December 18, 2019
Amber Groll, Planning
Jennifer Lambert, Engineering
PLN20190061— Conditional Use — Home Occupation
Willey — 19231 — 881" Ave W
The comments provided below are based upon review of the application and documents
submitted for the subject application. Additional information is requested from the applicant
at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond to the following.
A minimum of 3 parking spaces shall be provided to serve a home occupation residence. It
appears from the plans provided, that this requirement is being achieved; however, it is not
clear as to the location of the parking stalls. Please revise the site plan to clearly show where
the 3 parking spaces will be provided on the site.
a) Show the property lines on the plans. The stalls shall be located on the subject site
and not on neighboring properties or City right of way.
b) Show the shared driveway on the plans and verify that the parking stalls are not
Thank you.
blocking the shared driveway.
City of Edmonds