EdmondsUnitedMethodist1.pdf City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 DATE: April 17, 2008 TO: Stephen Marshall-Ward e-mail: marshalldesign@earthlink.net FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check # 2008-0242 Project: Edmonds United Methodist Church -- remodel Project Address: 828 Caspers St. During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. 1.Submit new occupant load calculations (for sanctuary) based on the new seating and platform configuration. Post maximum occupant load sign at the main door to the sanctuary.1004.1 2.Note on the plans if there will be useable space under the platform (other than electrical wiring or plumbing for the platform). If there will, the floor construction must be 1-hour rated (IBC 410.4). 3.Provide construction details showing how the platform and ramp will be anchored to the existing structure. 4.Dimension the height of the platform on detail 1A/A3.0. 5.Clearly show on the plans how the concealed sleeper space will be fireblocked per IBC 717.2.7. 6.Provide accessible seating and assisted listening devices (IBC 1108.2). 7.Provide construction detail of the portable platform. 8.Windows adjacent to the ramp and landings must be safety glazed (IBC 2406.3 #10 – also see exceptions under #11). Comments from Building Official regarding technically infeasible ramp landings: 1.Revise letter to reference IBC 1010.6.2 rather than 1010.6.3. 2.Revise letter to reference IBC 3402 and specifically include language that ramp landing compliance is technically infeasible due to the existing structural columns.