Engineering Comments 1.pdfof ED,v CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 4�3"'A ENGINEERING DIVISION .(425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: March 14, 2018 TO: Gregg Properties Associates rrgregg@comcast.net FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician Jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.gov RE: Application 4: BLD20171841 Project: The Graphite Studio Project Address: 202 Main St During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1. Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website) and utilize "write-in" sections where appropriate. a. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off - site improvements. b. A 3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. 2. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. The haul route map is incomplete. Please revise to show the route to and from Edmonds Way. 4. The City will soon be releasing new standard details. Please check City website for updates prior to next submittal. Sheet CLI — COVER SHEET AND GENERAL NOTES 1. The construction sequence is incomplete. Please state when stormwater, frontage improvements, utility work, etc. will be completed. Sheet C2.1— TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND DEMO PLAN 1. Note 3 — Remove the word may and add the word shall. Disruption fees will be required if sidewalk is closed for longer than 72 hours. 2. Show job shack location, if any. 3. Please remove the circle on 2nd Ave that indicates the removal of the existing driveway approach and sidewalk. The entire sidewalk on 2nd Ave shall be removed and replaced as well as the driveway approach. Please revise the plans accordingly. 4. Show stockpile location if any and indicate requirements to keep it covered. 5. Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction. 6. Add note: "disturbed areas to be compost amended" 7. Revise the construction entrance note by removing the phrase `when possible'. 8. Show power pole on 2nd Ave (near existing driveway approach) to be removed. 9. Any work to be completed at curb bulb outs (demo, install, etc.) shall be coordinated with City of Edmonds Engineering and Parks Departments. Sheet C3.1— GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 1. Include Hard Surface Area chart on the plans. Provide a breakdown for hard surfaces and roof tops and the type of stormwater management system being installed to manage each. 2. Number catch basins and manholes. 3. Show the City storm main located within the alley both on the plan and in detail 6. 4. The private storm outfall from the detention system shall connect to the City system at a perpendicular connection (no angled private line to be located within the right of way) with a catch basin. 5. Install a catch basin in the curb line on the storm main (on the alley & 2nd) 6. Please enlarge the invert elevations on the existing manhole so that they are legible. 7. It appears that the main finished floor of the structure is lower than the east alley. Please show how the runoff will be directed to prevent surface water runoff from entering the building. 8. Detail 6 — It appears that the stormwater runoff from the alley will enter into the concrete area located at the SE corner of the building. Please show how the runoff will be directed to prevent surface water runoff from entering the building. 9. Detail 4 & Plan - The approach for the alley should be installed where the ramp into the alley occurs in the first 4' and the sidewalk is carried through the back 6' (see ramp across the street for reference). Please revise the plans accordingly. 10. Detail 5 & Plan - The approach for the alley should be installed where the ramp into the alley occurs in the first 4' and the sidewalk is carried through the back 6'. Please revise the plans accordingly. 11. Please confirm with PUD that the location of the transformers have adequate clearance from the alley. 12. Provide an elevation view of the PUD transformers to ensure there are no sight distance issues. Page 2 of 4 SHEET C3.2 — GRADING AND DRAINAGE DETAILS No Comments. Sheet C4.1 — WATER AND SEWER PLAN AND DETAILS 1. Please add the following notes to the plans, `Existing lateral shall be inspected by the City Sewer Division to determine if it is in acceptable condition for reuse. If not, a new 6" lateral from the main to the property line will be required.' 2. Add note that City will TV sewer main prior to final acceptance. 3. Show a cleanout at the edge of right of way for the sewer connection from the grease interceptor. 4. Provide the invert elevation at the main for the connection of the sewer line from the grease interceptor. 5. In covered parking garages - oil/water separator shall connect to sanitary sewer. Storm water runoff shall tie into sewer. 6. The existing water service line shall not be reused. Please show a new tap and service to the property. The service shall be placed adjacent to the fire line. The meter shall be placed adjacent to the curb. 7. The fire hydrant shall be placed approx. 6' from the throat of the ally approach. Please revise plans accordingly. 8. The existing line (proposed to be used for the fire hydrant) cannot be reused. Please show the line being cut and capped at the main. 9. A valve cluster is required to be installed on the City watermain on 2nd Ave. Please show the valve cluster consistent with Edmonds Standard Detail E7.18. 10. Show blue reflector required in the street ROW identifying fire hydrant locations. Refer to City standard detail E7.1. 11. Coordinate utility work and final restoration with adjacent commercial development project at the NE corner of 2nd and Main as they have an obligation to pave a portion of 2nd Ave. 12. Underground Wiring Requirements of ECDC 18.05 shall be followed. All utility services shall be installed underground. 13. Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property). SHEET C4.2 — WATER AND SEWER DETAILS No Comments SHEET C5.1— SITE AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1. Show 3-hr parking signage. Existing signs should be saved and reused on new posts per City standards. 2. Show the existing flower basket located on Main St. Post to be protected during construction. Art work to be given to the City of Edmonds Parks Department when removed. 3. Revise the plans to show the trees being planted 30' on center, and a minimum of 20' from street lights, 30' from intersections and 7.5' from alley. 4. Add a note that it is preferred to have 3", but not less than 2" caliper street tree with a minimum of 4' branching height. Page 3 of 4 5. Please note on the plans that the street trees to be planted are Columnar Norway Maple on 2nd Ave, and Capital Pear on Main St. 6. Street Trees shall be placed in 3 x 3 ADA compliant tree grates along curb. Refer to City standard details for tree grate and planting requirements. 7. Please add a note to the plans that states the painted centerline and parking will be restriped, as required, prior to project completion. 8. Please revise the parking striping to extend within 20' of alley on Main st and to extend to the bulb outs. 9. Utility patches with less than 20-feet of separation shall be combined and full width or half width overlay will be required depending on the extent of disturbance. Where utility patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required. 10. Coordinate utility work and final restoration with adjacent commercial development project at the NE corner of 2nd and Main as they have an obligation to pave a portion of 2nd Ave. 11. It appears that detail 2 is not being used. Please remove from this plan sheet. If this detail is to be used, it may only be used on private property and needs to be referenced as such. 12. Please insert the City detail for pavement within City right of way. 13. Any work to be completed at curb bulb outs (demo, install, etc.) shall be coordinated with City of Edmonds Engineering and Parks Departments. Sheet C5.2 — SITE AND STREET IMPROVEMENT DETAIL 1. Please change the title from `Plan' to `Details'. 2. Remove detail 3 a street sign is not required. 3. Remove detail 5 and add a site specific ramp detail. Sheet C5.3 — SITE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1. Disruption fees will be charged for closure of parking stalls and sidewalk areas. Clearly specify areas of closure and indicate the timeframe for which you request the closure. 2. Note 3 — Work Zone 1 — Add a note that a temporary ADA accessible ramp to be installed. LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. Although a landscape plan is not required at this time, the location of proposed landscaping needs to be shown so that the City can verify that there is no conflict with utilities and to ensure that the proposed project will meet the landscape requirements. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to attached plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson(aedmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Page 4 of 4 y Off' F nM0 "a STO RM WATE R REVIEW COMMENTS '`" City of Edmonds Engineering Division To: Engineering Reviewer Date: February 13, 2018 Project Name: Graphite Art Studio Permit Number: BLD20171841 Address: 202 Main St. Review Type: Civil Construction Submittal Date: 12/28/2017 Reviewer: Zack Richardson, PE City of Edmonds, Stormwater Engineer Recommendation: Drainage report was generally sufficient and does not need to be resubmitted unless changes to the plans necessitate revisions to the report; revisions to the plans are required. I recommend that BLD20171841 be withheld until the comments below are adequately addressed. Review Comments: 1. C2.1: Show extents of the storm drain demolition/removal 2. C3.1: Provide unique identifiers (numbers or letters) for each new or altered CB. 3. C3.1: Revise plans as needed to more clearly show how Main St. runoff will be collected: a. Revise and/or show more grading to demonstrate that the existing CB will be the low point, OR b. Provide new/replaced CB at low point before bulb -out. 4. C3.1: Revise basement drainage note to read "Basement drainage to sanitary sewer per plumbing plan" 5. C3.1: The wye connection for the alley -side footing drains must occur on -site or at a CB; revise plans as needed. 6. C3.1: It appears that there is an additional City storm drain connection upstream of the revised alley CB which is not reflected on the plans; see GIS screenshot below. Field verify and update plans (or provide written response) as needed. a. Engineer should verify that a Type I is still structurally sufficient for the proposed connection configuration. Page 1 of 2 01 P A' i PD7-48'� i 7. C3.2: It appears that the dead-end configuration of the detention tank requires the installation of an air vent pipe between the top of tank and control structure manhole. Provide pipe or written response to address this concern. a. Reviewer believes that air will be trapped in the top of the tank once the pipe fills above the top of the 36" pipe; therefore, runoff will not be able to push into the tank to utilize the upper 2' of storage unless this air has a release point. b. An open grate vent/cleanout pipe from the top of the tank to the surface may serve the same purpose. 8. C3.2: Provide bedding and subgrade information, as needed for construction, below the detention tank. 9. C3.2: Provide additional detail and/or notes to clarify how/what the detention tank end cap materials and method for securing in -place will be. 10. SH Sheets: Structural sheets generally directs to move foundation/footing to bottom of detention tank, but detail on civil plans suggested this needs to go to the bottom of the control structure, which is lower. Update notes on SH sheets, or detail on civil sheets, to be consistent with each other. Page 2 of 2