EIS Preparation Letter 10142010.pdfOctober 14, 2010
121 5th AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS. WA 98020 0 (425) 771-0220 o FAX (425) 771-0221
Website: www dedmonds.wa.us
Michael Spence
Harrison Benis & Spence, LLP
2101 Fourth Ave, Suite 1900
Seattle, WA 98121-2315
Subject: Sunset Landing Contract Rezone: PLN20090051
Environmental Impact Statement Preparation
Mr. Spence,
The next step in the process for the Sunset Landing Contract Rezone is the preparation of the
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In order to begin the preparation of the EIS, a consultant team
with qualifications to analyze the potential identified impacts must be selected.
Following the issuance of the Determination of Significance and subsequent public scoping, the City of
Edmonds has identified the following elements of the environment for discussion in the EIS:
1. No action — Development under Community Business (BC) Zoning
2. Proposed Action — Contract Rezone from BC to General Commercial (CG and CG2) with 60 and 75
foot height limits
3. Third Alternative — Contract Rezone from BC to CG with 45 to 55 foot height limits
Phased Review
As indicated in the determination of significance, the City of Edmonds is planning a phased review
pursuant to WAC 197-11-060(5). The following elements of the environment are to be covered in detail
in the Phase I Environmental Impact Statement;
1. Scenic Resource
a. How will the proposed heights impact views in Edmonds
b. Conduct a viewshed analysis for the bowl area of Edmonds.
c. Aesthetics: Include shadow study and massing of the buildings in the viewshed analysis
(Assuming the development envelop is built out to the maximum as proposed in the contract
rezone application).
2. Transportation — Prepare a detailed Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
a, Assume full build out of the development envelopes
i. 360 residential units
ii. 30,000 square feet of commercial space
b. Include in the TIA
Nncori.rOrated August Vii, 1890
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
i. Transportation Systems — What are the impacts and benefits of the proposed development on
fent' traffic and bus and train systems.
ii. Vehicular Traffic
I. Expected Trips
A. Residential
B. Commercial
iii. Movement/circulation of people and/or goods
1. Address traffic flow
A. How will traffic access the site
B. Separation of residential and commercial
C. Parking
D. Note: Internal flow of traffic within the site may be addressed in Phase II of SERA
II. How will traffic get to the site
A. Impact on ferry traffic
B. Impact on other Edmonds' streets
iv. Traffic Hazards
3. Relationship to existing land use plans
a. Edmonds Comprehensive Plan
b. Transportation Plan
c. Stormwater Comprehensive Plan
d. Sanitary Sewer System Comprehensive Plan
e. Streetscape Plan
The following elements of the environment are to be covered in a more general nature in the Phase I
Environmental Impact Statement with more detailed analysis to be followed in the Phase II SEPA review
where appropriate.
1. Geology and soils/groundwater
a. Provide an updated geotechnical report of site conditions
b. Discuss typical methods of construction that may be employed and how the unique soils and
groundwater conditions on the site will be managed. Include discussion of seismic and
liquefaction hazard and potential risk to residents and merchants located with buildings.
2. Flooding
a. General discussion on the character of existing site flooding
i. Cause
ii. Frequency
iii. Duration
iv. How may sea level rise and climate change influence flooding issues?
b. Demonstrate that stormwater from the proposed development will not contribute to flooding.
3. Potential release of toxic or hazardous materials
a. Update Phase I Site Assessment for the property
b. Provide a general discussion on how the site could be cleaned up if the site is found to be
Consultant Selection Process
The City understands the applicants wish to be involved in the in the consultant selection process;
however, ECDC 20.15A.290.B.2 clearly indicates that consultant contracted for the EIS preparation shall
be selected by the City of Edmonds. While the City of Edmonds must ultimately select the consultant,
the applicant may provide the City with a list of five consultants that the applicant would like the City to
solicit request for proposals from based on the elements of the environment identified above for inclusion
in the EIS. The City provided you with the MRSC Roster that contains a number of qualified consultants.
The City will then interview and select the consultant to prepare the EIS.
EIS Funding
ECDC 20.15A.290.B.3 indicates that the applicant shall pay the projected amount of EIS preparation to
the City of Edmonds prior to commencing work on the EIS. The City of Edmonds understands that the
total cost of the EIS may be a substantial sum and the applicant may not be able to set aside that amount
of money upfront. In order to break up the EIS payments, once the consultant has been selected, the City
will work with the applicant and consultant to break the EIS preparation into distinct segments. Before
work on any specific segment has begun, the applicant must pay the projected amount to cover
development of that segment of the EIS.
In order to keep this process moving forward, please provide the City of Edmonds with a list of
consultants to solicit request for proposals from by November 12, 2010. The City will review the list
provided, and if the City concurs that they are qualified to prepare the EIS, requests for proposals will be
sent on December 1, 2010.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you or the applicant has with the EIS content or
consultant selection process.
I rnen Lien
Associate Planner
Cc: Al Dykes, property owner
Bio Park, Office of the City Attorney