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DEA Review Comments 1-2013-08-08.pdf
Project: City of Edmonds Ritter Short Plat Soldier Pile Wall DEA Project No.: COED 0000-0005 Submittal Transmittal Client: DEA Submittal No. Description: Received: Resubmittal of #: Bid Item #: W-011* DAVED EVANS n pin A.ssO, A "r IE'sr.., City of Edmonds 5 Soldier Pile Wall Structural Review (Task Order 05-13) 8/8/2013 n/a Reviewed Rejected �X Submit Specific Item Submittal Comments: Furnish As Corrected Revise and Resubmit Design should be revised as indicated in the calculation set. This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Approval of a specific item shall not include approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. Contractor is responsible for: dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the jobsite; information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction; coordination of the Work of all trades; and for performing all work in a safe. and satisfactory manner. __"�y . Office Engineer: .. DATE: 8/8/2013 Copies To: - Contractor Proj. File — Owner — ROM PROJECT: SUBJECT: CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCAAW &E, E-53 12821 -49TH DR 9K EVERETT, WA. 98208-9621 0MCE: EMM: nisqtiarod48@vahoo.com PAGE: jq STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 711 - Soldier Pile Wall for the Access Road for the Ritter 3 -Lot Short Plat 8364 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, WA Recommend Including the Following Checks to This Calculation Set: --Sliding Stability (Force Equilibrium) --Seismic Design Check (it appears that no recommendations were given in the geotechnical �nical memo. Not sure if this was discussed and not included in final memo. If this seismic was checked by inspection, would recommend a note stating that. By Change in active earth pressure and passive earth pressure moment equations may impact pile size. Update section in calculations and plan set. eviewed -, M. �rymoyer ate, 8/7/2013 Michael P. McCann, SE'. PROJECT: MMC ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. m DATE: 16' 12821-497"DR, SE. EVEREM WA. 98208 9621 OFMCE EMAIL: m9quared48@yahoo.com PAGE: BY- M IOM I JOB NO: - 17. FM RA7-�,vc -4-z�— Ps6 ,,", -7 NN o �n D u w P1 2 -'PZm '), f F COs. LA6?5�'N rf. a vu MMC CE SE MMC ENGMERTG, INC. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. PROJECT: C { TSL SUBJECT: o 1 z 3 It )(f Tal -0 2Gaze5 208,61 SV1,®7 X11, 212- 2��rl5� 27'L, © B Z�ikIS� DATE: BY: m b2�V 2610, 6.] ..-"(GV 26739f �,k �� , ,3 Z&O. G6 2.02, Oct 2.62, 2&ef Lg:� Mal 5-,76 Vz,50 2�o6 -21o�, / 6 12821-49T'DR, S.E. EVERETT; WA. 98248-9621 OFFICE.- EMMmsquared48&ahoo.com PAGE: JOB NO: D/ A 1049 6160 MA M. Frymoyer Date-® 8/7/2013 MMIC CE SE PROJECT: SUBJECT: �V t4q) IMC ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. BATE: 2 ' _`,1, '� 3 �'d1� BY: rn I 12821-49'H DR, S.E. EVERETT, WA. 98208-962,1 OFFICE: MAM. msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: �j JOB NO: I / 0G 62+pb W63y, 1 01 Recommended specifying the applicable design methodology used for structural design lagging and pile. It does not appear that load and resistance factors or allows e stress v gs dr tA 6 J,(O 3136 I lei -� -tcl ® M. Fry moyer 0l�- ®_ PROJECT: MMC