Edmonds Crossing comments 3.docxMEMORANDUM
March 8, 2019
TO:HWL Architects c/o Haynes Lund
FROM:Steve Fisher, City of Edmonds Public Works, 425-771-0235
RE:Trash collection area review
PLN –20180069 Edmonds Crossing, 23830 Edmonds Way, Edmonds
The correction on sheet A20 now indicates the designated area for staging of the residents’ waste containers. The sidewalk that leads from the building to the drive aisle will need
to meet the drive aisle at grade – not a curb. Then the full length of the staging sidewalk will also now be on grade – no curb. This will ensure smoother rolling of the carts to
the collection trucks.
One thing to point out – the 50 square foot space for container storage will likely handle 5, maybe 6 of the standard 96-gallon containers, rather tightly. This calls for residents
sharing service in some manner. Some tenants could easily use their own 20-gallon containers (mini-can service rate) if individual service is desired by everyone. This could free
up space.
Please let me know if you have any questions.