.00 pm. The club also hosts one or two post -season meets, which
are typically daytime events held in the month of August. The club sometimes rents out
its facilities for private events, such as end of year school parties, and also hosts an
evening dance event (although it is not clear from the record whether the dance is a
regularly recurring event). Exhibit 4, Testimony of Mr. Ashleman, Testimony of Mr.
McDowell, Testimony of Mr. Hill; Testimony ofMs. Hill.
17. Swim meets involve approximately 130 swimmers participating from 82 families.
According to the Applicant and regular community attendees of the swim meets on-site,
the addition of one more lane to the competition swimming pool would decrease the
expected length of each swim meet. With an additional swimmer in each heat, fewer
heats would be conducted in the course of each meet. The proposed expansions and
upgrades would not result in an increased number of swim meets held on-site. Exhibit 4,-
,Testimony of Mr. Ashleman, Testimony ofMs Hill.
18. During the 1996 CUP review, availability of parking was an issue of concern. In 1996,
the Applicant provided a parking agreement between itself and Faith Community Church
(across the street from the site), by which the Applicant had permission to use the church
parking lot for events that drew more vehicles than could be accommodated on-site.
According to Applicant testimony, which was broadly supported by public testimony,
since 1996 the Applicant has undertaken to prevent swim club guest parking on 238t`
Street SW through several means. The club posts signs (on sawhorses) in the right-of-
way along 238t` Street reminding guests not to park on the street. Swimmers have been
encouraged to carpool to the extent possible. Other efforts to improve neighborhood
relations have included the practice of distributing notice of swim meet dates to
neighbors at the beginning of each swim season Testimony of Mr. Ashleman, Testimony
of Mr. McDowell; Testimony of Mr. Dahl; Testimony of Mr. Waite; Testimony ofMtn
Spangler; Testimony of Mr. Assink; Testimony of Mr: Warren.
19. In order to address parking concerns in the context of the present request, the Applicant
offered evidence of a renewed agreement with Faith Community Church for swim
meet/event access to the Church's 75 parking spaces across 238h Street SW. The
Applicant also provided evidence of an additional parking agreement with Edmonds
Homeschool Resource Center (providing an unknown number of spaces) at 23200 —10&
Avenue W. A third parking agreement, with Sherwood Elementary, was under
discussion at the time of the hearing.. Testimony of Mr. Ashleman; Testimony of Mr.
Assink; Exhibit 14, Exhibit 15; Exhibit 16.
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2408-9
page 5 of 9
20. Commercial recreational uses are required to provide off-street parking at a rate of one
space per 500 square feet or one space per customer allowed by the facility's maximum
occupancy load. ECDC 17.50.020(8)(8). Total building area on-site, as proposed, would
be less than 3,000 square feet, requiring six parking spaces. However, given the average
daily attendance of 74 people last summer and the larger number of attendees to special
events, parking based on square footage would not be appropriate. In order to address
any future concern about adequacy of event parking, Planning Staff recommended a
condition of approval requiring the Applicant to submit a parking management plan
addressing special events. Planning Division Staff would administratively review such a
plan for compliance with off-street parking requirements prior to building permit
issuance. Exhibit 1, page 7, Testimony of Ms. Caccia.
21. The existing club is subject to the provisions of the City of Edmonds noise ordinance in
ECDC Title 5.30. Testimony of Ms Coccia. The Applicant indicated that the current PA
system in use on-site uses two speakers aimed towards the audience, away from the
building. An acoustical engineer who happens to be a member is currently working with
the club's leadership on a new PA system design that would use more speakers sited
closer to the audience, which would allow for the use of lower volumes. Testimony of
Mr. Ashleman.
22. The City's Technical Committee, comprised of the Engineering Division and the Fire,
Parks and Recreation, and Public Works Departments, reviewed the proposal. The
Engineering Division and Building and Fire Departments submitted comments indicating
that improvements would be reviewed for compliance with the standards overseen by
these departments during building permit review. Exhibit 1, page 3; Testimony of Ms.
Coccia; Exhibit 9.
23. The Applicant requested that CUP approval, if granted, be transferable. Exhibit 3.
Planning Division Staff concurred in this recommendation. Exhibit 1, page 6; Testimony
of Ms. Caccia; Exhibit 3.
24. Applicant indicates that, if approved, construction pursuant to the permit is anticipated to
begin immediately after the end of this summer season, most likely in September 2008.
Testimony ofMr. Ashleman,
25. City staff reviewed the CUP application and recommended approval, subject to
conditions. Staff opined that recommended conditions of approval would address any
potential impacts to surrounding residential uses from the expanded facilities on-site. At
hearing, the Applicant concurred with the City's analysis and agreed to the recommended
conditions of approval. Exhibit 1, page 8, Testimony of Ms. Coccia; Testimony of Mr:
Ashleman; Comment of Ms. Shallbetter•.
26. The proposed conditional use is exempt from review pursuant to the State Environmental
Policy Act (SEPA). Exhibit 1, page 2.
