Design Review BLD20120434 to 0436.pdfOV
` 121 51h Avenue North - Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 - Fax: 425.771.0221 - Web:
BLD20120434 through BLD20120436 Project Proposal
Edmonds Mural Society has submitted applications for three murals to be placed at various locations
throughout the downtown area. The murals are sponsored by the Edmonds Mural Society and this year's
theme for the murals are "An Edmonds Kind of Day".
Permit Number Property Owner
BLD20120434 Third Ave. South Properties
14508 205th Ave. SE
Renton, WA 98059
BLD20120435 Bruno Girardi
504 - 5th Ave. S
Edmonds, WA 98020
BLD20120436 Camwest Inc.
2228 133`d Street SW
Lynwood, WA 98087
Design Review Process
Jeff Stilwell
Edmonds Mural Society
409 Main Street
Edmonds, WA 98020
Design review for signs is considered a Type I decision subject to the requirements of ECDC 20.01.003.
Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.010.C, while a separate sign permit is required for each wall graphic, staff may
make a single design review decision on wall graphics that consists of related murals or artwork.
Location. Two of the mural sites (BLD20120434 and BLD20120436) are located within the BD -1
and are therefore subject to the requirements of ECDC 22.43 - Design Standards for the BD -1 Zone.
The remaining mural is located in the BD -2 zone and subject to the general design requirements of
ECDC 20.11. The location of the three murals, mural name, and zone are detailed in the Table 1
Table 1: Mural information.
Mural Name
Mural Size
313 Main St
Edmonds Entertains
BD -1
12' x 16'
Ellen Clark
504-5 1h Ave S
BD -2
12' x 20'
John Osgood
104-5 1h Ave N
Winter Walk
BD -1
9'x 16'
Susan Babcock
2. The Comprehensive Plan identifies two the sites as Downtown/Waterfront Activity Center - Retail
Core (313 Main Street and 104 - 5th Ave. N); the other site (504 - 5th Ave S) is also within the
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Downtown/Waterfront Activity Center with a comprehensive plan designation of Downtown Mixed
Commercial. The murals satisfies the intent of ECDC 22.43, specifically treating blank walls, as well
as the following goals and policies from the Comprehensive Plan:
a. Downtown Design Objectives are found on pages 56-60 and are intended to encourage high
quality, well designed projects to be developed in the downtown waterfront area that reflect the
values of the citizens of Edmonds.
b. "Improve pedestrian access and way -finding by providing a variety in building forms, color,
materials and individuality of buildings" (page 57).
c. "Art should be integrated into the design of both public and private developments, with incentives
provided to encourage these elements" (page 58).
d. "Public art and amenities such as mini parks, flower baskets, street furniture, etc., should be
provided as a normal part of the public streetscape. Whenever possible, these elements should be
continued in the portion of the private streetscape that adjoins the public streetscape" (page 58).
3. Sign type. The murals are considered wall graphics and wall graphics are conditionally permitted
sign types in the downtown business area. Review criteria for murals are contained within ECDC
a. Quality of the materials used to create the artwork. Materials should be resistant to fading; no
fluorescent paints:
All three murals will be painted using Nova acrylic paint and products. Nova employs a tough,
durable, 100% acrylic resin suitable for use outdoors. The murals will also be treated with a clear
top coat to protect against dampness, fading due to UV rays or weather damage. No fluorescent
paints are proposed for any of the murals.
b. Durability and permanence, including ability to withstand age, vandalism and weathering.
Consideration should be given to anti -graffiti coating:
The murals will be painted on building walls that have been leased for ten years. All three murals
will be painted using Nova acrylic paint and products. Nova employs a tough, durable, 100%
acrylic resin suitable for use outdoors. The murals will also be treated with a clear top coat to
protect against dampness, fading due to UV rays or weather damage.
Each spring, the murals will be examined by technical consultants retained by the Edmonds
Mural Society for signs of fading due to ultra -violet rays or dampness or weather damage. Any
damage will be immediately repaired in consultation with the technical consultant and artists
hired by the Edmonds Mural Society. Any graffiti on the murals will be painted over.
c. Compatibility of the artwork with architectural elements, other elements of the street, and
adjacent structures. Compatibility shall be determined by relationships of the elements of form,
proportion, scale, color, materials, surface treatment, and size and style of lettering. Lettering
shall be minimized, but may be considered for inclusion when necessary to the artistic content.
All three murals are compatible with the character of the buildings on which they are being
placed as well as the downtown Edmonds streetscape. Only the mural at 504 — 5th Avenue South
contains letter, which is "It's an Edmonds Kind of Day" reflect the theme of this year's murals.
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Based on the facts and conclusions of this report, staff finds that the design review for BLD20120434
through BLD20120436 is APPROVED.
I have, t�eviewed the application for compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code.
Lien, Planhingbivision
Appeals: Design review decisions by staff are only appealable to the extent that the applicable building
permit or development approval is an appealable decision under the provisions of the ECDC. Design
review by staff is not in itself an appealable decision.
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