ENG INFO DRC20160010.pdf------------------------------- „---- ---------------------------------T '----- FOUND RESAR 8 CAP LS 9567 I FOUND RESAR & CAP LS 4561 , �I LOT 2 BLOCK 4 I I I 2a'-y 26•.y II • ' t II,I 2pV BED 4BED 4BED 4i8�E.PD4 I i I UNIT UNIT UNITUNIT , ' I � io III I'o yM i� 0'-y Y-a' R }'-0. J.O• 4 R I T-0' Y.y Y-7 s'•Y I I y 1a•-ovz^ Q 2CAR - 2CAR 2CAR 2CAR > 1 >_ GARAGE 3 e GARAGE GARAGE 3 GARAGE 3 ; I � 1Y-0' 3 19'-y I — 1H-9' J ' S 19•-0. � I ` 1 I �I 2 CAR 2CAR 2 CAR 2CAR DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY v DRIVEWAY Y DRIVEWAY i II _AOL vx •1t &41 4 2- S vituJ 5 Ku v- 4 cu pau,k� ak UJUAIL5 cl-kr— /N `l/ W 57E s Lot l ( VY,movt sou 4v"� f c n5 0-;' s /S;rG�il 1 EC H I I HEIGHTS VISION 4 MA"I ark w�a ��'T112r Preliminary lo�ky 1 i14 ac c��5 y A. Review Process Status Report �-�- Perm i< PRE20130034 1� �� C PEF2MITfq.'tr', , 100 - Planning Review Complete? Y 08/15/2013 By: MACHUGA Minutes: 90 Original Due Date: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y Provided verbal comments at DRC meeting. In RM-2.4 zone, discussed setback and parking requirements, design review process, needs critical areas determination, etc. Staff made it clear that we cannot do a legal review of the private agreements and easements that they submitted. Suggested they have a lawyer look at these to determine their rights on access to the site, making any changes to Arbor Villa's existing parking, etc. Any changes to Arbor Villa's parking needs to comply with parking regs based on number of bedrooms per unit in Arbor Villa. Cannot cut off access to Arbor Villa's existing parking or trash enclosure. Needs to provide easement access or to have Arbor Villa move or remove the parking and trash enclosure to an appropriate location. 105 - Building Review 08/15/2013 By: BJORBACK Minutes: 0 Provided verbal comments to applicants. Total Time: 90 Complete? Y Original Due Date: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y Total Time: 0 110 - Engineering Review Complete? Y 08/16/2013 By: ZULAUF Minutes: 120 Original Due Date: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y recommended consultation with attorney to answer private easement questions 24ft drive aisle req'd to access the property through Arbor property parking spaces at north of north Arbor Village building cannot be blocked If necessary to remove, need to work with Arbor Village to make sure parking req's are met and dumpster access is available. New construction: all GFC's apply -noted increases in 2014 Utilities maybe suitable for straight connection but need to verify Stormwater mitigation req'd " provided handouts and map of utility location Total Time: 120 115 - Fire Review Complete? Y 08/15/2013 By: WESTFALL Minutes: 60 Original Due Date: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y Provided verbal comments to applicant at meeting. Total Time: 60 120 - Trash Enclosure Review Complete? Y 08/16/2013 By: FISHER Minutes: 25 Original Due Date: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y Need to first confer with planning, engineering, and hauler in order to provide comment. Total Time: 25 140 - Cross Connection Complete? Y 08/27/2913 By: MCMURPHY Minutes: 19 Original Due ®ate: 08/15/2013 Action: CMP Y Premise isolation in hot box at meter. Signed off Total Time: 10 145 - DST Review Complete? Y 08/20/2013 By: HARRISMN Minutes: 0 Original [Due ©ate: 08/15/2813 Action: CMP Y Total Time: 0 8/17/2015 9:29:23 AM Page 1 of 2