Edmonds Way-665-Anderson Office-Shapiro.pdf ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST ENGINEERING DIVISION PROPERTY NAME __Anderson Development Office Building_ PROJECT ADDRESS __665 Edmonds Way_ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION __Office Building_ DEVELOPER/APPLICANT __Tony Shapiro PRE-APP DATE ____November 29, 2007, 1:30pm_ ENGINEERING REPRESENTATIVE __Jeanie McConnell_ The following checklist is a reference to assist in preparing engineering drawings for a more complete building permit application. Additional information or review comments may be precipitated during the review of the application. \[\] Complete Civil drawings City of Edmonds Standard Details and Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) are · available online at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us Provide construction sequence and include ESC Notes verbatim from ECDC 18.30.050. · \[\] Drainage report \[\] Traffic Impact Analysis If report was not 100% complete at ADB, provide the required information to complete the report · Refer to and follow the requirements outlined in the traffic impact and analysis handout E82. · Traffic impact analysis will need to address sight distance for access drives proposed. · \[\] Shoring plan CIVIL DRAWINGS \[\] TOPGRAPHIC DRAWING Existing and proposed contours (2’ or 5’ intervals) · Grading plan and quantities of cut and fill. Include quantities for building foundation and provide · bottom of footing elevations. \[\] STORM DRAINAGE Detention system · Include control structure detail Manholes- flat top not concentric Ladders- polypropylene not galvanized System profile Design by licensed engineer (>5000sf impervious area). Please contact Blaine Chesterfield, · Storm Water Program Manager at 425-771-0220 with specific questions on design requirements. Water quality (>5000sf paving) · Storm drainage report to be submitted. · 1 of 6 (Will be sent out for peer review. Cost Structural drawings and calculations for concrete vaults · shall be pass through) Footing drains, if required per the Building Code or by the Geo-Tech shall connect to outfall of · detention system. Catch basins located in underground parking shall have oil water separator and shall connect to · the building sewer line. Provide RIM and invert elevations for all existing and proposed storm structures. · Storm Development Charge – calculation is based upon impervious surface area. · Department of Ecology (DOE) – Construction Stormwater General Permit “Notice of Intent” · (NOI) for sites with the potential to disturb one or more acres of land. If needed the construction site operator must contact DOE and apply for a permit 60 days prior to discharging stormwater. A handout is available at the counter. Department of Ecology (DOE) – Industrial Stormwater General Permit “Notice of Intent” (NOI) · for sites with the potential to add pollution to surface waters from industrial activities. Needs to A brochure is available at the counter. contact DOE and determine if the permit is required. \[\] SITE ACCESS Downtown business area Alley access required All other areas – See Note under Traffic Impact Analysis Street access okay Driveway/Access Width · 24’ drive aisle for 2-way traffic Access Road · 12% max slope, waiver up to 15% per ECDC Cross slope: 4% max Driveway/access slope · 14% max slope, waiver up to 20% per ECDC 6% landing area for the first 20’. On site turn around required · \[\] FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Existing Remove and replace existing sidewalk, curb & gutter per City standards as required to complete construction and/or per City inspector. Curb and Gutter 16” concrete vertical: only to match exist. Standard Major arterial: 24” All other roads: 18” High traffic load gutter and commercial type radii When alley is used as access 10 vehicles or more (outside of downtown business area) Roadway widening Widen travel lane to 12’ from painted centerline to the face of the curb Provide additional storm improvements as required Sidewalks RM, B, C: 7-10’ wide · Tree cutouts shall be 4’ x 4’, placed at the curb side and have approved ADA grates. · Thickness of sidewalks shall be 5-1/2”. Thickness at driveway approach shall be 6”. · 2 of 6 Specify type of curb ramps to be used and reference City of Edmonds standard details. · Include standard detail with plan set. Truncated domes are required on all curb ramps at intersections. · \[\] PARKING LOTS/PARKING GARAGES/OPEN PARKING AREAS Site distance triangle requirements · Buildings; provide a site window or clear area to insure line-of-sight. Landscaping; maximum height within the site triangle shall not exceed 3’ at full growth. Curb to be painted yellow for a minimum distance of 5’ on both sides of the driveway. Above ground Drive aisles for 2-way traffic shall be 24 feet wide. Drive aisles for 1-way traffic shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide. 13’ 6” vertical clearance required for Fire Department. Please refer to Fig 18.1, found in Title 18 of the ECDC for additional parking lot layout requirements specific to angled parking. Must be able to show/demonstrate all required full size (8.5’ x 16.5’) parking stalls can be obtained within the aggregate parking area. If this can be demonstrated the ECDC will allow for up to 50% of the stalls to be reduced width (8’ x 16.5’). Parking layout between light post or other structures is measured from the inside and not the center of the structure. Maximum parking lot slopes is 6%. Landscaping near entrances shall be restricted to 3’ high maximum to insure adequate sight distance. Below ground – Parking garage Drive aisles for 2-way traffic shall be 24 feet wide. Drive aisles for 1-way traffic shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide. Please refer to Fig 18.1, found in Title 18 of the ECDC for additional parking lot layout requirements specific to angled parking. Must be able to show/demonstrate all required full size (8.5’ x 16.5’) parking can be obtained within the aggregate parking area. If this can be demonstrated the ECDC will allow for up to 50% of the stalls to be reduced width (8’ x 16.5’). Parking layout between columns can be measured from the center to center of the column but the inside dimension (face to face of