decision A-33-90.pdfM E M O R A N D U M
January 30, 1991
TO: Mary Lou Block
Planning Manager
FROM: John Bissell
Code Enforcement Technician
SUBJECT: A-33-90, Setback Adjustment for Victor & Nancy Chynoweth
Victor & Nancy Chynoweth have applied for a setback adjustment at 15520
75th Pl. W., to reduce the front setback from 25 feet to 15 feet and
to reduce the north side setback from 10 feet to 5 feet to allow a new
single family dwelling.
The proposed street setback adjustment for the house meets the
preservation of a natural feature eligibility requirement allowing the
proposed house to avoid a steep, unstable slope in the south and west
portions of the property.
The proposed north side setback adjustment meets the creative design
eligibility requirement by allowing more view rooms on a lot that is 10
feet narrower than would be required in the RS -20 zone.
The requested setback adjustment meets the criteria for approval
contained in ECDC Section 20.50.020 as follows:
1. Vehicle maneuvering space: The subject lot is very steep and
providing adequate vehicle maneuvering space is very difficult.
By placing the the house as close to the road as is proposed and
as far to the north as is proposed, a curved driveway with a slope
of less than 14% is possible. If this setback adjustment were not
granted, the driveway would slope more than 14%.
2. Topography of the lot: The subject lot slopes steeply down to the
west. The steep slope and the history of slope instability
require the subject house to be placed as far to the east as
possible. By granting the street setback adjustment, the house
will be placed on the flattest portion of the site.
3. Shape of the lot: The shape of the lot is not irregular and will
not affect this setback adjustment
4. The location and size of adjoining setbacks and other open
spaces: The proposed setback adjustments would reduce the north
side setback to 5 feet and the east (street) setback to 12.5
feet. The south side setback will be 25 feet and the rear setback
is proposed at 80 feet. The proposed structure would reduce the
existing open spaces to the east and to the north. The lot to the
north is undeveloped, and the lot beyond that is Meadowdale County
Park. The street is on the east side of the lot. Though this
setback will be reduced, the safety impacts to the street will
also be reduced. This is because a driveway with a less steep
slope and a turn around could be constructed. If the house were
placed further down slope, the topography would require a very
steep driveway. In addition, the property owner of the subject
site also owns the properties directly across the street, which
are not developed.
The remaining setbacks will not create any additional impact on
open spaces. Though the lot to the south is developed, the
applicant is proposing a 25 foot setback on that side, which will
reduce impacts of development. To the west is the Burlington
Northern Railroad and then Puget Sound, neither of which will
sustain open space impacts from this development.
5. The location, size, orientation and views of nearby houses: Only
the house on the East side of the street, south of the subject
property has a view over the subject lot. The topography of the
subject lot places the top of the proposed house at about street
level. In addition, placing the house closer to the street and
further north on the lot, as proposed, reduces any possible view
impact created by the development. Because of this, the view
from the house to the south east of the subject lot will be
unaffected by this development.
6. Other pertinent information: N/A.
Based on the above conclusions, I recommend that the requested setback
adjustment be approved. If you concur, please indicate your
concurrence in the space provided below.
John Bissell Fate'
Mary Lou Block Date