ENG20160333.pdfSTATUS: ISSUED ENG20160333 Its]WO M ��. • Restore ROW to City standards • Restore Landscape to like or better conditions. • Call for locates of underground utilities priorto any excavation. • Alert affected residents and/or businesses prior to work start. • Conform to approved working drawings and Traffic Control plan. • Utility patch restoration to be in accordance with Edmonds Standard detailE2.3 • Maintain erosion & sedimentationcontrol. Keep street clean. • Call for required inspections as noted. • Traffic Control per approved plan and MUTCD. Refer to City of Edmonds traffic control requirements. • Applicant shall repair/replace all -damage ;to utilities or fi•ontage improvements in City right-of-way per City standards that is caused by or occurs during the permitted; project: • Sound/Noise originating fromtemporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt fi-omthe noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of7:00amto 6:00pinon'weekdays and 10:00amand 6:00pmon Saturdays excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating firomconstruction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECIC 5.30.120. • Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold liarniless the City ,ofEdmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents fi•om any and all claims fordamages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly fromthe issuance ofthis permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements' of any City ordinance not limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision, INSPECTIONS • E -Engineering Final PARTIAL INSPECTION DATE: INITIAL. NOTES: PARTIAL INSPECTION DATE: INITIAL: NOTES: FINAL' INSPECTION APPROVED DATE: INITIAL: I ROAD ONSTRUCTION AHEAD <&w" SEETOTE I <ONE LANE ROAD > AHEAD ( �� SE —4) w2o. E OTE I *(W2030-7 A) SEE OTE I , roe NOTE; TAPER LENGTH 0 0 SPEED (FT) CONE SPACING (MPH) OFFSET WIDTH ALONG TAPER 200' FOR ARTERIAL ROADWAYS (FT) 2, FLASHING BEACON SHALL 10, 25 100 120 25 30 150 180 30 35 200 240 35 40 270 320 40 45 450 540 45 NOTE; 0 0 1. DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SHALL BE 100' FOR RESIDENTIAL 0 STREETS (25 MPH), AND 200' FOR ARTERIAL ROADWAYS 3 2, FLASHING BEACON SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH SIGN FOR NIGHT-TIME USE, 3. DISTANCES MAY VARY AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, 4, FLAGGERS REQUIRED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC WHENEVER THE CONTRACTOR MUST INTERRUPT TRAFFIC FLOW TO ACCESS THE WORK SITE WITH MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT. LEGEND: R3 CONE OR CHANNELIZING DEVICE (SEE STD 7-14) TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 2 LANE ROADWAY1 ONE LANE CLOSED WITH ALTERNATING ONE-WAY TRAFFIC AND FLAGGERS 00 O N W O N c0 H LJ N CC, , CO Cn 67 N ^ LX'> (Y N N M v O n 1� J C/J aw Z LL o to Q 00 m Z D cr -� (n z o Z W g o it w 4a () Q ® CL ( ) W N O i 0 0 z z 4 4 Ej El C/I Al ou Al '14 0 0 z z 4 4 Ej El ou 0 0 z z 4 4 io 0 U H O O � ro O o� 013 WW. m A F O a o d ct 8 10 op O ro a a a w � � � A - m o ro UV� k G by N N io 0 U 10 N o o m O ro o� 013 WW. o ct 8 10 op O ro N�� C ro O .J o - m o ro UV� k G by N N Z Q. d b w.ca