Design Review Decision 10-0532 revision.pdfOV f D,b
121 5"' Avenue North - Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 - Fax: 425.771.0221 - Web:
BLD -2010-0532 Project Proposal - Revision
Coffee Drive-Thru has submitted an application for a wall sign at their 23830 Highway 99 (#119B)
location in the Edmonds Central Plaza. Revision — the revised sign is slightlyger (12.5 square feet)
and contains additional colors on the lower portion of the sign which is now cabinet -shaped.
Property Owner Applicant
Edmonds Central Plaza LLC (Scott Park, rep.) Sign A Rama (Terry Lott, rep.)
15526 30`x' Ave. SE 211 SE Everett Mail Way, M9
Mill Creek, WA 98012 Everett, WA 98208
Design Review Process
Design review for signs is considered a Type I decision subject to the requirements of ECDC 20.01.003.
Applicable design standards include those general criteria found in the sign code (Chapter 20.60 ECDC)
and the Comprehensive Plan.
The Edmonds Central Plaza was also the subject of a sign package approved by the Architectural Design
Board on April 9, 2009 (PLN -2009-0005). The following design elements of wall signs for each tenant
must be met:
A. Boxed cabinet signs shall not be allowed. Signs shall be channel letters or outline cabinet signs.
B. Each tenant's sign shall be limited to one logo.
C. Except for logos, each tenant's sign shall be limited to no more than three colors in addition to a
background matching the building exterior color.
D. No signs of letter shall be attached to the awnings.
E. Each tenant's wall sign shall be mounted directly above the awning for that tenant space. Signs
shall be centered vertically between the top of the awning and the bottom of the building cornice.
F. Tenant spaces with only one exterior wall are allowed one wall sign. Tenant spaces that have
exterior walls that face two or more directions are allowed a maximum of two signs for that tenant
space. The area of the two signs shall not exceed the maximum allowed sign area allocated for that
tenant space.
1. Design Standards. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the site as Highway 99 Corridor. The
proposed sign satisfies the intent of the following goals and policies from the Comprehensive Plan:
a. Urban Design — General Objectives are found on pages 90-98 and are intended to encourage high
quality, well-designed projects be developed that reflect the values of the citizens of Edmonds.
b. "Provide clear signage for each distinct property." (page 93)
c. "Minimize distraction from the overuse of advertisement elements. " (page 93)
d. "Use graphics/symbols to reduce the need to have large letters." (page 93)
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File No. BLD -2010-0532 revision
Coffee Drive-Thru sign
e. "Signs should be related to the circulation element ser -i4 ng the establishment. " (page 94)
Sign type. Wall signs are permitted sign types in all zones according to ECDC 20.60.020.L.
Internally illuminated wall signs are a permitted sign type in the SR -99 district (includes Highway 99
Corridor). According to the conditions of the Edmonds Plaza sign package, wall signs must be
channel letter or outline cabinet and may only have one logo. The proposed channel letter sign
complies with these requirements. The revised signage includes illuminated channel letters on the
upper portion along with an illuminated cabinet on the bottom. The cabinet is a cross between an
outline cabinet and a boxed cabinet but it is not a boxed cabinet because the face of the sign cannot
simply be removed and replaced. The sign types are allowed by code as well as the sign package.
3. Number of signs. The Plaza's sign package allows one sign for tenant spaces with only one exterior
wall. The proposal contains only one wall sign and so meets the requirement. The revised sign
consists of upper portion of channel letters combined with a lower cabinet section.
4. Sign size and location. According to the Plaza's sign package, the wail sign for the tenant space
#I 19B may be up to 12.5 square feet. As indicated on the proposed plans, the sign is 12 square feet,
thus meeting the size requirement. At the same time, the sign must be located directly above the
awning and centered between the awning and the building cornice. The proposed sign meets this
criterion. The revised siege will be 12.5 square feet which is the maximum amount allowed for the
given tenant space according to the sign package. It will be centered as the sign package requires.
Colors. The sign package indicates that "[e]xceptfor logos, each tenant's sign shall be limited to no
more than three colors in addition to a background matching the building exterior color." The
proposed sign letters are yellow and the raceway color must match the building exterior color. The
revised signage includes the upper yellow channel letters along with a lower cabinet consisting of red
letters on a black backgr°onmd. The raceway will match the color of the exterior of the building.
Three colors are alloived for as indicated in the approved sign package for the site.
Based on the facts and conclusions of this report, staff finds that the design review for this project (File
No. BLD -2010-0532 revision) is APPROVED with the following condition:
1. The color of the raceways must match the building exterior color.
I have reviewed the application for compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code.
Mike Clugston, Planning Division
Appeals: Design review decisions by staff are only appealable to the extent that the applicable building
permit or development approval is an appealable decision under the provisions of the ECDC. Design
review by staff is not in itself an appealable decision.
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