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9 page 6 of 9
27. Notice of public hearing was published in The Herald on February 22, 2008 and was
posted on-site and mailed to neighboring property owners within 300 feet on May 1,
2008, consistent with the notice provisions of Edmonds Community Development Code
(ECDC) 20.91. Exhibit 1, page 2, Exhibit 10; Testimony of Ms. Coccia.
28. The City received public comment from one neighbor expressing concerns about: noise
on swim meet nights; noise during the proposed construction; and possible future
increase in number of events due to improved facilities. This comment noted that most
nearby residential neighbors of the club are not members and so do not enjoy the benefits
of having the facility in the area. Of particular concern to this commenter were hours of
construction operation and the potential for disruptive noise impacts to surrounding
residences due to the topography of the area Exhibit 11; Testimony of Mr. Dahl. One
commenter expressed concern about parking availability. Testimony of Mr Rutledge.
29. Planning Division Staff indicated that hours of construction operation would be governed
by building code regulations. Staff also emphasized that any neighbors with complaints
about noise from the Applicant's facility should notify the City of Edmonds Police
Department. Testimony of Ms. Coccia.
30. Numerous individuals offered public comment in support of the requested permit. This
testimony taken as a whole expressed a uniform opinion that the club provides a needed
recreational amenity to the community; provides recreational and social opportunities that
the City is not able to fund and that families could not afford individually; and acts
proactively to be a good neighbor in its residential setting. Testimony of Mr. McDowell,
Testimony of Mr. Rasmussen; Testimony of Mr Waite; Testimony of Mr. Spangler,
Testimony of Mr 4ssink, Testimony of Ms. Gettman, Testimony of Mr Hill, Testimony of
Mr. Warren; Testimony of Ms. Warren; Testimony of Ms. Hill.
The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction to hear and decide CUP requests pursuant to ECDC
20.100.010.A.3 and 20.05.010.
Criteria for Review:
Pursuant to ECDC 20.05.010, the Hearing Examiner may not approve a CUP unless the
following findings can be made:
A. That the proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan,
B. Zoning Ordinance. That the proposed use, and its location, is consistent with
the purposes of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of the zoning district in
which the use is to be located, and that the proposed use will meet all
applicable requirements of the zoning ordinance;
C. Not Detrimental. That the use, as approved or conditionally approved, will not
be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, and to
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
page 7 of 9
nearby private property or improvements unless the use is a public necessity;
D. Transferability. The hearing examiner shall determine whether the
conditional use permit shall run with the land or shall be personal.
Conclusions Based on Findings:
1. As conditioned, the proposed expansion of the existing local public facility would be
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed expansion would not increase the
number of special events per season nor the number of memberships offered by the club.
Conditions of approval addressing parking plan review would ensure that parking at on-
site special events would conform to all applicable City code requirements, protecting the
surrounding residential uses from adverse impacts. At all times, all uses of the site must
comply with the City of Edmonds noise ordinance or be subject to enforcement action.
Findings Nos. 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, and 21.
2. The proposed expansions to the facility would be consistent with the purposes of the RS -
8 zoning district. Local public facilities are allowed in single-family zones with
conditional use approval. All proposed construction would comply with RS -8
development standards. Conditions of approval would ensure that the new construction
complies with current building and fire code provisions. Findings Nos S, 11, 12, and 13.
3. With conditions, the expanded facility would not result in any detriment to the public
health, safety, and welfare. The proposed project would not increase the number of
special events or memberships in the club and thus is not anticipated to increase impacts
already experienced by surrounding residential uses. The proposed pool, wading pool,
and restroom improvements would bring the existing facility up to current state and
federal standards for health, safety, and access. The addition of a lane in the competition
pool would speed up completion of swim meets.. A condition requiring approval of a
parking management plan prior to building permit issuance would ensure that future
special event parking would not negatively impact the neighboring residences. Findings
Nos. 7, 8, 9, 1.5, 16, 17, and 20.
4. The CUP would be transferable to future owners of the subject property.
Based on the preceding Findings and Conclusions, the request for a CUP to allow construction of
an addition and facility upgrades to an existing Local Public Facility in the Single -Family
Residential (RS -S) zone at 10307 — 23e Street SW in Edmonds, Washington is GRANTED,
subject to the following conditions:
1. The Applicant must obtain a building permit before undertaking the proposed
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
page 8 of 9
2. A revised "Parking Management Plan" for special events (swim meets and dances) shall
be submitted to the City Planning Division and must be administratively approved prior
to building permit issuance.
3, The Conditional Use Permit shall be transferable and run with the land.
4. This application is subject to all requirements contained in the Edmonds Community
Development Code. CUP approval sloes not excuse the Applicant from the responsibility
of ensuring compliance with the various provisions contained in the City code.
5. The Applicant must act on the approved Conditional Use Permit within one year from the
date of its approval or the Conditional Use Permit shall expire and become null and void.
