ENG-COMMENTS 3-BLD20190026-PARADISE LANE.pdfof EDV0 CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION 6'st 1 g90 (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: December 19, 2019 TO: Rob Michel rwmichel@nwlink.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld20160026 Project: Paradise Heights Project Address: 546 Paradise Lane During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. Comments 1 — May 7, 2019 Comments 2 — August 16, 2019 Comments 3 — December 19, 2019 GENERAL 1. December 19, 2019 — Please revise cost estimate to reflect plan changes. 8/16/2019 comment — Thank you for providing the cost estimate. A final review of the estimate will be completed after the next submittal, when plans are closer to being finalized. Please note, the water meters and gas line can be removed from the cost estimate. The utility pole relocation, however, should be added. 5/7/20109 comment - Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website) and utilize "write-in" sections where appropriate. a. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off - site improvements. b. A 3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 100% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. 2. December 19, 2019 — No further comments or updates were provided in the response letter. This comment being left as a reminder. 8/16/2019 - 6, 2019 — Acknowledged by applicant. A ROW permit application will be provided to the city prior to issuance. 5/7/2019 comment - Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. December 19, 2019 — Comment not addressed. 8/16/2019 comment - Response comment letter states a written response will be provided in the next submittal. 5/7/2019 comment - Please provide a written response from the geotech that the current civil plans and drainage report are consistent with the geotech report. 4. December 19, 2019 — Water plan for OVWSD approval is included, thank you. An approved/signed copy will need to be submitted to the Cty prior to permit approval. 8/16/2019 comment - Response comment letter states an approved set of plans will be submitted to the City for inclusion in the civil plan set. 5/7/2019 comment - Provide a copy of the water plan for the project. Ultimately, a copy of the plan signed as approved by Olympic View Water and Sewer District will need to be submitted to the City for inclusion in the civil construction plan set. 5. ok 6. ok 7. ok 8. ok 9. ok Sheet 1 of 6 — SITE PLAN 1. ok 2. ok 3. December 19, 2019 — Comment not responded to. Plans continue to show a 7-ft wide sidewalk. Is this the owner/developers preferred approach? Please confirm. 8/16/2019 comment - Per a field meeting with Rob Michel and the property owner, it was discussed that it might be more consistent to install a 5-ft wide sidewalk. A letter was to be submitted to the City (addressed to the City Engineer) providing rationale for why a waiver in the required sidewalk width should be considered/approved. Alternatively, the sidewalk can remain as shown, at 7-ft in width. 5/7/2019 comment - City code allows for a 7 ft-10 ft wide sidewalk in multi -family zones. At this location, the sidewalk can be constructed at 7-ft in width. 4. ok 5. ok 6. ok 7. ok 8. ok 9. December 19, 2019 — Mailbox location has been revised to be located behind the sidewalk on the south side of Paradise Lane. I was not able to locate a note on the plans stating the required Post Office approval. In addition, I can confirm for you that the Post Office will not approve the mailbox location behind the sidewalk. Please coordinate with the Post Office and revise the plans accordingly. Page 2 of 6 8/16/2019 comment - The proposed mailbox location has been shown and the comment letter states approval from the Post Office will be obtained. Please add a note to the plans stating such or provide documentation stating their approval of the location. 5/7/2019 comment - Will mailboxes be located on site? If so, please add note. If lock box will be located within the ROW, please revise plans to show location (as approved by the Post Office). 10. ok 11. ok 12. ok 13. December 19, 2019 — The new asphalt area has been shown shaded on the plans, but no notes have been added to address the comments provided below. A key for the shaded area also has not been provided and the previous "Paradise Lane Pavement Restoration Note" remains on the plans unchanged. Revise plans and update notes accordingly. 8/16/2019 comment - In a field meeting with Rob Michel and the property owner, the City gave direction that the approximate west half of Paradise Lane (as it sits adjacent to the subject property frontage), will be reconstructed as a new road section. Removal of the concrete road with new asphalt road section and a blended taper into the adjoining Paradise Lane would occur. The east end of the replacement area was to occur at a joint and was decided in the field. Please confer with Rob Michel on how to address this on the plans. This is the approach that will be taken instead of the potential south half removal and replacement noted in the comment below. Please revise the plan accordingly. 