Engineering & Storm Comments 1.pdfof ED,v CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 4�3"'A ENGINEERING DIVISION .(425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: April 20, 2018 TO: Steve Nielsen — Fairwinds Development STEVEgFAIRWIND SDEVELOPMENT.COM FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician Jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.gov RE: Subdivision File 4: ph120170033 Project: 3-Lot Short Plat — Fairwinds Development Project Address: 921 Pine St During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to an engineering technician. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1. Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilities, traffic control, NGPA fencing and restoration/enhancement plantings. Use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the "write-in" sections where appropriate. • At a minimum, a bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures and right-of- way improvements. If you intend to post a bond in order to record the subdivision and ahead of constructing the required improvements, the bond amount shall be based on the entire scope of the project. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate subdivision improvement bond forms from the City — available on the City website. • Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 100% City approved estimate for all improvements. 2. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. Please revise the title of the plans sheets to just say `Fairwinds Development SP' (remove Lot 1 note). 4. The slope easement shall be relinquished prior to recording of the short plat. Please note as such on the plans. 5. Please clearly show all easements proposed and existing on each plan sheet (some of the easements are grayed out). 6. Where plan corrections affect multiple plan sheets, please update all. Sheet C1 of 7 — COVER AND EXIST. SITE CONDITIONS 1. Please remove the impervious surface chart (will add a revised version of this chart to the drainage plan sheet). Sheet C2 of 7 — CLEARING AND SWPPP PLAN 1. Will a chain link fence be installed during construction? If so, please show location of fencing on private property. Sidewalk along 9th and Pine St property frontage shall remain open except as needed to perform specific activities such as sidewalk replacement and utility connections. 2. Show job shack location, if any. 3. During a short plat trees are only to be removed as necessary to install utilities, access roads, and frontage improvements. The plans show trees to be removed for the new single family residence. Please revise the plans to only show the trees that need to be removed for the short plat improvements. 4. Show stockpile location, if any. 5. Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of Edmonds standard details. Contractor is responsible to maintain, revise and/or adjust ESC measures as needed throughout construction and until permanent stabilization is implemented. 6. Add note: Building to be removed under separate building permit. 7. The City typically sees the clearing and grading plans combined. If it helps and the plans are still readable the two plan sheets (C2 & C3) could be combined. 8. All details to be replaced with new details provided. Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices (BMP's) 9. Note 9 — Revise `filter fabric' to `filter sock'. 10. Note 11 - Revise to state, `All disturbed areas to be compost amended per 2014 SWMMWW BMP T.15.3 .' . Sheet C3 of 7 — GRADING PLAN & GENERAL NOTES 1. Revise general note 419 to say `Stormwater Management System'. There is no detention system being installed for stormwater on this project. 2. Is the rockery/retaining wall along the west property line of lot I existing or proposed? If the rockery/retaining wall is proposed, it shall only be installed if it is needed to install the access Page 2 of 4 for lots 2 and 3; otherwise the rockery/wall will need to be deferred until the construction of the single family residences. If it is existing, please label as such. Please revise the plans accordingly. Sheet C4 of 7 — ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE PLAN 1. All details to be replaced with new details provided. 2. The slope easement shall be relinquished prior to recording of the short plat. Please note as such on the plans. 3. Please show the final restoration for the area from back of sidewalk into the property 10' will not create any erosion issues or sight distance issues. 4. Impervious Areas chart: Provide a breakdown for all the impervious surfaces. The breakdown should also be broken down for each lot. Project Site Category: (Category 1 or Category 2) Discharge location: (City's MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system), BNSF Property, Puget Sound through the City's MS4) Type of area Square footage Stormwater Facility Lawn and Landscape Roofs Hard surfaces 25% Retrofit 5. Show all stormwater management facilities for each lot. If the facilities are to be deferred to the construction of the single family residences, please note as such. 6. Show all utilities (dry -cable, gas, phone, power, etc. and wet -sewer, storm, water) to be stubbed to each lot. The details (except for drainage) do not need to be shown on this plan sheet, just location. This is to ensure there is not a conflict between the utilities. 