eng20070921.10.02.07.pdfCity of Edmonds 1215'" AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.u,s DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Check #: 2007-0921 Plan Review Corrections Date: October 2. 2007 Project Name/Address: McCloughan/938 Pine St. Addition/Deck Contact Person/Address/Fax: Kathryn Wohnoutka/Fax: 206-529-8004/kwohnoutka@msn.com Reviewer: Jaime Hawkins Division: Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed: 1. Please show temporary erosion control measures on site plan. Please refer to City of Edmonds standard detail E1.1, and E1.2 You may find this detail by visiting the City of Edmonds web site at www.ci.edmonds.wa.us and clicking on City Government -Development Services -Engineering Division and scroll down to handouts and forms. 2. Please recalculate impervious surface amount for addition. Impervious surface amount will be larger than the footprint of addition as it will include eaves. 3. Please indicate where existing downspouts drain to, if draining to splashblocks just note on site plan "downspouts drain to splashblocks". If they tie into another system please show on site plan. Please also note if new downspouts will do the same or something different. 4. Please show all utilities (ie sewer, water, storm), any public or private easements on site plan, see #1357 for reference. 5. Please recalculate grading amount. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 10/2/2007 PAGE 1 OF 1