Encroachment docs.pdf121511. 1 AVENUE 1,�O.WFH ET)M011JDS, W A 98020 PHONE: (425)'771-0220 FAX: (425)771-0221 S'YAT US. ISS UED ENG20140251 Pcrnr�t Munber: F -M2014-0251 Address of Pubhe Use/Encroachnient: 947 WALNUT ST, EDMODS 947 WA.LNUT L.I. EDMONDS, %VA 98020-3335 4 -foot high fence located within Wahutt Street rig lit -of -way. "Single Family -no insurance certificate required " SMEETUSE. Placement oj'an), temporary or provable objects in an' � portion o publiespace or City rigMt-o ' J V J--Ivay shall meet all code requirements as set forth in the following chapters of 'the Edinonds Community Developatent Code. NC1?0.A CHMENT. Permanent structures encroaching upon. an.)) portion, of'public space, City right-qf-way or easement area shall ineel all Code Requirements as set.forth in theJ611owing chapter of the Edmonds Commutnity Developmen I Code. CODE APPLICA 770N. Chapter 18,70, 17.65, and 17.70h040 ofthe Edmonds Community Development Code. All terms of the adopted ordina77ce are incorporated herein as ifsetj6rth in full and this permit therefore is subject to the ternis of those chapters. FOR THE TERMIN WHICH THISPUBLIC USEIENCROA CHMENT IS IN EFFECI; THEOIFNE RSHA ALL COMPLY WITH THE, PE, RAHT CONDITIONS SET FOR 7:11 B YT HIS PE111111T, NOTE: The issuance oj'this permit is understood by the owner to he ol'a temporar) .) nature, shall vest no permanent right and shall be issued and may in anlr case he revolted at the sole discretion of the City per ECDC 18.70.040, Applicant is responsible to provide a copy ref the insurance certificate to the City at tile beginning qj' each calendar, year, no later than the 21st da,v ql'Jwmaj°y. INDEMNITY: The Applicant underslands and agrees to hold the Ci1v' o Ednionds harmless any in ' ' . J Yul"IVS, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that inay be made against the applicant or the City qf'Zdmonds, or any elf its departments or emplojlees, including but not limited to the defense Q1'any legal proceedings including defense costs, court cost, and attorney fees by reason of granting thispermit. In addition, the applicant understands that helshe shall provide and continually maintain during the term, ol'the permit a cerititicate of insurance naming the cily as an additional insured, with respect to liability, and providing that it shall he primary as to any other policy of insurance. '9T0ISAIIIII.ICA'IIONISNO'I'AIIL'RNII'I'tJNI'�LSI(iNLDBY ]HECITY 1ENGINEER OR IIISIIFR DEPUTY: AND FFES ARE PAm,AND RECEIPTISACKNOWLEM'.171D IN SPACE PROVIDED. ED BY I Printed: Thursdav, Jime 26,201 STATUS:t, ® Design Review Approval has been granted or the process has been administratively approved. ® The proposal will not unreasonably interfere with the rights of the public. ® Three feet of clearance around fire hydrants, standpipes, P.I.V.'s, manholes, water meters, blowoffs, cleanouts and valves shall be maintained. The proposal either benefits the public interest, safety or convenience (e.g., supports or protects the city street) or is an accessory structure such as fence normally associated with residential use of the property as fully complies with the requirements of criteria above. ® Applicant shall repair/replace all damage to utilities or fiontage improvements in City right-of-way per City standards that is caused by or occurs during the permitted project. • Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance of this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance not limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. ® None Whe-a recorded nx ail toe City Clara City of Edrnonds 121 Fift A venue North Edmonds, Wk 98026 201405180351 C0111F0RPIED COPY 06/18/20-14 ;1 pql , 5 PG5 SNOW11511 COONIY, SHINC10'1 SPACE ABOVE THE LINE FOR RECORDERS USE Assessor's Parcel Nv.o , q a p�Ejo, f �J Applicau:. I 1 � �-- 11 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF EDMONDS ("City") and� ��ii �. ("Owner[s]"), in accordance with Chapter 15.70 of the dmonds Community Development Code. %. The Property. Owner is the owner of that certain real property located at qa j; �t{ jit (`� within the City of Edmonds, Washington, Assessor's Parcel Number 0()q -34W 7[ fad and more particularly described as follows (111`Fy of OD �,ioN_ 6 0*1 9> -fes VV 20 �-T OF WJ -..A- 7 A -U, L03 i `9 or as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Easement. The City right-of-way adjacent to owner's property or an existing easement used for (strike those that don't apply) [street, road, ftl-l%,-y, Wil; sidewalk, With, _�Pnt, r, we. -ter, z �, other M I Y l i sbcl 3. The Encroachment. The Owner desires to encroach upon the public easement and the City hereby covenants and agrees and grants its permission to Owner to - allow to auy 'foci ccola Rn�- ty-r -P� 'A uo �-ncyles . _ to remain in a portion of the City right-of-way/easement. A partial site plan, scaled 1"-20', showing the location of the encroachment is attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference. This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions: -Iof4- f. The property owner is required to provide and continually maintain during the torr of the permit a certificate of insurance -naming the City as an additional insured, with respect to liability, and providing that it shall be prunary as to any otl er policy of' nsurance. A copy of the insura-ace certificate shall be provided to the City at the beginning of each calendar year, no later than the 21St day of January. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties wiih respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all other agreements, oral or wr-itten, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement may not be amended except in writing in a doeument filed of record with the auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, 5. Notices. Any notice which is required or may be given -pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing by United States mail, first class, postage pre -paid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by other comparable commercial means and addressed as follows: Lto the City: City Engineer City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, SNA 98020 If to the Owner: which addresses may be changed from time to time by providing notice to the other party in the manner described above. 6. Naive -r. City's consent to or approval of any act or omission by Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any other default by Owner and shall not be deemed a waiver or render unnecessary City's consent for approval to any subsequent act by Owner. Any waiver by City of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of the Agreement. 7. 'Vermination of Agreement. In addition to any other remedy provided for by law, the City reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the event the encroachment negatively impacts or damages the City's easement and/or underlying utility systems or violates any condition of service adopted by the City, at its sole discretion, as may be necessary to prevent damage to the City's utility system, or any other public facility which - maybe impacted -by -the- Owners' failure -to -properly -use -the easement. 8. Successors and sis. This Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. Owner agrees to incorporate this agreement by reference in any subsequent deeds to the property, but any failure to do so does not invalidate this provision. -3cf?- a. On behalf of themselves, their successors and assig_rs, the Owner promises to n-iainla.in, repair, remove and/or replace the encroacturient located in the easement at their sole expense to the standards established by the City. Al maintenance, repair, -removal and/or repla.cemeii_t shall_ be conducted solely at the Owriers' expense. b. The Owner, on behalf of themselves and their successors and assigns, a6mowledge that the City had no obligation to approve the encroachment within the easement for the sole benefit of the Owner, and the agrceracrits contained herein, provide sufh.cient consideration for the Owner and their successors and assigns to maintain, repair, remove and/or replace said encroaGhra nt located i the easement at their sole expense in peg-petifity. C. The O�vser promises to u -id iffy and hold harmless the City, its of icers, agents and employees from any Loss, claim or liability of any kind or nature arising from or out of its promises contained within this agreement, including any damage that may be caused to the encroachment by the City's operation, maintenance, repair, replacement or other work related to construction activity within the easement This promise to hold harmless and indemnify includes defense by counsel of the City's choosing, the payment of reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. Nothing herein, however, shall_ be interpreted to require the Owner to indemnify the City from the negligence or intentional tortuous act of its employees, officers, or agents. d. The Owner shall at the request of the City, promptly remove, repair, reconstruct, and/or replace the encroachment at the Owners' sole expense. Upon receipt of notification from the City that the City requires removal of all or portions of the encroachment from within the easement, the Owner will promptly remove those portions of the encroachment from within the easement area as required by the City at their sole expense. If the portions of the encroachment required by the City to be removed are not timely removed by the Owner, they shall be removed by the City at the expense of the Owner, and the Owner shall reimburse the City for the costs of removal of the encroachment and disposal of materials as well as for any increased construction costs or consequential damages incurred by the City due to the Owners' delay. In the event that portions of the encroachment must be removed to facilitate utility and/or construction activity by the City within the easement or other requirements of the City, the Owner shall be solely responsible for replacement of the encroachment at their expense upon completion of the utility and/or construction or other activity by the City. e. Whatever rights and obligations were acquired by the City with respect to the easement shall remain and continue in Rill force and effect and