The Applicant may file for a one-year extension of permit approval before CUP
expiration. Only one one, -year extension is allowed. An example of sufficient action to
satisfy this requirement is submission of a building permit application.
day of May 2008.
Findings, Conclusions, and Decision
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiner
Klahaya CUP, No. CU -2008-9
Toweill Rice Taylor LLC
City of Edmonds Hearing Examiners
Sharon A. Rice
page 9 of 9
me 189"
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 771.0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221
The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing requests for reconsideration and
appeals. An person wishing to file or respond to a request for reconsideration or an appeal should
contact the Planning Division of the Development Services Dgpgg ent for finiher procedural
Section 20.100.010(G) of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) requires the Hearing
Examiner to reconsider his or her decision or recommendation if a written request is filed within ten (10)
working days of the date of the initial decision by any person who attends the public hearing and signs the
attendance register and/or presents testimony, or by any person holding an ownership interest in a tract of
land which is the subject of such decision or recommendation. The reconsideration request must cite
specific references to the findings and/or the criteria contained in the ordinances governing the type of
application being reviewed.
Chapter 20.105 of the ECDC contains the appeal procedures for Hearing Examiner decisions. Pursuant to
Section 20.105.040(A), persons entitled to appeal include (1) the Applicant; (2) anyone who has
submitted a written document to the City of Edmonds concerning the application prior to or at the
hearing; or (3) anyone testifying on the application at the hearing. Sections 20.105.020(A) requires
appeals to be in writing, and state (1) the decision being appealed, the name of the project applicant, and
the date of the decision; (2) the name and address of the person (or group) appealing the decision, and his
or her interest in the matter; and (3) the reasons why the person appealing believes the decision to be
wrong. Pursuant to Section 20.105.020(5), the appeal must be filed with the Director of the Development
Services Department within 14 calendar days after the date of the decision being appealed. The appeal
must be accompanied by any required appeal fee.
The time Iimits for Reconsideration and Appeal run concurrently. If a request for reconsideration is filed
before the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, the time clock for filing an appeal is stopped until a
decision on the reconsideration request is completed. Once the Hearing Examiner has issued his or her
decision on the reconsideration request, the time clock for filing an appeal continues from the point it was
stopped. For example, if a reconsideration request is filed on day five of the appeal period, an individual
would have nine more days in which to file an appeal after the Hearing Examiner issues his decision on
the reconsideration request.
Section 20.05.020(C) of the ECDC states: "Time Limit. Unless the owner obtains a building permit, or if
no building permit is required, substantially commences the use allowed within one year from the date of
approval, the conditional use permit shall expire and be null and void, unless the owner files an
application for an extension of the time before the expiration date."
The property owner may, as a result of the decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner, request a change
in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessors Office.
• Incorporated August 1I, 1890 •
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
me 1Sgv
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - Edmonds, WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221
Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club )
For a Conditional Use Permit__.
I, Sharon A. Rice, the undersigned, do hereby declare:
Case No. CU -2008-09
1. That I am a partner in the frrm of Toweill Rice Taylor LLC, which maintains a professional
services agreement with the City of Edmonds, Washington for the provision of Hearing Examiner
services, and make this declaration in that capacity;
2. That I am now and at all times herein mentioned have been a citizen of the United States, a
resident of the State of Washington, over the age of eighteen (18), and competent to be a witness
and make service herein;
3. That on May 21, 2008 I did serve a copy of the decision in case CU -2008-09 upon the following
individuals at the addresses below by first class US Mail.
Klahaya Swim and Tennis Club
PO Box 74
Edmonds, WA 98020
Rick Ashleman
19803 15th Avenue NW
Shoreline, WA 98177
Doug Dahl
23618 102nd Pl W
Edmonds, WA 98020
Jeff McDowell
9402 215" Street SW
Edmonds, WA 98020
Jennifer Gettman
20113 150` Avenue NW
Shoreline, WA 98177
Jim Spangler
10316 238' Street SW
Edmonds, WA 98020
• Incorporated August 11, 1890 •
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
Steve Waite
111 Elm
Edmonds, WA 98020
Philip Assink
23202 83'd Avenue W
Edmonds, WA 98026
Jeff and Sherry Hill
19523 22n' PI NW
Shoreline, WA 98177
Robert and Janice Warren
17140 Sealawn Drive
Edmonds, WA 98026
Alvin Rutledge
7101. Lake Ballinger Way
Edmonds, WA 98026
Traci Lynn Shallbetter
Shallbetter Law
3201 Airport Rd
Cle Elum, WA 98922-9222
Clerk of the Edmonds City Council
121 Fifth Avenue North, First Floor
Edmonds, WA 98020
City of Edmonds Planning Division
City of Edmonds Building Division
City of Edmonds Engineering Division
City of Edmonds Fire Department
121 Fifth Avenue North, First Floor
Edmonds, WA 98020
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is
true and correct:
J05 -
DATED THIS LA day of 2008 "- Washington.
Sharon A. Rice
Toweill Rice Taylor LLC
Serving as 1jearing Examiner for Edmonds, Washington