ENGMFRING, INC. CML & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCAAw S.E. SUBJECT: -,-5§ L-0) 64— r) te- DATE: 7-/s--/7 BY: 3 .05*L A8' M=L a spil,/6 M 33 3 0.236*D A 3� Can distribute passive pores ure aver length of diameter of the shaft rather than of the pile. This will incre $iv resistance. r A DM ld= 7 12821-497H DR S.E. EMErT, WA. 98208-9621 OFFICE: &VLM: ?wquared48@yahooxom PAGE: JOB NO: 3 10 x,33' prim Active earth pressure should be distributed over one pile spacing above GL at front and one pile (shaft) depth below GL at front. This appears to be all distributed aver pile spacing which is conservative. V � 3 Ae-r M= -O Reviewed: M. Frymoyer Date, 8/7/2013 L_ tot KOA_*-� ::: __ ( - L( 12821-497H DR S.E. EMErT, WA. 98208-9621 OFFICE: &VLM: ?wquared48@yahooxom PAGE: JOB NO: 3 10 x,33' prim Active earth pressure should be distributed over one pile spacing above GL at front and one pile (shaft) depth below GL at front. This appears to be all distributed aver pile spacing which is conservative. V � 3 Ae-r M= -O Reviewed: M. Frymoyer Date, 8/7/2013 L_ tot KOA_*-� ::: __ ( - MMC CE SE MMC ENGINEERING, SNC` 12821-49TODR. S.E. CIVIL & MUC7'URAL ENGINEERING EVERETT, WA. 98208-9621 OFF7CE.• MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. EMAIL: msquared489yahoo.com PiZOMCT: DATE: PAGE: SUBJECT:u(.� �4? BY: �M�'r t JOB NO: �— (An. = Ids Ornrljr-- IL =9 LIti= ��► L 52,0 t, 203.E X2,3 I� " X� See design methodology rite on Page MMC CE SE PROJECT: SUBJECT: MMC ENGMEMG, INC. CIVIL & STRUCTML ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN SE. -:ep 12821 -49TH DR. S.E. EVERE7 WA. 98208-9621 OMCE: EM41L: msquareM@yahoo.com PAGE: JOB NO: W/W 4 1o`' m 7 i eviewed -. M. Frymoyer III, - ate, ® 8/7/2013' MMC CE SE MMC ENGINEERING, INC. 12821 -49TH DR S.E. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING EVERETT, WA- 98208-9621 MICHAEL P, MCCANN S.E OFFICE: EWA1L: nuquared48@yahoo.coni PROJECT: KdTftVt JWDAM: �- 1 ?-13 3 PAGE: SUBJECT' BY: JOB NO: 0,05*LA3 � dee nate an Fuge 4, 0®354 "3 Uev,\) ur- 6 =-7# A q2 Ito / fr 3-3 J0 -0, y) LT2T*L- -5-4 6 See design methodologynote On Page a MMC CE SE PROJECT: MMC ENG1L\YJE Ga INC. CIVIL & SMUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN &E, DATE: SUB4 JECT: 6 110 / eV4., 1%c— AMU BY: F 1 y ' n¢a� ' (D(A I � I K) L 4 �k 4 )0 102- I ql�: 6 fin. 0 ZV, 26 6, i 12821 -49TH DR SE, EVERETT, WA. 98208-9621 OMCK- P.M9lL: msquared48@yahoo,com PAGE: JOB NO: R 36-113 I? o, � 1-7010 Dew Lro )-A-L, c�1 64- _-7 1 See design methode note on e 3. MMC CE SE MMC ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. Tu DATE: BY: 12821-497HDRS,E, EVERETT, WA. 98208--9621 OFFICE: EMAIL: msquared48Waboo.com P571517! '`9 PAGE: -21 JOB NO: f 1 3-106 A V2 - ii+ to L 6,`2.3 13W 046 Z31, �� 90► 4, 1 �• �+. 30 q, 1-7-7, 0 I z7 �— R4- �3,9o►6 -3o5--6 w See design methodology note on Page 3. MMC CE SE MMC E G1i\L' L' 10MG, I Le CML & SMUCTVR4L ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. 