5/7/2019 comment - Paradise Lane appears to be a concrete road along the entire property frontage and is in a definite state of disrepair. At a minimum, when panels are disturbed, the entire panel shall be removed. In addition, areas that have extensive cracking and/or vertical separation may also necessitate full panel replacement. It is likely that the entire south half of Paradise Lane will need to be removed and replaced with asphalt per City road standards. Please add a note to the plans that identifies these concerns along with a general statement that the full extent of restoration of Paradise Lane will be determined in the field by the Engineering Inspector. 14. ok 15. ok 16. ok 17. ok Sheet 2 of 6 — ROAD & DRAINAGE PLAN 1. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. ok 5. ok 6. ok 7. December 19, 2019 — Sheet 1 was revised to include "Road", but Sheet 2 still has "Road" in the sheet title. Revise sheet title accordingly. 8/16/2019 comment - The road and frontage improvement design details have been included in Sheet 1. Please revise this sheet title. Page 3 of 6 Sheet 3 of 6 — SEWER December 19, 2019 — No further comments or updates were provided in the response letter. Leaving this comment as a reminder. 8/16/2019 comment - Response letter states approval by WSDOT will be obtained. 5/7/2019 comment - The sanitary sewer line for the project has a proposed connection in SR- 104. This section of SR-104 falls within WSDOT's Limited Access area and will require review and approval by WSDOT. Please find below a contact at WSDOT to at least make initial contact with: Alex Compton, PE, LEED AP WSDOT Northwest Region Utilities Accommodation & Project Delivery Engineer 206.440.4129 comptoakwsdot.wa. og_v M-Th 6:30am — 3:30pm F 6:45am— 1:15pm 2. ok 3. ok Sheet 4 of 6 — GRADING December 19, 2019 — Structural plans and calcs have been submitted and any comments will be provided during the building division review. 8/16/2019 comment - Response letter states the wall design will be forthcoming upon further review, and will be provided prior to seeking approval from the city. 5/7/2019 comment - Plan states "Retaining wall design completed by others". Please reference other documents that address the wall design. Sheet 5 of 6 — TESC 1. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. ok Sheet 6 of 6 — NOTES & DETAILS 1. ok 2. ok 3. December 19, 2019 — As Paradise Lane will have two different cross sections — one for the entirely new pavement section and one for the widened section, please provide two separate details. Ensure that the detail for the new pavement section also includes the taper into the existing Paradise Lane side street. 8/16/2019 comment — Revise detail as noted below and consistent with other plan review comments provided in this letter. 5/7/2019 comment from Sheet 1 - Provide a cross section for Paradise Lane within the plan set and reference on this plan sheet. Include the following: a. ok b. December 19, 2019 — The response letter states that the center of roadway is the centerline of ROW. Page 4 of 6 - Cross Section A -A detail indicates the roadway being widened along the north and south sides of the road, however, the subject development is only responsible for ensuring the lane closest to the development meets the standard 11-ft lane width (to face of gutter). - Cross Section A -A also indicates a 2-ft sawcut that is more than 2-ft away from the face of the gutter. The requirement is to have a 2-ft wide "asphalt repair area" beyond the face of the gutter. Revise plans accordingly. 8/16/2019 comment — Please confirm that the center of pavement is also the center of ROW. The 11-ft travel lane should be measured from center of pavement. 5/7/2019 - Pavement widening (lane width of 11-ft to be measured from center of pavement) c. ok d. ok e. ok 4. December 19, 2019 — comments noted below. 8/16/2019 comments noted below. 5/7/2019 comment from Sheet 1 - Provide a cross section of both drive aisles in between the buildings, within the plan set and reference on this plan sheet. Include the following: b. ok c. ok d. December 19, 2019 — The response letter states: "2% cross slope is the standard cross slope for roadways not a maximum, usually requested as a minimum to achieve drainage patterns. ADA accepted maximum cross slope is 8.3%. The 6% cross slope is needed for drainage to happen." City standard details TR-510 (Private Street 1-4 lots), TR-511 (Private Street 5-9 Lots), and TR-505 (Public Street) all show road design with 2% cross slope. The maximum cross slope to comply with ADA standards is actually 2%, not 8.3%. If any portion of the driveways are to be used as an ADA acceptable path (building division requirement), then the cross slope will need to be reduced to less than 2%. 8/16/2019 comment — The cross sections provided indicate cross slopes of up to 6%. A typical public or private street design would be limited to 2%, which is even more critical where a valley for drainage is being provided. Please revise accordingly. 5/7/2019 - Cross slope Sheet 1 — Traffic Control Plan (Paradise Lane) 1. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. ok _5. ok Page 5 of 6 Sheet 2 — Traffic Control Plan (Edmonds Way) December 19, 2019 — No response received. 8/16/2019 comment - Comment not responded to. Please acknowledge. 5/7/2019 comment - Traffic control plan for Edmonds Way will need to be sent to WSDOT for review and approval as the sewer connection falls within WSDOT's Limited Access Area. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to separate plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson(a,edmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Page 6 of 6