ENG20160370-0365-APPLICANT RESPONSE.pdfFrom: Rivera, Chris
Sent: Friday, October 2I,20IGIU:5SAM
To; Wayland, Christina
Subject: FW: City's comments answered - 395527 & 395528 ENG201660370 & 0365
Can you please enter this into permittrax. Thanks!
Engineering Technician
City ofEdmonds
425.771.0220 ext. 1339
From: Zadehgol, Yasamin[maiKo:@SNOPUDzon]
Sent: Thursday, October 2U,2O164:37PIVI
To: Rivera, Chris
Cc: IointUse; Stangvik, Steve
Subject: RE: City's comments answered - 395527 & 395528 ENG201660370 & 0365
Hi Chris,
Thank you forgetting back to me. After doing some research and talking to mycolleagues who have completed pole
projects in Edmonds .... it's my understanding that there's usually two cases to relocate the pole to meet the City's
guidelines. Those two cases are:
Case 1: Ifafog line iapresent, move the pole 10' from the fog line ifhdoesn't cause additional obstacles. Ifafog
line ispresent and the pole bless than 10' from the fog line, move the pole to the edge of the ROW. If easement
is possible and makes sense to obtain (which means the pole is not on ROW anymore and therefore on private
property),try obtaining easement.
Case 2: if a sidewalk is present and ROW is the back edge of the sidewalk, move the pole to the back edge of the
sidewalk. if easement is possible and makes sense to obtain (which means the pole is not on ROW anymore and
therefore on private property), try obtaining easement.
I have gone through your comments for each pole location and tried my best to relocate the distance of the pole to
meet these two cases. Please read my explanations below and let me know if the plans can be approved. I would
especially like to know your feedback on any locations that could need an easement since applying for one can be a
lengthy process that could potentially delay this project.
In regards to the specific site control plans you've requested for locations A & E, I will send those to you soon. Also ... you
mentioned earlier this week (Tuesday 10/18) that your comments for WO 39G528would besent bvthe end ofthat day,
but | haven't received anything yet. Just FYI.
I appreciate your guidance and cooperation with this. Please let me know if you have any questions. You can directly call
A.Pole needs tobeplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Fog line present. Pole can be located to 10' from fog line to meet City of Edmond's request.
B.Pole needs tobeplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can belocated toback edge ofsidewalk (back edge ofROW) tomeet City ofEdmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as moving the pole further east will cause overhead power lines to
interfere with surrounding trees.
C.Pole needs tubaplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as moving the pole further east will cause overhead power lines to
interfere with Surrounding trees.
D. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as moving the pole further east will cause overhead power lines to
interfere with surrounding trees.
E.Pole needs tobeplaced 1O from fog line. |fthis cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as moving the pole further east will cause overhead power lines to
interfere with surrounding trees.
F.Pole needs tobeplaced 10 from fog line. Ifthis cannot beachieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Fog line present. Pole can be located close to 10' from fog line (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as we would need to cut down customer owned tree near pole.
H.Pole needs tobeplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Fog line present. Pole can be located close to 10' from fog line (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining oneasement would not make sense here asmoving the pole further east will cause overhead secondary
services to interfere with surrounding trees.
K4.Pole needs tobeplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Fog line present. Pole can be located close to 1.0' from fog line (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as this pole is at the very end of a dead end, low volume residential
road with low speed limits.
Comments below regarding pennbENG2O160365
O.Need clarification astowhich pole is1obereplaced.
Guy pole onwest side of1OO"Ave VVisgetting replaced inimage below
edge ofsidewalk (back edge ofROW) tomeet City ofEdmond's request.
easement. Will try toobtain easement here.
Sidewalk present. Pole can belocated toback
|norder todothis, vvewill need ananchor
S. Pole needs tobaplaced 10 from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
Pole is on private property. Please let me know if' you need clarification to which pole this is.
T.Pole needs tobmplaced 1O from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request.
Obtaining an easement would not make sense here as moving the pole further north will cause overhead power lines to
interfere with surrounding trees.
T1. Please provide information and an image (example) of the ground operated handle to be installed.
