Edmonds Way-9803_PCC Market_bld20080116_UG plumbing.pdf
DATE: February 27, 2008
TO: George Ostrow
FAX: 206-529-0259
FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
RE: Plan Check #: bld20080116
Project: PCC Market Underground Plumbing
Project Address: 9803 Edmonds Way
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison.
City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under
Development Services Department, Engineering Division.
Grease Interceptor:
1.Provide actual invert elevations at cleanouts and connections to the vault.
2.Reference has been made to a detail located on P4.0, but this sheet has not been included with
the plumbing permit. Please provide.
3.Reference has been made to the civil drawings for connection of the grease interceptor outfall to
the sanitary side sewer. The civils however were not complete at the time of approval with
regards to this type of information. The grease interceptor was noted to be a deferred submittal.
Please provide a civil construction drawing showing the location of the existing sanitary side
sewer and the point of connection for the grease interceptor outfall. Invert elevations shall be
provided at the point of connection to the existing sewer.
4.Please provide a copy of the grease interceptor sizing worksheet, to be approved by Jon Lein,
Pretreatment Technican.
Premise Isolation
1. Premise isolation is required. Please show the location of the backflow assemblies for both the
fire line and the domestic water service line on the civil construction drawing. Olympic View Water
and Sewer District is the purveyor for this property and therefore, the location of premise isolation
and type of assembly shall be approved by the District. Please provide three copies of the signed,
approved plan from OVWSD to the City.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.