Edmonds Way 7 unit.docx MEMORANDUM December 5, 2016 TO: Chandler Stever FROM: Steve Fisher, City of Edmonds Public Works, 425-771-0235 RE: Pre-application comments #PRE2016-0006 7-unit Building at 9516 Edmonds Way A trash enclosure planned next to the building will store carts which will be rolled out by residents to a wider sidewalk area on the day of service, then brought back to the enclosure. The existing 2 single-family houses to the south, which share the access easement, already use the same scenario for collection of their carts. Up to this point, discussion of a trash collection scenario with the waste hauling company for this new building indicates that collection of carts at the curb is the only way to provide service. This is due to waste hauling trucks that cannot safely access the site itself, which is very tight and has no turnaround ability. The hauling truck drivers will not back onto or out of this property due to the busy nature and curvy sections of Edmonds Way, which creates too great a safety risk. The trucks can stop and service carts at the curb early in the day by using the automatic equipment which allows quick and efficient service and minimizes risk.