CU-09-38 Request for Traffic Impact Analysis.pdfIn�.18°10 July 16, 2009 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 96020 - (425) 771-0220 - FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www d.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Mr. Scott Andersen 23015 Edmonds Way, 4A309 Edmonds, WA 98020 GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR Subject: Request for Additional Information for Your Conditional Use Permit Application For the "Grow with Us" Daycare at 665 Edmonds Way File No. CU -2009-38 Dear Mr. Andersen: Thank you for your resubmittals on July 151 and 16'h for your land use application for a conditional use permit for a daycare located at 665 Edmonds Way (File No. CU -2009-38). Staff has reviewed your resubmittals and has found that responses to the following items are required before review can continue: 1. Please review and respond to the attached memo from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager. If you have any questions on Ms, McConnell's comments, you may contact her at 425.771.0220. 2. You mentioned that you might want to change the proposed number of children served by the daycare. Please provide me with either the updated number or confirmation that you would like to keep the application for the 20 children as currently proposed. Please note that staff will be unable to schedule a hearing and continue processing your application until responses to the required items above are received. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220, extension 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner Enclosures Cc: File No. CU -2009-38 Jeanine and Mark Jansen 23632 Highway 99, Suite F P.M.B. 502 Edmonds, WA 98026 Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan Date: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM July 16, 2009 Jen Machuga, Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20090038, Condition Use Permit for Child Care Center Jansen - 665 Edmonds Way The applicant resubmitted plans on July 16, 2009 removing the proposed van parking and also providing a new parking lot configuration. With these changes my previous comment #2 is no longer of concern, however, the applicant will still need to respond to the following: 1. Provide an assessment by a licensed traffic engineer for the following: a. Provide data used for calculating the % new trips for the development. It appears as though pass by trips were included in the calculation, but there is insufficient data in support of this. b. Assess the number and timing of trips in and out of the facility and determine if sufficient area has been provided to prevent vehicle queuing on Edmonds Way. It has been noted in the analysis that the average time spent at the facility for each drop off and pick up is approximately 7-10 minutes. The main parking area provides 6 standard parking stalls and 1 ADA stall. At a minimum 2 employees will be working at the facility, which leaves 4-5 stalls open for general use. The application states 20 children will be attending the preschool. Thank you. City of Edmonds