7. Show all striping in 9th Ave and Pine St (parking, crosswalks, stop bars, etc.) and a note to the plans that states that all striping will be restriped, as required, prior to project completion. 8. Show the driveway approaches/access for each lot from curb to property line. 9. Please revise the ramp to a site specific ramp. Based on the crosswalks it does not appear the proposed ramp will function adequately. 10. Show the stop sign on the plans. 11. The stop sign and street name signs shall not be on the same post. Please show the street sign and refer to detail E8.3. 12. Please note that the contractor/developer is responsible for the final restoration for all utility cuts created to provide utilities to the short plat. This includes any cuts made by the city to provide or abandon existing utilities to the subject parcels. 13. Utility patches shall be combined and full width or half width overlay will be required depending on the extent of disturbance. Where utility patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required. Revise plans as needed. Notes 14. Note 2 — Revise the second sentence to state, `All stormwater management systems are conceptual and to be finalized at the building permit.' Page 3 of 4 Sheet C5 of 7 — ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE DETAILS 1. All details to be replaced with new details provided. Sheet C6 of 7 — WATER, SEWER, AND UTILITY PLAN 1. All details to be replaced with new details provided. 2. The City requires that the side sewer be a minimum of 4" once on private property and if only one home is connected to the line. It appears that you may revise your plans to reflect this if you choose. 3. It appears that it is unlikely that the existing water meter will be able to be reused. Please revise the plans to show all new water meters such that the three new meters are grouped together to serve the new properties. If this is not possible, at a minimum, lots 2 and 3 should be grouped together. 4. Meter(s) shall be placed on right of way side of property line and outside of driveway approach. 5. Please add a note to install a storz adapter on the fire hydrant. 6. It appears there may be a conflict between the proposed sewer lateral serving lots 2 and 3 and the City water main. It also appears that the sewer lateral does not meet the City's requirement of 5' from invert to final grade at the property line. Please revise plans accordingly. 7. Please note that cleanouts shall be placed a maximum of 100' apart when the lateral length exceeds 100 feet. 8. Show location of pad mounted transformer, if proposed, to be located on private property. 9. Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property). 10. Revise note #2 under Notes, to state the dry utility separation noted above, and the requirement of 10' horizontal separation from water and sewer. B and C may be removed. Sheet C7 of 7 — TRAFFIC CONTROL AND HAUL ROUTE PLAN 1. Please provide a pedestrian traffic control plan. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to attached plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson(aedmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Page 4 of 4 y Off' F nM0 "a STO RM WATE R REVIEW COMMENTS '`" City of Edmonds Engineering Division To: Engineering Reviewer Date: April 18, 2018 Project Name: Fairwinds 3-lot short plat Permit Number: PLN20170033 Address: 921 Pine St Review Type: Civil (Plat Construction) Submittal Date: 3/19/2017 Reviewer: Zack Richardson, PE City of Edmonds, Stormwater Engineer Recommendation: I recommend that PLN20170033 civil approval be withheld until the comments below are adequately addressed. Civil Review Comments: 1. Address all previous comments provided under PLN20170033 feasibility review (see comments A & B, below). 2. Show/identify areas to receive amended soils treatment per BMP T5.13 and provide details/specification enough for the contractor to satisfy the requirement. 3. Provide details as needed for construction of the proposed wall(s); identify and show drainage outlet locations for wall drainage system. Previous Review Comments (provided with PLN20170033 feasibility review): A. It is unclear why the applicant's engineer has termed one of the currently proposed BMPs as a "perforated pipe connection" and only infiltrates 97% of runoff anticipated. We do not concur with this BMP selection or sizing methodology and believe this BMP can and should be revised to an infiltration trench and/or drywell prior to construction approval. a. Prior to civil construction approval, the engineer shall revise all references to this BMP to the appropriate infiltration BMP type and provide updated sizing calculations demonstrating that 100% infiltration is achieved. B. Prior to construction approval, infiltration trench #1 will need to be modified so that runoff contacts the native infiltration layer at or below the footing drain elevation of the adjacent proposed rockery. Page 1 of 2 a. Alternatively, the geotechnical engineer may recommend appropriate measures to ensure infiltration is achieved without negatively impacting the wall or potentially directing sub -surface flows toward the wall face. Page 2 of 2