column) shall at no time be less than 8’ wide. Changes in column location/size will require a new parking plan layout and approval prior to issuance of the building permit to insure all required full width stalls can be met. Driveway slope shall be a maximum of 6% for the first 20’ and 14% thereafter. Review structural and mechanical plans to insure columns and mechanical structures do not impact parking numbers and size. Show sliding gates on civil and architectural plans. Gates shall not impact parking stall widths Sight windows or other structural clearances at the parking entrance shall be provided to insure proper sight distance clearances Oil/water separator - connect to sanitary sewer. Storm water runoff not to tie into sewer. Off-site Parking Show existing parking configuration Show revised parking configuration if access entrance affects existing parking \[\] ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE Show location of pad mounted transformer, to be located on private property. · Underground Wiring Requirements · 3 of 6 \[\] SHORING PLAN (if applicable) Plan · Soil nailing not permitted in right-of-way. · Indicate erosion control measures to insure soil stability. · Provide calculations · May be sent out for peer review. Cost shall be pass through. · \[\] RETAINING WALLS/MODULAR BLOCK WALLS Follow Handout B-62 · If sent out for peer review, cost shall be pass through). Provide drawings and calculations ( · \[\] WATER SERVICE Olympic View Water and Sewer District – must contact district and follow their requirements. Review and approval of plans required by OVWSD and plans with signature of approval to be submitted to the City. City of Edmonds Customer Water Connection Fee will be required. · Domestic · Lines >2” require an RPBA and hot box. Domestic lines shall not be used for both domestic and fire sprinkler protection unless approved by the Fire Department, Public Works and Engineering. Backside of water meter to be located at property line. Irrigation · Show separate irrigation meter. Show location of backflow assembly on private property immediately after the meter. Irrigation Sprinkler Permit to be obtained from Public Works. Contact Linda McMurphy, Cross Connection Control Specialist at 425-771-0235. Fire Protection –Separate Fire Connection permit required; to be submitted with · Building Permit application and civils. Commerical – lines 4” or larger Double check Detector valve assembly (DCDVA) required per City of Edmonds · Standard Details E7.8 and E7.8.1 Assembly shall not be placed in City right-of-way but shall be installed on private property within 10’ of the property line. See Edmonds Standard Detail E7.20 For commercial buildings with zero lot line, assembly shall be placed interior wall immediately adjacent to the property line and on the side where the water main is located. TRPL Remote reader shall be placed on the exterior wall in this situation. See Standard Detail E7.19 Inside installation of DCDVA shall not impede any parking. Outside installation shall be in a vault per City Standards. Vault · Lid shall be rated H-30 in paved areas and H-10 in landscaped areas. Lid shall be L.W. Hatch type D with built in storm gutter and drain. Post Indicator Valve (P.I.V.) and Fire Department Connection (F.D.C) · Shall be placed on private property. 4 of 6 If at all possible they shall be free standing. Minimum clearances shall be 3’ radius. F.D.C shall be 4” diameter, have a 22.5* bend at the end with a 4”storz adapter . Fire Line connection requires installation of valve cluster for service connections to · City system, per Edmonds Standard Details E7.18, E7.19 and E7.20. Fire Hydrant · Hydrant will be required if maximum spacing between hydrants exceeds 150’ radius or furthest structure is >150’ from existing hydrant. \[\] SANITARY SEWER Olympic View Water and Sewer District - must contact district and follow their requirements. Review and approval of plans required by OVWSD and plans with signature of approval to be submitted to the City. City of Edmonds Customer Sewer Connection Fee will be required. · Lateral · 9 units or less; 6” minimum 10 units or more; 8” minimum and must install manhole at main Cleanouts: required at property line, at edge of easement and at the end of the run. Locking CI · lamphole covers shall be installed at property line and when located in hard surfaces. Cleanouts shall be placed a maximum of 100’ apart when the lateral length exceeds 100 feet. peer review may be required and shall be a pass though fee Grinder pumps: (). Follow · Handout E-61. \[\] ALLEYS Pave or overlay full width along property. Limits of paving will vary depending upon location of · site to nearest cross street. \[\] RECYCLE/TRASH ENCLOSURE (Contact Steve Fisher, Recycling Coordinator at 425-771-0235) Refer to Handout E-37. · Gate shall be full swing, concrete pad required. · Enclosure to be accessible by garbage hauler. Preliminary plans do not provide turn around area · for garbage hauler and backing out onto Edmonds Way will not be acceptable. NO UTILITIES (I.E. GAS METERS, POWER, ETC) SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE · ENCLOSURE \[\] EROSION CONTROL ESC requirements shall be placed on the engineering drawings verbatim per ECDC 18.30.050 · ESC standard details shall be placed on drawing. · \[\] STAGING/LAYDOWN AREA Show location of job site fencing. · \[\] TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN and HAUL ROUTE PLAN \[\] DISRUPTION FEES: 5 of 6 Disruption fees will be assessed when any activity that occupies or closes parking · spaces/lanes or other paved areas, sidewalks, or alley for more than 72 hours. Sidewalk Parking spaces Alley \[\] RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT A right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the City right-of-way. · Street disruption fees may apply if street has been overlaid within the last 5 years. · Contractor is required to have an active state contractors license as well as City business license. · \[\] COST ESTIMATE, BONDING and 2.2% Inspection Fee; Provide an itemized estimate for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off-site improvements. The 2.2% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. \[\] OTHER Easements Right-of-way dedications NOTES: 6 of 6