shall in no way be affected by City's grant of permission to construct and maintain the encroachment structure. -2oi4- , Capacity. Each party represents that the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of_ such party has the authority to execute this Agreement and by such. signatuTc(s) thereby bind sLich party. fN Wfl',IESS -WITF-REOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this � � day of ]L' -T s 20 / Li OzArl\F R(S): By- - dit �11��q��� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COLJN Y OF SNOHOMISH } This day, personally appeared before me,(_�'. to me known to be they who executed the witbi. and fareoing document and that (he/she/they) signed the same as (his/her/their) /�.fee and voluntary act and deed ford-e64d puiposes therein mentioned. wp4�,e;�V@kti4i4 fill .;i 1 911 J L '-Tgotary Public r Typed. or Printed Name VIy Commission expires:— d� E CITY OF EDMONDS By: Ni EN INEERIl�IG DIVISION -4of4- N 4 x x x x rte* x °sem f; �; X --------------------- -------------- --- ENCROACHMENT PERMIT f BUILDING PE #e E a RECORDING #e,�r� El Check box for Encroachment Including Artwork in the Public Right -of -Way PROPERTY OWNER NAME: r � r � �'`, � �f' >` Phone _,_ E. PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS.-� i =E BUSINESS NAME (for Conu nercial applications): i BUSINESS OWNER NAME: Phone ADDRESS OF PUBLIC ENCROACHMENT: � � 4-1 !u Or -f 11/i t.�.�� � 'Pvef;/,I. --, A ���,11 1 /lam/F✓/P/IPJ/CT/ib%/aY.%fJ/. /Ey/ /G%P.Y/EU/J/U/EU/.;✓l /l✓/l /!P2'✓/!%f/O/.;l/L'✓/ YlJ/.f%/!%ll✓.9/l_'/1/C✓/FJYfJ/.I/.f✓/1✓/L'7% /!✓f/..%lri%/%%l%9/, %/d// % /%.✓/s&/ 71 J//,7171�Jfc32N/Pl/Pf/Pl/!.%/G'%A?/. //9/f✓/L%L/.r✓/!"/.//fl//%r9/!1/!✓/.rY/"fP'/1.3T/�J/a9/.�' Permanent structures encroaching upon any portion of public space, City right-of-way or easement area shall meet all Code Requirements as set forth in the following chapter of the Edmonds Community Development Code. 18.70 STREET USE AND ENCROACHMENT PERMITS PERMIT ISSUANCE An Encroachment Permit may be issued, at the discretion of the Development Services Director, City Engineer or their respective designee, for permanent structures encroaching upon any portion of public space, City right-of-way or easement area, if the structures are placed in compliance with the above referenced Code Section and the following criteria are met: 1. It has been concluded that the proposal will not adversely impact public space open to vehicular or pedestrian travel; 2. Architectural Design Board approval has been granted or the process has been administratively approved; 3. The proposal will not unreasonably interfere with the rights of the public; and 4. The proposal either benefits the public interest, safety or convenience (e.g., supports or protects the City street) -or_is an accessory structure such as a fence normally _associated with residential use of the property as fully complies with the requirements of Criteria 3 above. s. Edmonds Arts Commission has reviewed the required materials and made a favorable recommendation. (DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ENCROACHMENT: (include total square footage of encroachment and give specific location such as, 5' west of face ofyycuTb and 10' south of ch of driveway entrance) S:l�--ngrlfforzi-AslEzicroachmentApplication.doc Revised 10/9/2007 APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN NOTE: The issuance of this permit is understood by the applicant to be of a temporary nature, revocable by the City per ECDC 18.70.040 and that no vested right is granted. Applicant is responsible to provide a copy of the insurance certificate to the City at the beginning of each calendar year, no later than the 21" day of January. INDEMNITY: The applicant understands and by his/her signature to this application, agrees to hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the applicant or the City of Edmonds, or any of its departments or employees, including but not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including - defense costs, court costs, and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. In addition, the applicant understands that he/she shall provide and continually maintain during the term of the permit a certificate of insurance naming the city as an additional insured, with respect to liability, and providing that it shall be primary as to any other policy of insurance. CODE APPLICATION: By signing the application below the applicant warrants that slhe has read or had the opportunity to read Chapter 18.70 of the Edmonds Community Development Code and s/he understands that all terms of the adopted ordinance are incorporated herein as if set forth in full and this application and permits therefore are subject to the terms of those Chapters. IGI�ATIJRI+; / i DATE `l' t° ` Propeay Owner ******* DEPARTMENT APPROVALS ***** FOR CITY USE ONLY ******* Date Rev'd: by: Cert. of Insurance verified by: Date . Public Works Approved by. Date Remarks: . Planning Division Approved by: Remarks: Edmonds Arts Commission Approved By: Remarks: ADB# Date Engineering Division Approvedby.— t�! ::/ �.�2:� - � �1\ __ Date Remarks: Revised 1.0/9/2007