ENG INFO-PRE20160006.pdfENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST ENGINEERING DIVISION PROPERTY NAME Edmonds Apartments PROJECT ADDRESS 9516 Edmonds Wav TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 7 Unit Apartment Buildina DEVELOPER Brass Tack Investments ethansorrelueenAp—mail.com APPLICANT Chandler Stever Architect chandlerstever(i,comcast.net PRE-APP DATE December 8, 2016 ENGINEERING REPRESENTATIVE JoAnne Zulauf The following checklist is a reference to assist in preparing engineering drawings for a more complete building permit application. Additional information and review comments will be provided once we have received a full project submittal. Complete Civil drawings • City of Edmonds Standard Details and Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) are available online at www.edmondswa.gov. • Drawings shall be 24 x 36 in size and scaled at 1:20 minimum. • Include full extent of property and adjoining right of ways. • Details/Profiles as well as City of Edmonds Standard Details shall be provided as necessary. • Include Civil Plan Sheet Index • Include Utility Purveyor Information • Include "Approved by Engineering" approval block — example online. • Provide Construction Sequence — example attached. • Include General Construction Notes — example attached. Drainage report The submitted geotech report and the site storm drainage references the 2005 SWMMWW. • Projects submitted on or after January 1 st ,2017, shall design the stormwater drainage system in accordance with the 2014 Stormwater Manual as modified by 2017 ECDC 18.30 Stormwater Management. The 2017 Edmonds Stormwater Addendum will become available over the next few weeks and further discuss approved methods for infiltration testing and submittal requirements. Traffic Impact Analysis • Refer to and follow the requirements outlined in the ECDC 18.82 and handout E-82. CIVIL PLANS TOPGRAPHIC DRAWING • Existing and proposed contours (2' intervals) • Grading plan and quantities of cut and fill. Include quantities for building foundation and provide bottom of footing elevations. C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 1 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 • Use light pen layer for the proposed construction so pertinent information is clearly identifiable. STORM DRAINAGE • Refer to the 2017 ECDC 18.30 and the 2014 DOE Stormwater Manual. • Submitted plans show the impervious surface to be over 5000 sf and therefore the site will be classified as a Category 2 Project. The project is over 10,000 sf and therefore simplified sizing for LID bmps is not available. Please provide a stormwater report. • Proposal includes discharge directly to "existing drainage along the south side of Edmonds Way". Please address how this is consistent with the 2017 code in the stormwater report. • Low Impact Development shall be required unless infeasible. Please review the 2014 SWMMWW LID bmp List 2 for Category 2 projects. City of Edmonds modifications to List 2 can be found in the 2017 version of ECDC 18.30.D.5 Minimum Requirement 5. • Fire Marshal has indicated a detail that includes a specific durability of road surface. Please make sure that the surface chosen off the List can be found in a material that is rated appropriately. Include material specifications with the submittal. • Please review the approved methods for determining the soil infiltration rate. Submission shall include all items noted in the 2017 Stormwater Addendum. • This project site discharges into the Edmonds Way Basin which is a restricted discharge area. Please review 2017 ECDC 18.060.D.5.b for flow requirements. • Structural drawings and calculations for concrete vaults (Will be sent out for peer review. Cost shall be pass through) • Footing drains, if required per the Building Code or by the Geo-Tech shall connect to outfall of detention system or other point bypassing the mitigation structure. • Provide RIM and invert elevations for all existing and proposed storm structures. • Storm Development Charge — calculation is based upon impervious surface area. • Robert Edwards is the City's Stormwater Engineer. Robert can be reached by e-mail at robcrtcdwards(a<edmondswa.gov or by phone at 425.771.0220 x1323. SITE ACCESS • Driveway Approach - Access Width ➢ 30' standard width for Multi -Family • Driveway/Access Slope )0, After 16' into the property, measured from behind sidewalk, access road may be reduced to 22' in width. Once past the building entrance, road width may be reduced to 20'. ➢ 18" thickened edge or curbing to direct stormwater flows shall be in addition to the widths above. ➢ Access road shall have a maximum of 14% slope per Edmonds Community Development Code 18.80.060 D. Please review code section for criteria necessary to possibly obtain a waiver for over 14%. The code allows a maximum slope of 20 % with an approved waiver. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS • Curb and Gutter ➢ Vertical Curb, Standard Detail • Sidewalks CAUsersVulauMppDatalLocaffemplPre20160006-Ed monds_Apartments.doc Page 2 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 ➢ 5-foot wide sidewalks, 4-foot landscape strip ➢ Three Street Trees shall be located in the landscape strip. ➢ Tree Species shall be determined during the review process. ➢ Thickness of sidewalks shall be 5-1/2". Thickness at driveway approach shall be 6". ➢ Sidewalk through driveway access shall be held high with slope to road contained in landscaped section. Standard detail to be available shortly. OPEN PARKING STALLS Parking stalls shall be at minimum 8.5' x 16.5'. Parking stalls must meet standard separation from utilities and above ground structures. Underground parking requirements to be met per code. ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE • Show location of pad mounted transformer if proposed, to be located on private property. • Underground Wiring Requirements RETAINING WALLS/MODULAR BLOCK WALLS • Follow Handout B-62 WATER SERVICE • City of Edmonds ➢ Meter(s) shall be placed on right of way side of property line ➢ Minimum meter size %" with 1" minimum line size. ➢ If sprinkling 1" water meters are required with 1 %" water lines ➢ Water Connection General Facility Charge is assessed by size of water meter. • Fire Protection — information provided in Fire Marshall response SANITARY SEWER City of Edmonds ➢ 6" cleanout shall be required at the property line with 12" lamphole cover with ''/z" hexbolts. ➢ Existing lateral shall be inspected by the Sewer Division to determine if in acceptable condition for reuse. If not, a new 6" lateral from the main to the property line is required. ➢ If existing line shall not be reused, it must be capped at the property line. ➢ Sewer Connection General Facility Charge shall be assessed per equivalent residential unit. RECYCLE/TRASH ENCLOSURE • City Contact: Recycling Coordinator Steve Fisher — 425.771.0235 • Refer to Handout E-37. • Gate shall be full swing, concrete pad required. • Enclosure to be accessible by garbage hauler. • NO UTILITIES (I.E. GAS METERS, POWER, ETC) SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE ENCLOSURE • Location of Recycle/Trash Enclosure: The configuration using curbside pickup will not be approved by the Engineering Division. See below for full comments. EROSION CONTROL C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 3 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 • Erosion and discharge of sediments and other pollutants into receiving waters during construction are considered and illicit discharge and shall be prevented. • A full temporary erosion and sediment control plan is required for issuance of a demo permit. • Developer is responsible for implementation and maintenance of erosion control measures. • ESC general notes and standard details consistent with 2017 Stormwater Code and 2014 SWMMWW shall be placed on drawing including tree protection if applicable. STAGING/LAYDOWN AREA • Show location of job site fencing, job trailer, materials storage, etc. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN and HAUL ROUTE PLAN • Include traffic control plan. DISRUPTION FEES: Disruption fees will be assessed when any activity occupies or closes parking spaces/lanes or other paved areas, sidewalks, or alley for more than 72 hours. ➢ Sidewalk ➢ Parking spaces ➢ Alley RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT • A right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the City right-of-way. • Contractor is required to have an active state contractor's license as well as City business license. COST ESTIMATE, BONDING and 3.3% Inspection Fee • Provide an itemized estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control using the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website). The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off -site improvements. • The 3.3% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. OTHER Easements -provide copies of easement for access road. I was unable to find using the of number provided. Please provide information/identification of any short plat or lot line adjustment affecting this property. Right-of-way dedications -not applicable Garbage/Recycling: In the redevelopment of the property, the design is required to meet all current code, policy and safety regulations, etc., of a new project. It is the developer's responsibility to adequately design for all the private needs of the project which would include providing sufficient area for a trash enclosure and sufficient turn -around for trucks to pick it up on the site. In addition to the proposed apartments, there are two other properties behind this one with garbage and recycling that also need to be picked up. The city transportation engineer has stated that curbside pickup is a safety hazard and cannot be approved for this site. Edmonds way is a state route, a direct link from 1-5 and Highway 99 to the city and the ferry terminal. It is a high speed, heavily trafficked road. As the corridor properties redevelop, any existing or new curbside pickup will no longer be an option. In the city's comprehensive plan, goals for the C:\Users\Zulaui\AppData\Local\Temp\Pre20160006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 4 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 Edmonds Way Corridor include "the more intensive development that occurs along the corridor should not interfere with the flow of through traffic" further backup for the decision to deny the curbside pickup. Besides safety concerns, Edmonds Way is a designated "corridor" into the City and has specific requirements for the landscape strips to provide a more consistent and attractive entrance to the City. Street trees are specifically required as are landscape strips. So, in short, the current design adding the additional garbage and recycling cans along the frontage of the property and increase the safety hazard of trucks cause stopping on Edmonds Way is not consistent with the requirements of new development in this area. NOTES: GIS Map information is provided as a graphical representation of existing utilities. Actual utility locations are to be verified by the owner/applicant. Fees or Fee Structures referenced above are based on current utility code and may not be up to date at time of submittal. C:1UserslZulaufAppDatalLocalkTemplPre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 5 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARD PLANS AND DETAILS, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL MUNICIPAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS: - CURRENT INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) - WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (CURRENT EDITION) - WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN (CURRENT EDITION) 2. STANDARD PLAN AND TYPE NUMBERS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS REFER TO CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARD DETAILS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL RECORD ALL APPROVED DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS ON A SET OF "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS AND SHALL SUMMARIZE ALL AS -BUILT CONDITIONS ON ONE SET OF REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE OWNER PRIOR PROJECT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. A SET OF AS -BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OCCUPANCY/FINAL PROJECT APPROVAL. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET. SEE SURVEY FOR BENCHMARK INFORMATION. 7. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND SITE FEATURES SHOWN HEREON HAVE BEEN FURNISHED BY OTHERS BY FIELD SURVEY OR OBTAINED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND SHOULD THEREFORE BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY AND NOT NECESSARILY COMPLETE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN AND TO FURTHER DISCOVER AND PROTECT ANY OTHER UTILITIES NOT SHOWN HEREON WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION, DEPTH, SIZE, TYPE AND CONDITION OF EXISTING UTILITY LINES AT CONNECTION OR CROSSING POINTS BEFORE TRENCHING FOR NEW UTILITIES. ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE COMPLETENESS OR ACCURACY OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND SITE FEATURES PRESENTED ON THESE DRAWINGS. ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF CONFLICTS THAT ARISE. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATION SERVICE (1-800-424-5555) AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AT THE PROJECT SITE BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 10. PIPE LENGTHS WHERE SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 6 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 (WHERE APPLICABLE) AND SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CONTENTS THEREOF. ALL SITE WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS REPORT. 12. STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 13. MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT SHALL BEAR ON MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. IF SOIL IS DISTURBED, SOFT, LOOSE, WET OR IF ORGANIC MATERIAL IS PRESENT AT SUBGRADE ELEVATION, REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 14. SEE SURVEY AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS, LANDSCAPED AREAS AND OTHER PROPOSED OR EXISTING SITE FEATURES. 15. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR PERIMETER FOUNDATION DRAINS. FOUNDATION DRAINS SHALL BE INDEPENDENT OF OTHER SITE DRAIN LINES AND SHALL BE TIGHTLINED TO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 16. ALL REQUIRED STORMWATER FACILITIES MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 17. ALL ROOF DRAINS, PERIMETER FOUNDATION DRAINS, CATCH BASINS AND OTHER EXTERNAL DRAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS. 19. AS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON AND OFF SITE SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE EQUIVALENT OF THEIR PRECONSTRUCTION CONDITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS. 20. ALL DISTURBED SOIL AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED OR STABILIZED BY OTHER ACCEPTABLE METHODS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ON -SITE EROSION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR SPECIFIC GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP OFF -SITE STREETS CLEAN AT ALL TIMES BY SWEEPING. WASHING OF THESE STREETS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. 22. THIS PROJECT IS NOT A BALANCED EARTHWORK PROJECT. BOTH EXPORT AND IMPORT OF SOIL AND ROCK MATERIALS ARE REQUIRED. 23. SLOPE OF FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE CONSTANT BETWEEN FINISHED CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN. 24. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING WALLS AT MINIMUM 5% SLOPE FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 10 FEET. 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SHORING AND BRACING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT WORKERS, EXISTING BUILDINGS, STREETS, WALKWAYS, UTILITIES AND OTHER EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND EXCAVATIONS AGAINST C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 7 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 LOSS OF GROUND OR CAVING EMBANKMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF SHORING AND BRACING, AS REQUIRED. 26. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY AND FOLLOW CITY PROCEDURES FOR ALL WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS, HYDRANT SHUTOFFS, STREET CLOSURES OR OTHER ACCESS RESTRICTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT RELOCATE OR ELIMINATE ANY HYDRANTS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL. 27. COORDINATE AND ARRANGE FOR ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, UTILITY RELOCATIONS AND/OR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS WITH THE AFFECTED OWNERS AND APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE MADE ONLY WITH ADVANCE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE AUTHORITIES GOVERNING SAID UTILITIES. 28. EXISTING UTILITY LINES IN SERVICE WHICH ARE DAMAGED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE REPAIRED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE AND INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED BY CITY OF EDMONDS AND OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. 