Design Review Decision 10-0241.pdfo. 1 gC)"
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 o Web: www.(,i,e(ii)-ioii(1 w„t u°
Street file for 23029 Highway 99
Mike Clugston, AICP
April 26, 2010
Administrative Design Review STAFF DECISION for BLD -2010-0241
BLD -2010-0241 Project Proposal
A change of use is being proposed from mercantile to business for a used car lot at 23029 Highway 99.
The site was most recently occupied by "Half Price Pots” but had been redesigned to be a car lot in 1999.
Property Owner:
Shiomi Investments,
LLC (Nathan Chinn) —
9001 NE 37`h PL,
Bellevue, WA 98004
Independence Auto
Sales (Salim El Zein) —
19424 Aurora Ave. N,
Shoreline, WA 98133
Design Review Process
As part of the City's
review of the building
permit referenced
above, staff design
review was required per
ECDC 20.10. Because
the building is located
in the General
Commercial "CG"
zone, the design
standards in ECDC
20.11.030 apply in
addition to those in
ECDC 16.60.030 and
the general criteria
found in the
Comprehensive Plan.
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Staff design review with a building permit is considered a Type I decision subject to the requirements of
ECDC 20.01.003.
Findings & Conclusions
1. Scope. The applicant has applied for a change of use permit to use the site as a used car lot as it had
been previously. No changes are proposed to the exterior of the existing building. No changes are
proposed to the existing site layout except that the pavement will be restriped. There is an existing
sign on the site that will be refaced.
2. Environment. The project was determined to be exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act
(SEPA) under WAC 197-11-800(3). A critical areas checklist was submitted in 1999 and a waiver
from further study was granted (CRA19990281).
3. Design. No changes are planned for the exterior of the existing building. With respect to signage,
the existing sign face will be removed and replaced. According to ECDC 20.60.010.B, since this
change qualifies as a modification, and therefore does not require a building permit, it is exempt
from design review.
4. Zoning. ECDC 16.60.030 requires the Architectural Design Board (ADB) to review projects
exceeding 60 feet in height in the CG zone. There are no changes proposed to the existing
building's height and it is well below 60 feet. There are no other changes to the building's bulk, so
the site development standards are satisfied.
With respect to parking, ECDC 17.50.020.B.10 requires on-site parking for used car lots at a rate of
one space per 500 square feet of lot area. The total lot area of the parcel according to the site plan is
approximately 37,586 square feet. At a rate of one parking space per 500 square feet of lot area, this
would yield a total of 75 required on-site parking spaces.
However, since the parking of cars for sale is considered to be storage, only some of the required
parking spaces must meet engineering standards for size and striping. The number of stalls that must
comply with engineering standards is calculated at a rate of one stall per 300 square feet of building
area pursuant to ECDC 17.50.020.B.1. According to building plan, the existing building is 3,058
square feet. As a result, 9 stalls are required to comply with all applicable engineering standards
including requirements for size, striping, drive -aisle widths, etc. There are 15 parking spaces shown
on the site plan. There is also a fenced area for car storage which is approximately 16,000 square
feet. It would be possible to store at least 100 cars in that area using the standard parking stall size
of 8.5' x 16.5' (ECDC 18.95.020.A.1).
5. Comprehensive Plan. The site is designated "Highway 99 Corridor". The proposed change of use
shows an effort towards the following Comprehensive Plan goals:
B.10. The City will encourage the retention of commercial zrses which provide high economic
benefit to the city, such as new auto dealerships, and encourage these types of uses to locate
within the Highway 99 Corridor. When these uses are proposed to be located within one of the
corridor foczts areas, these uses should also comply with the goals and policies oaitlined for
each focus area.
This project will again use a site that was developed for used car sales in 1999. The site remains
nearly unchanged from when it was used as a car lot and no changes to the exterior of the building
or lot are proposed other than restriping the pavement.
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Staff finds that the proposal is consistent with design criteria in the Comprehensive Plan as well as the
zoning ordinance, specifically ECDC 20.11.030, 16.60.020, and 16.60.030. Therefore, staff finds that the
design of the building remodel in permit BLD -2010-0241 is APPROVED.
I have reviewed the application for compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code.
Mike Clugston; AICP
April 26, 2010
Design review decisions by staff are only appealable to the extent that the applicable building permit or
development approval is an appealable decision under the provisions of the ECDC. Design review by
staff is not in itself an appealable decision.
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