DRC APPLICAITON.pdf PRE-APPLICATION/ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW MEETING REQUEST FORM th City of Edmonds,121 5Ave N /425.771.0220 Application #: ______________________Scheduled Date:_______________________ Time: ________________ Meetings are held on Thursdaysat 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. for approximately 45-60minutes. OPTION 1OPTION 2 Pre-Application Meeting(SEE BACK PAGE)Development Review Committee Meeting X $655.00 (1/2will be applied toward the future Complementary, informal meeting permit submittal) Submit or email 1 set of the following 1week prior Submit 1 setof plans with required informationper to the scheduled meeting date: Email: devserv.admin@edmondswa.gov handout B58 on page 2OR email required information and plans to: 1)Site Plan devserv.admin@edmondswa.gov2)Vicinity Map A meeting will be scheduled within 3weeks. 3)Copies of this completed form 4)Pertinent background information 5)Floor plans if applicable Staff from the Building, Planning, Engineering and Fire This is an informal opportunity to meet with staff and Departments attend the meeting, provide written discuss your preliminary ideas and concepts for a comments and answer questions regarding the proposed project. The intent is to help identify the major code project. This meetingis encouraged for major projects requirementsthat will need to be addressed and any prior to a formal application submittal to the City. The significant site development issues that may relate to goal is to identify MAJOR issues and discuss the project. The intent is for this to occur prior to processing proceduresapplicable to the project.considerable investment in plans and/or design work. You may wish to have your design professional(s) accompany you. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION Property Owner:Applicant/ Contact: Design Homes Construction LLC CJ Sergey Antonyuk Mailing Address:Mailing Address: 4957 Lakemont Blvd SE Suite C4 4307 147th PL SE City: State:Zip:City:State:Zip: Bellevue WA 98006 Mill Creek WA 98012 Phone: Fax:Phone:Fax: 425.985.9325 425.985.9325 Email: Email: cj@buildwithdesignhomes.com cjantonyuk@gmail.com RM-2.400566900400204 Zoning: ________ Lot Size: _____________Sno County Tax Account Parcel #:_____________________________ 10,019 75 XX 212th ST SW Edmonds WA 98026 Site Address: Vacant Land Existing Use/Occupancy: Pre-Submittal for:Building PermitOnly Land Use Approval/Permit X To build 4 units townhomes. Please see attachments. Description of Project: # B58 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING INFORMATION th City of Edmonds, 121 5Ave N / 425.771.0220 OPTION 1 All major projects are highly encouraged to schedule a Pre-Application Meeting with the Development Services Department prior to making a formal application submittal to the City. The goal of the meeting is to identify MAJOR issues and processing procedures applicable to the project which are helpful for an applicant to determine feasibility, design issues, timing, and various processes required for a project. The fee is $655.00, but one half of this fee will be applied toward the future permit submittal. Staff from the Building, Planning, Engineering, and Fire Departments attend the meeting, provide written comments and answer questions regarding the project. Pre-application meetings are held on Thursdaysstarting at 1:30 p.m. To make an appointment, bring 1 setof nd folded plans with pertinent information and the required fee to the Development Services Department (2Floor th City Hall, 121 5Avenue North);OR email to:devserv.admin@edmondswa.gov. Ameeting will be scheduled within 3 weeks. A Pre-Application Meeting is Not aPermit Application Submittal. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ON PLANSAND SUBMIT WITH MEETING REQUEST FORM: General Information:Site/Utility Plan, continued: Assessor’s tax parcel number(s) for all lotsBuilding address number(s) Site address(es)Topography at 5 foot or 2 foot intervals Existing and proposed occupancy(ies) and usesTrash enclosure location and orientation Building type of construction (e.g. VB, VA, IIIB)Streets/alleys Number of stories Easements (utility, access, etc.) Zoning designation Existing and proposed site access Number of dwelling units Parking layout, typical stall dimensions, accessible Floor areas of each floor of the buildingparking and route of travel, drive aisles noted as one- way and/or two way Fire sprinkler system and fire alarm system types Landscaped areas and signage Lot area Water courses and drainage patterns Site/Utility Plan: Location of mechanical/electrical equipment, Site drawings to scale (prefer 1” = 20’) transformers, generators, vaults, etc. Location/vicinity map Location of existing and proposed utilities (sewer, North arrow storm, water, power, etc.) Existing and proposed structures, and dimensioned Floor Plans: distances from property lines Existing and proposed floor plans (preferred scale ¼” For subdivisions: proposed lot configuration, lot = 1’) showing uses, exiting, restrooms, and accessible sizes, lot dimensions, existing and proposed access route of travel, all existing and proposed building easements, existing and proposed points of access, openings including windows/doors, etc. existing and proposed rights-of-way Revised 05/2015