29. NEW UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE GENERALLY SHOWN BY DIMENSION, WHERE NO DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATED, LOCATIONS MAY BE SCALED FROM DRAWINGS. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND CITY. 30. WHERE NEW PIPE CLEARS AN EXISTING OR NEW UTILITY BY 6" OR LESS, PLACE POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC FOAM AS A CUSHION BETWEEN THE UTILITIES. 31. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) FOR CONTINUATION OF SITE UTILITIES WITHIN THE BUILDING. 32. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) FOR EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL WORK. 33. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) FOR SITE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 8 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES 1. SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCITON MEETING WITH CITY ENGINEERING DIVISION AT 425-771-0220, EXT. 1326. 2. REVIEW ESC NOTES. 3. CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES. 4. INSTALL ESC MEASURES AND MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL. 5. HAVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES INSPECTED BY CITY OF EDMONDS CITY ENGINEERING INSPECTOR. (ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE IN PLACE AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION OR SITE CLEARING. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES AND/OR DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED.) 6. ROUGH GRADE SITE AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL DRAINAGE FEATURES. 7. DEMOLISH EXISTING STRUCTURES 8. CLEAR, GRUB & ROUGH GRADE REMAINDER OF SITE. REVEGETATE DISTURBED AREAS NOT SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL SURFACE DISTURBANCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER ROUGH GRADING. (OTHER EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED PER EROSION CONTROL NOTES BELOW) 9. INSTALL UTILITIES AND OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 13. STABILIZE AND REVEGETATE ENTIRE SITE. 14. ESTABLISH LANDSCAPING AND PERMANENT VEGETATION. EROSION CONTROL FEATURES CAN BE REMOVED UPON FINAL SITE STABILIZATION AND APPROVAL BY CITY INSPECTOR. C:\Users\ZulauMppData\Local\Temp\Pre20l60006-Edmonds_Apartments.doc Page 9 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 Zulauf, JoAnne From: Zulauf, JoAnne SCANNED Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 5:20 PM To: 'Chandler Stever' DEC 2 71016 Subject: RE: 9516 Edmonds Way Hi Chandler, I have a contact for Republic Services, Wes Smith at 425-766-6618, email wsmith3@republicservices.com. I'm not sure if it is current but hopefully it will lead you in the right direction. Working directly with Republic is probably your best option at this point. I'm guessing that their contact is familiar with the project and worked with Steve on the earlier design. Please let me know if any questions come up while Steve is gone and I will do my best to find answers. I discussed the issue of the existing pole located in the median today with our right of way permit staff. The City has consistently required all new redevelopment along Edmonds Way; Key Bank, Starbucks, and the new multi -family project currently under construction to move the poles behind the sidewalk. Our staff is not aware of any plan to change out or adjust the poles by the utility company. This particular pole is owned by Verizon and carries only their cable services. The City would like to see the cable lines moved on to the power pole if at all possible, one less pole along the road and maybe less cost to you as well but I don't know whether that is a possibility or not. The latest contact we have for Verizon is Jeremy Fault, his phone number is 425-263-4024. The conversation could start with him and then if City involvement is needed, our engineering tech, Chris Rivera would be the best person to contact as he works with the utility companies more than the rest of us. He can be reached at 425-771-0220, or email: chris.rivera@edmondswa.gov. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you! JoAnne Zulauf Senior Engineering Technician Engineering Division I City of Edmonds 121 5th Ave N Edmonds, Wa 98020 425.771.0220 x 1324 1 FAX 425.672.5750 Joanne.Zulauf@edmondswa.gov -----Original Message ----- From: Chandler Stever[mailto:Chandlerstever@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 11:29 AM To: Zulauf, JoAnne; Judy Lackey Subject: 9516 Edmonds Way Hi JoAnne, Thank you for your help at the pre -application for our 7 unit apartment project at 9516 Edmonds Way. At our Pre App last week, you indicated (Engineering Division) won't approve the curbside trash pickup scheme we had designed with Steve Fishers input. So, we are trying to figure out how to incorporate an appropriate turnaround for the garbage truck. We are looking into "hammerhead" style turnaround. We attempted to contact Steve but auto reply indicates hes out until Jan 4th. Do you know who We can contact or where I can find hammerhead turn around dimensional requirements for the Republic Garbage Trucks? In addition to pointing us to the Garbage truck turn around requirements, would also like to know minimum head room clearance for the truck. Last item, I believe someone indicated there are smaller garbage trucks available for tighter sites (as we certainly are). If this is the case, would look for smaller dimensions for the truck turn around? Let us know at your earliest convenience. Thanks Chandler Stever Architect 425-985-2176 Edmonds Way - Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/place/9516+Edmonds+Way,+Edmond... Google Maps Edmonds Way Edmonds, Washingto Street View - Jun 2015 ooe Image capture: Jun 2015 @ 2016 Google I, 61c, 'l -/vA. 6-,/v )A/kAlAN+ NW, rej, -1-C) 2o ij C-Coo-&vYy-e,nj- C&V\\/ C U V, 10 \n C CA\(LulfACL nee i--tl IQ tA, 1 of 1 8/25/2016 3:38 PM