Please see information / image below of switch to be installed on existing pole.
timcm-29daw I cit" ptcvV�181"Iy L01111
, 700A 15kV:30 Gang -Operated
Pi-irriary Deadend Above - Pole Top Fri�,iminq
3ce NDtr,, I
/ LI 5 "t *.
tzar is
Ipv, "I
MAY 4, ' 21014
10 `:4_i 7.,
Switch, 600A 15kV 30 cial,ig-operate,
Primary Deadend Above - of Top IF
V. 7
MAY 4,
1, 15kV gang -operated switch must be ordered separately Preferred switch type will depend on
Bole framing, phase orientation and access to the control rod and operating handle.. Rotor to
C.U. D0505SC & C.U, D0505INT for switch phage orientation, maximumniounting height and allow-
able deadend loading -
2. Preferred spacing between swilch arm and neutral is 5%0", Mirrimurn allowable spacing is 4A`_
3Switch handle and operating rod may be positioned anywhere within 901, clockwise of the pole face
Switch handle and operating rod should; be installed so as to minimize hazards to the operator and
avoid wriflicto with other pole mounted equipment.
4. Ground switch control red and handle with single ground plate or ground rod. Fiefer, to C.0 N0101 or
C,U N0110. Depending on switc17 type, connect awitch control rod or switch control liar -idle to grouric I
wire as shown in awitch grounding detail drawing.
5. U3ing reflective decals, stencil switch number on control rod directly above switch operating handle.
W l r �;36,4rnji AAair
1 10103 Bolt, Machine 5/8" x 14" 1 124206
V. Pole location is not within the right of way, approval from private property owners will need to be obtained to
complete the proposed work.
Confirmed that pole is on private property.
Q. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request. In
order to do this, we will need an anchor easement (possibly pole easement as well depending on how much space there
is next to customer owned retaining wall). Will try to obtain easement here.
R. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
Sidewalk present. Pole can be located to back edge of sidewalk (back edge of ROW) to meet City of Edmond's request. In
order to do this, we will need a pole and anchor easement (most likely both due to gate). Will try to obtain easement
Y. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
No sidewalk or fog line present. Pole can be located to back edge of ROW to meet City of Edmond's request. Obtaining
aneasement would not make sense here asmoving -the pole further north will cause anangle inthe power lines. This
pole is also near the end of a dead end, low volume residential road with low speed limits. In addition, the road is about
50' wide, which means the traveled lane near the pole is 25' wide (plenty of space for cars to travel with no record of
accidents since this pole was installed inl96D).
Z1. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
No sidewalk or fog line present. Pole can be located to back edge of ROW to meet City of Edmond's request. Obtaining
an easement would riot make sense here as moving the pole further west will cause an angle in the power lines. This
pole is also near the end of a dead end, low volume residential road with low speed limits. in addition, the road is about
50' wide, which means the traveled lane near the pole is 25' wide (plenty of space for cars -to travel with no record of
accidents since this pole was installed in 1958).
Z3. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
No sidewalk mrfog line present. Pole can be located to back edge ofROW tn meet City of Edmond's request. Obtaining
eneasement would not make sense here asthis pole isatthe very end ofedead end ,|ovvvolume residential road vvith
low speed limits. |naddibnn,the road isabout 5O'vvide,vvhichmeans the traveled |anenear the pole io26'wide (plenty
of space for cars to travel with no record of accidents since this pole was installed in 1957).
Senior Design Engineer
Distribution Engineering
Snohomish County PUD
Office: 425-783-5592
Cell: 425--231-0475
From: Rivera, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, October 1O,20163:O3PM
To: Zadeh8o|,Yasamin ;Haskin,Beth
Cc: Joint Use
Subject: RE: status? 39S5278k39S528ENG2O16GO370QO365
That iscorrect, I've only sent out comments for WO# 395527, which only consisted of two parts (A & B). The remaining
questions feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Chris 8.Rivera
Fn ' eering7echn/cian
City ofEdmonds
4Z5.771.O22Oext. 133Q
From: ZadohooiYasamin
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:42 AM
To: Rivera, Chris; Haskin,0eth
Cc: Joint Use
Subject: RE: status? 395527 & 395528 ENG201660370 & 0365
Thanks for the clarification. I'm providing explanations for your comments as we speak and will get back to you shortly.
From your e-mail that lists the comments for each location (sent on 9/30), it looks like you assigned two different permit
numbers when addressing the locations (ENG20160370 & ENG20160365) ..... is this only for WO 395527,and VVO395528
is still in review? | initially thought both work orders had been addressed since two different permit numbers were
issued,butbasedpffyour|aste-mai|thatsaid"|vviUtrytuhavecommentsoutbytheendofthedayregarding the
remaining pn|es", | am now thinking otherwise.