12821 -49TH DR S.E. EVERETI; WA. 98208-9621 OFFICE: EMAIL: msyuared48@yahoo.com V PAGE: O JOB NO: 1--;� -106 ,— d�-(►3)—� , Recommend just fixing pile at ground line for estimation of deflections rather than at bottom of pile. �-s291 L ---------------------- M. Frymoy4r 8/7/2013 BeamPro - version (6.2 - 32 bit) V M 0.1262 Al INPUT FILE NAME DATE --_-> COMMENTS -4566.44 c:luntitled.cb 7/18/2013 8:51:29 PM -16037.64 1/0 W v=-42650.0 ma 71483.3 71483.44 111 m (in) BeamPro - version (6.2 - 32 bit) V M C INPUT FILE NAME ©ATE COMMENTS -17465.74 -126301.34 4T w-170600.0 m= 571868.7 (ft-#) 11 c:luntitied.cb 7/18/2013 9:01:01 PM (in) BeamPro - version (6.2 - 32 bit) i►TA �� N INPUT FILE NAME ____> DATE COMMENTS m_ee> -29517.12 -281878.01 V(ot Maximum deflection should occur at top of pile. cauntitled.cb 7/18/2013 9:03:37 PM 4T v=-261650.0 m= 1036483.3 I (ft #) /h, 0 -.- - (W MMC CE SE MMC ENGMERING, INC. 12821 -49TH DR- S.E. CML & STRUCTURAL EAFGIArEERIVG EVEROT, WA. 98208-9621 MICHAEL P. MCCAAW SE, OMCE., EWE: msquamd48gvahoo COM W I . . . . . . . ...... ME, some ...................... See plan set for comments on these sheets. K LA '7 - to 161 Wlq)4-22, LA tA itr See plan set for comments on these sheets. MMC CE SE PROJECT: SUBJECT: Ni 40 MMC L' NlY'i.L\L' ERINGy INC. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E. �1 � MINAMMA16Aail i Ito. ,. r • G 12821-4977f DR, S.E. EVERETT, WA. 98208-9621 OFMCEr ELL4M msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: JOB NO: mom WS14A - P rVCAT)i m 49 � W 2.4-" D/kr, HOLc�_ ea1 -0 .1 fPAC,�I See plan set for comments on these sheets.1 M. Frymoyer Date-® 8/7/2013 a� � 4 C < t � G 12821-4977f DR, S.E. EVERETT, WA. 98208-9621 OFMCEr ELL4M msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: JOB NO: mom WS14A - P rVCAT)i m 49 � W 2.4-" D/kr, HOLc�_ ea1 -0 .1 fPAC,�I See plan set for comments on these sheets.1 M. Frymoyer Date-® 8/7/2013 MMC CE SE PROJECT: SUBJECT: MMC ENGMEMNG, INC, 12821-49TffDR S.E. CIVIL & MUCTML ENGINEERIATG EVERETI, WA. 98208-9521 MICHAEL P. MCCANN S.E, OFFICE: EMAIL: msquar¢d48&ahoo.com I'X LA&&rPG DATE: "?: — -3 1 PAGE: BY: JOB NO: FLkt\.) (I�q�'D-I See plan set for comments an these sheets. \Njq WILI 4 ZtOV rlLtl STRUCTURAL NOTES CODE: 2012 International Building Code (IBC) ASCE 7-05 ACI 315-05 LIVE LOADS: Lateral Earth: 50 pcf/ft active to pile, 25 psf to lagging; 425 psf passive Per Geotechnical report by Liu & Associates dtd 6/26/13 CONCRETE: Unless noted otherwise on the plans, concrete f c shall be a "lean mix" of 2000 psi at 28 days, suitable and normal for soldier pile installation. A standard mix design satisfying the above minimum strength is acceptable. Provide mix design data to the engineer for review and approval. Concrete protection for W14 members (from soil): Bottom of pile: 3" Sides of pile: 3" All concrete shall be poured in a monolithic pour unless shown otherwise or approved by the structural engineer or record prior to pouring. Aluminum conduit and accessories shall not be embedded in any concrete. STRUCTURAL LUMBER & TIMBER: All lumber shall be graded in accordance with current WWPA standard grading rules for Western lumber. Use the following species and minimum grades unless noted otherwise on the plans: 4X PT Lagging HF #2 Minimum STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL: Structural steel, ASTM A-36, Fb = 24,000 psi. maximum. All welds shall be 3/16" minimum continuous fillet welds using AWS Class E70 electrodes unless otherwise noted. All welding shall be performed by welders certified by WABO