(425) 771-0220
City Website: www.edmondswa.gov
DATE:September 10, 2013
TO:Chevy Chase
FROM:Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer Program Manager
RE:Plan Check #:eng20130361
Project:Locke –Stormwater Permit
Project Address: 110 Pine Street
On June 24, 2013, the City received a stormwater plan submittalfor improvements on the Locke
property at 110 Pine Street in which construction began in 1996. Following this submittal, on July
25, 2013, City staff met with representatives of the ownerin a Development Review Committee
meetingto discuss the building permit process and steps necessary to complete said improvements
and receive final project approval.In anticipation of receiving a complete building permit
application comments have not yet been sent out regarding the stormwater plan submittal.
However, to date the City has not received a building permit application and will therefore continue
review of the stormwater portion of this project. While this City has agreed to review this
application ahead of the building permit review process, we would like to make sure you are aware
that thestorm systemdesign and associated approvals are based on the codes that are currently in
effect. If a building permit should be submitted in the future under a different stormwater code, the
development willneed to comply with the stormwater codesin effect at that time.
Please find below plan review comments identified during review of the above noted application.
The following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit
three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to an
Engineering staff member.
City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under Permit
1)Please revise the General Notes to reflect 2012 WSDOT standard specs.
2)Verify that the total impervious area includes the roof outline of both structures, all of the gravel
and asphalt driveway areas, and any impervious walkways, decks and patios (note gravel
walkways are not considered impervious but gravel driveways are).The existing western
driveway should be shown as “to be removed” and a proposed hammerhead turnaround should
be shown northwest of the garage. The plans and impervious surface calculations should reflect
this. A table as follows should be includedin the plans:
Year of
ItemSquare FeetConstruction
Existing East House (incl. eaves)
Existing West garage/structure (incl. eaves)
Gravel driveway & turnaround (if gravel)
Asphalt driveway& turnaround (if asphalt)
Impervious walkways, decks and patios (if any)
3)The area drain near the west end of the gravel driveway should be a type 1L catch basin.This is
needed for solids control to protect the infiltration trench from clogging.
4)For both infiltration systems, show a detail of how the PVC pipes from the yard drains/catch
basinswill connect to the perforated pipe inside the infiltration trenches.Also provide a detail
on the connection between the perforated pipe in the infiltration trench and theoverflow pipe in
the northwest corner (can use same detail as previous, if applicable).
5)Indicate on the plans where footing drains, if any, discharge to on the site.
6)Show location of the sanitary sewer line from the house to the sewer main.Is there a sewer line
for the garage structure?
7)Show location of the water line from the house to the meter.
8)Show any and all utilities and easements that exist on the property.
Please feel free to contact Jeanie McConnell by email at jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.govor Jerry
Shuster by email at jerry.shuster@edmondswa.govor either by phone at 425-771-0220 if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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