Now that I'm looking back at the permit applications, I think I know how you are issuing the permits — one permit
number per application page, is that correct? So it looks like WO 395527 has only been reviewed (2 pages), and I should
expect 4more permit numbers (since VVO395528consisted of4pages).
If you could verify I have that correct — I would appreciate it.
Senior Design Engineer
Distribution Engineering
Snohomish County PUD
Office: 425-783-5592
Cell: 425-231-0475
From: Rivera, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, October 18,20169:12AK4
To: Haskin, Beth < x
Cc: Joint Use ZadehgV[Yasamoin >
Subject: RE: status? 39SS27Q'39S5ZOENG2O166037O&U365
Beth & Yasamin,
Location A^ vvewant a site specific traffic control plan to make sure there is proper signage on N. Deer Dr. for both the
north(east) and south bound traffic, the concern is the narrow road of 108 th Ave W. and site distance issues.
Location E,vvedon't believe the provided TCPsaddress this situation, you can either provide asite specific TCP for the
site ora generic TCP that fits.
Also, I will try to have comments out by the end of the day regarding the remaining poles.
Additional questions, let me know.
Thank you,
Chris B.Rivera
City nfEdmonds
4Z5J71.O22Oext. 1339
From: Haskin.Beth
Sent: Monday October 17, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Rivera, Chris
Cc: Joint Use; Zadehgn|,Yasamin
Subject: FW: status? 395527 & 395528 ENG201660370 &O365
Good morning Chris,
We're following up on the email that was sent to you by Yasamin Zadehgol on Monday 10/10. She has a question related
to your request. Please see below.
Would you please let us know the TCP specifics you are looking for locations A & E?
Also, would you have an ETA on your review of these applications? Our engineer is anxious to get this work started.
Please feel free to call her directly if that would be more efficient for you.
Senior Design Engineer
Distribution Engineering
Snohomish County PUD
Office: 425-783-5592
Cell: 425-231-0475
Thank you, and please let us know if you need additional information,
Beth AHaskin
Joint Use & Permit Coordinator
Public Utility District No. 1nfSnohomish County
From: Zadeheo[Yasamin
Sent: Monday, October 1O,2U163:36PM
To:'Rivera,Chrio' >
Subject: RE: status? 3955278k39SS28ENG20166U370&k036S
I'm the engineer who designed these two work orders. I'm in the process of providing explanations for your responses,
and just had a quick question. You mentioned "we will need site specific traffic control plans for poles A & E ..... will the
attached traffic control plan | initially provided in my application not work for these two poles? Both locations and E
are onatwo'|ane,low volume road asthe plan states.
Senior Design Engineer
Distribution Engineering
Snohomish County PUD
Office: 425-783-5592
Cell: 425-231-0475
From: Rivera, Chris
Sent: Friday, September 3{l2O165:O1PM
To: Maneri,Elaine <
Cc: Joint Use ZadehQo|,Yananoin Wayland, Christina
Subject: RE: status? 39GS27&39SG2OENG2O166O37O&O36S
Please see the comments below for the two permits in question.
Comments below regarding pemnitENG2O16037O
A.Pole needs tobeplaced 1U from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
B. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
C. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. if this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
D. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
E. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
F. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
G. Approved
H. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
L. Approved
M. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
Also, we will need site specific traffic control plans for Poles A & E.
Comments below regarding pennitENG2O1@B65
O. Need clarification as to which pole is to be replaced.
P. Approved.
S. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
T. Pole needs to be placed 10' from fog line. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the furthest
setback distance.
T1. Please provide information and an image (example) of the ground operated handle to be installed.
V. Pole location is not within the right of way, approval from private property owners will need to be obtained to
complete the proposed work.
Q. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. if this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
R. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. if this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
W. Approved.
Y. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
Z1, Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
D. Pole needs to be placed 10' from the traveled lane. If this cannot be achieved, please explain why and provide the
furthest setback distance.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Chris B. Rivera
Fngineering Technician
City nfEdmonds
425.771.O220ext. 1339
From: ManeriElaine
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 20169:18AM
To: Rivera, Chris
Cc: Joint Use; Zadehgo|,Yayamnin|Wayland, Christina
Subject: status? 395527 & 395528 ENG201660370 & 0365
Hi Chris, we were hoping to get a status on these permits. Thanks.
Joint Use mPermit Coordinator
Snohomish County PUD