or equal. All fabrication and erection shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the AISC "Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings". All steel not embedded in concrete or masonry shall receive one shop coat of an approved primer paint. All bolts shall be ASTM A-307 unless noted otherwise on the plans. Seo plan set for comments on these sheets. FReviewed' M. Frymoyer ate,® 8/7/2013 SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR. (as a minimum) 24" diameter angered holes, location and depth W14 Soldier pile placement MISCELLANEOUS. Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the field. Verify the size and location of all openings in the floor, roof and walls with architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings. Provide temporary bracing as required until all permanent connections and stiffeners have been installed. See plan set for comments on these sheets. N C a W, I NOV IN I I I IVI I�III �I DiFj :Tj -- um:) L al: o>>OCD ? A�3 o oOco on c�o . pm? n acc ouiGG °Jti OF b aCa CL w K a a �Z�Zo�ao �ro m� �a V. ---I M 0 � � g, c `ca vo c Zla — sr o a n r=0�mco wo °� o C�'c C $ c' Ua O p C� cs CI —3'i pvCD o p f--0, Rn. t9' L1 m�y-• riroi rL c- FN CrJk �! n vwi iWRS ro C >fll -` G. -n0 FryO ® wrn v9, �i Z o Z eD m �. �• . 7J O Li o o ro wv o o nq� c m G) O Z C, 0 � -mi ep °p0 0" �'. a lxWi 0 -p n.g ¢' C 14 00 0 y ao Oa'm a 2,K 9 cc � ZJ es9� � a � H Z rn f9 o M jp O oz W O • N w p co n$cr OJ CD a o 0 O. \ cn W m a w 9 m �p *111A �, N MMC MMC ENGINEERING, INC. CNIL & STRUCTURAL ENG12VFFJ NG CE SE MICR4EL P. MCCANN S.E 12821-49"' DR. S.E. EVERE77 WA. 98208-9621 OFF7CL (42S) 337-5075 Email: msquared48@yahoo.com PROJECT: 1 Jif In Z O /Lf VL II' — I DATE: :q 20ZO PAGE: SUBJECT:/ P/ tC— &'Ay ( I BY: M fi'M I JOB NO: MMC ENGINEERING, INC. mmc CIPIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CE SE MICHAEL P. MCC4NN S.E. DATE: SUBJECT: �(� 1 ta 4u BY: 12821 -49TH DR. S.E. EVFRE77 WA. 98208-9621 OFFICI (495) 337-5075 Email: msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: i n� O V \ C \ \\\ n y MsiS ��� r I � \ I ga 1 262 b MMC ENGINEERING, INC. mmc CIPIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CE SE MICHAEL P. MCC4NN S.E. DATE: SUBJECT: �(� 1 ta 4u BY: 12821 -49TH DR. S.E. EVFRE77 WA. 98208-9621 OFFICI (495) 337-5075 Email: msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: i n� O ' \ y MsiS 262.00 dao i 262 b MMC ENGINEERING, INC. mmc CIPIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CE SE MICHAEL P. MCC4NN S.E. DATE: SUBJECT: �(� 1 ta 4u BY: 12821 -49TH DR. S.E. EVFRE77 WA. 98208-9621 OFFICI (495) 337-5075 Email: msquared48@yahoo.com PAGE: Z— e �/��� MMC ENGINEERING, INC. 1�1J c CIVIL & SIR UCTURAL ENGINEERING CE SE AffcmEL r. mccANN sE. PROTECT: ze V DATE: SUBJECT: gV&e_ I BY: 12821-49'7'DR. S.E. EVERETl iiA. 98208-9621 OFBIC&�r '(425) 337-5075 Email: msquared48@yah—cm PAGE: NO: p T 26 Al Limit of P M -n .muj 0 M 3: T w — MM > z > T5� -n C C 55 >' r— M cn r- 0, m > IL ACMMC ENGINEERING, INC. M CML & STRUCTURAL ENGBEEPING CE SE MICHAEL P.mcc4Aw S.E. PROJECT: ?�kDATE: suBjEcr:,r-o(�/gy_i Rle &Y'9,,Ie_ I BY x N 3 c 3 0 - CL T 0 T. 0 cn 0 - CT CD CL 22. 41 c� 12821-49" DR S.E. 98208-9621 =F ' (411) 337-5075 Hmaik msquamM@yah—co JOB NO: