s9° (425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE: January 19, 2018
TO: Mark Schmitz
Almark Corporation
FROM: Mitchell Boyd, Stantec Consulting Services
RE: Application 4: BLD20171781
Project: Almark Corporation - Single Family Residence
Project Address: 7718 238th Place SW
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including a written
response to each item below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code
may be referenced on the City website: under Services/Permits and
1) Submit ROW Permit Application form
2) Submit Side Sewer Permit Application form
3) A Stormwater Covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the
proposed stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including
notarization and any required exhibits and submit to the city. Ensure the stormwater
covenant meets Snohomish County Record Drawing requirements. The document must be
complete, but will not be recorded prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction, final
location of facilities are to be verified (by field inspection and asbuilt) and then the covenant
will be recorded.
4) Please update the SWPP section to include the 131h element — LID protection per the 2012
5) Please add a note to the plans that all disturbed soils will be compost amended per BMP
6) The top/toe elevation for the rockery in the southeast corner was cut off. Please provide.
7) Please include the City of Edmonds rockery detail, standard plan E8.9.
8) Show where the rockery wall footing drains will discharge to.
9) Please provide outfall protection in the swale for both the infiltration system overflow and
the upstream conveyance system.
10) The detail for CB#1 appears to be mislabeled. Should it read CB#2?
11) Please provide a detail of the footing drain drywell.
12) A minimum of 5' of horizontal separation is required between water and storm lines.
13) A minimum of 5' of horizontal separation is required between storm and sewer lines.
14) Add a note to the plans indicating where the landscape irrigation backflow assembly will be
located (if one is proposed).
15) The sewer lateral (from the main to the property line) shall be 6". Once on private property
the sewer may reduce to 4".
16) Show a 6" cleanout at the property line. Please add a note that the 6" cleanout at the property
line shall have a 12" cast iron lamphole cover with hexbolts.
17) Show a cleanout located within 2' of the house
18) Provide invert elevations at the connection to existing sewer lateral, the cleanout at the
property line and at the house so that a minimum 2% slope and minimum 2' pipe coverage
can be verified.
19) Please add a note that the existing side sewer will need to be TV'd by the contractor and
video must be submitted to the City for review and approval to re -use.
20) If the existing sewer lateral is proposed to be reused, the City's Public Works Department
will need to TV the lateral to determine if it is acceptable to re -use. Add notes to the plans
to contact Edmonds Public Works Sewer Division, 425-771-0235, to schedule inspection.
21) Please add a note to the plans that all final restoration shall be completed by the contractor
not the City of Edmonds.
22) Please add a note that a minimum of 3' separation is required between the dry utilities
(power, gas, phone, cable, etc.) and sewer, water, and storm. Currently the gas is too close to
the storm and sewer system.
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City of Edmonds
Engineering Division
To: Engineering Reviewer
Date: January 16, 2018
Project Name: Almark SFR
Permit Number: BLD20171781
Address: 7718 238t" PI SW
Review Type: Building Permit (SFR)
Submittal Date: 12/15/2017
Reviewer: Zack Richardson, PE
City of Edmonds, Stormwater Engineer
Recommendation: I recommend that BLD20171781 be withheld until the comments
below are adequately addressed.
Review Comments:
1. General: It is not clear that infiltration is feasible on this site, or that the infiltration
rate has been properly calculated; update geotechnical information, drainage
report, and/or civil plans as needed to ensure infiltration system is properly
a. Geotechnical report states shallow infiltration is feasible in north-eastern
portions but to avoid run-on flow from other areas; the infiltration system
as proposed accepts run-on flows from the driveway surface and roof top
surfaces and therefore does not appear consistent with the geotechnical
recommendations. Update report(s) as needed for clarity and consistency.
b. A design infiltration rate is recommended by the geotech, but it is unclear
how the rate was determined; update report(s) as needed to clarify that
the infiltration rate was determined in a method consistent with Edmonds
Addendum Appendix B & Checklist #4 (Checklist #4 attached).
i. Ensure all steps of the required method are adequately
documented in the report; most notably the soaking period, size of
pit, and post-test excavation/mounding check.
2. Drainage/Geotech Report: It is unclear how shallow infiltration will not impact the
downstream property, but a rain garden would (as suggested in the current
reports); report(s) text shall be updated to provide additional clarification as to
why some BMPs appear to present this risk, but others do not.
Page 1 of 2
3. Drainage Report: Update MR #5 section to state specific infeasibility
requirements from Edmonds Addendum Appendix A.
a. If infiltration is not used, it is unclear why bio-retention/rain gardens cannot
be sited in less than 8% slopes, but the current infiltration facility appears
to be in a location meeting this specification.
b. If infiltration is not utilized, it is not clear how perforated pipe connections
& detention were determined infeasible.
c. It appears the geotechnical report actually supports permeable pavements
as shallow infiltration option; update text and/or implement as needed.
4. C3: Show limits of excavation/restoration for right-of-way improvements and
specify permanent stabilization as needed.
5. C3: Specific outfall protection size and type (quarry spalls, etc) at each outfall in
the right-of-way as needed.
6. C3: Add note or adjust callout to state that new CB #1 shall be set 1 "2" below
existing finish surface elevation and straight graded to the limits of excavation to
establish localized positive surface flow the CB, or similar; adjust rim elevation as
7. C3: Add a note/callout stating the amended soil requirement for all disturbed
pervious areas and provide speciation/details sufficient for the contractor to meet
the requirement.
8. C3: Include pavement section information (ie pavement thickens, subgrade
materials, & subgrade prep requirements).
9. C3: Include a reference to the detail on this sheet on the callout for CB #2 (ie.
communicate need for downturned elbow).
10. C3: Provide detail/typical section(s) as needed for construction of the proposed
retaining wall, including drainage considerations, and show drainage pipe outlet
route and discharge point.
11. C3: Show location of observation well in plan view.
12. C3: It is unclear if the filter fabric is proposed on top of the infiltration trench; text
only state "sides" but graphics imply top is covered too. Update as needed to
13. C3: Adjust the wall top/bottom callout in the south-east corner of the site which
appears to project outside clip limits/viewport and is not readable.
Page 2 of 2
,a9City of Edmonds
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
121 5th Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Checklist 4:
Methods for Determining Infiltration Rates
Per ECDC 18.30, all Category I projects must comply with Minimum Requirements No. 1 through No. 5,
and all Category 2 projects must comply with Minimum Requirements No. I through No. 9. If infiltration
facilities are proposed to meet Minimum Requirement Nos. 5, 6, and/or 7, soil infiltration rates must be
measured using approved soil infiltration testing procedures.
Infiltration facilities shall be prepared in accordance with the Department of Ecology's Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW), ECDC 18.30, and the requirements in the
Edmonds Stormwater Addendum (Addendum). Because the SWMMWW does not always include clear
itemization of project procedural and/or submittal requirements, the City of Edmonds developed
Appendix B of this Addendum (Methods for Determining Design Infiltration Rates) as well as this
accompanying checklist to aid project proponents and plan reviewers in complying with the applicable
SWMMWW requirements. In addition City -specific requirements (i.e., requirements presented in
ECDC 18.30 and the Addendum that are not included in the SWMMWW) are also included in the
appendix and checklist.
This checklist reflects most, but not necessarily all, of the items that shall be performed by the project
proponent, and documented for review by the Engineering Division. It is intended to be used as an aid for
developers and plan reviewers by providing a foundation for clear and consistent infiltration evaluation
processes in the City of Edmonds. However, all items may not be applicable to every project, and all
items of concern to this office may not be covered on this checklist. Project proponents must review
Appendix B in detail to identify complete infiltration testing requirements. Last, methods and procedures
outlined herein can vary depending on the project. The headings outlined below represent the City's
recommended process, though variations are acceptable as long as all of the required information is
evaluated and documented.
Application #:
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
(SWMMWW Volume III, Section 3.3.5)
Method 1— Field Testing
Large -Scale Pilot Infiltration Test (PIT) applies to infiltration facilities with drainage areas
greater than I acre (i.e., projects that are using the "Detailed Method"- see Addendum
Checklist 6), and may be used to demonstrate infeasibility of bioretention, permeable
pavement, or rain gardens in meeting Minimum Requirement No. 5.
Small -Scale Pilot Infiltration Test (PIT) applies to infiltration facilities with drainage areas
less than 1 acre (i.e., projects that are using the "Simple Method"- see Addendum
Checklist 6), and may be used to demonstrate infeasibility of bioretention, permeable
pavement, or rain gardens in meeting Minimum Requirement No. 5.
U.S. EPA Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure (as Modified for the City of Edmonds)
may only be used for BMP performance verification testing. May not be used for BMP
design or to demonstrate infeasibility of bioretention, permeable pavement, or rain gardens
in meeting Minimum Requirement No. 5.
Method 2 — Soil Grain Size Analysis
Soil Grain Size Analysis may only be used at project sites that are underlain by soils not
consolidated by glacial advance (e.g., recessional outwash soils), and may not be used to
demonstrate infeasibility of bioretention, permeable pavement, or rain gardens in meeting
Minimum Requirement No. 5.
(SWMMWW Volume 111, Section 3.3.5 and 3.4)
See Addendum Appendix B — Methods for Determining Design Infiltration Rates, as well
as Addendum Checklists 5 and 6.
Correction Factor
(SWMMWW Volume 111, Section 3.3.6)
For application of correction factors for bioretention, permeable pavement, and rain
gardens, refer to SWMMWW Volume III, Section 3.4; Addendum Appendix B; and
Addendum Checklist 5: Field and Design Procedures for Bioretention, Permeable
Pavement, Rain Gardens, and Downspout Infiltration Systems for application of correction
►_1DID] 40pill L[y.IXy34&1EI
1 1
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
For all other infiltration facilities, the design saturated hydraulic conductivity is calculated
using the following equation:
Ksatdesign = Ksati„itiai x CFv x CFT x CFM
CFv = CF for site variability and number of test locations
• 0.33 to 1.0
• High uncertainty in subsurface conditions = lower CFv
• High certainty in subsurface conditions = higher CFv
CFT = CF for test method used
• For the large-scale PIT method, CFT = 0.75;
• For the small-scale PIT method, CFT = 0.50
• For other small-scale infiltration tests (e.g., EPA falling head), CFT = 0.40
• For grain size analysis, CFT = 0.40.
CFM = CF for influent control to prevent siltation and bio-build up = 0.9.
Method 1— Field Testing
(SWMMWW Volume III, Section 3.3.6)
Large -Scale Pilot Infiltration Test (PIT)
Preparation of Test Hole
Excavate the test pit to the depth of the bottom of the proposed infiltration facility.
Lay back the slopes sufficiently to avoid caving and erosion during the test, or consider
shoring the sides of the test pit.
The horizontal surface area of the bottom of the test pit should be approximately 100 square
Accurately document the size, location, and geometry of the test pit.
Install a vertical measuring rod (minimum 5 feet long) marked in 0.5-inch increments in the
center of the pit bottom.
Convey water to the pit using a rigid 6-inch diameter pipe with a splash plate on the bottom
to convey water to the pit.
Soaking Period
Pre-soak: Add water to the pit at a rate that will maintain a water level between 6 inches and
12 inches above the bottom of the pit.
Note: For infiltration facilities serving large drainage areas, designs with multiple feet of
standing water can have infiltration tests with greater than 1 foot of standing water. The
depth must not exceed the proposed maximum depth of water expected in the completed
Every 15 to 30 minutes, record the cumulative volume and instantaneous flow rate (in
gallons per minute) necessary to maintain the water level at the same point on the
measuring rod.
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
Add water to the pit until 1 hour after the flow rate into the pit has stabilized while
maintaining the same pond water level (usually 6 hours). The total of the pre-soak time plus
1 hour after the flow rate has stabilized should be no less than 6 hours.
Measurement of the Infiltration Rate
After the flow rate has stabilized for at least 1 hour, turn off the water and record the rate of
infiltration (the drop rate of the standing water) in inches per hour from the measuring rod
data, until the pit is empty. Use 30-minute or 1-hour increments.
Calculate the Design Infiltration Rate
Calculate and record the infiltration rate in inches per hour. Use the lowest hourly rate
determined in row 17 above.
To compute the design infiltration rate (Ksatd,sign), adjust the final measured infiltration
rates by the appropriate correction factors outlined above.
Groundwater Mounding
Over -excavate the pit to see if the test water is mounded on shallow restrictive layers or if it
has continued to flow deep into the subsurface. The depth of excavation varies depending
on soil type and depth to hydraulic restricting layer, and is determined by the design
professional engineer or certified soils professional. Mounding is an indication that a
mounding analysis is necessary.
Small -Scale Pilot Infiltration Test
Preparation of Test Hole
Excavate the test pit to the estimated surface elevation of the proposed infiltration facility.
For bioretention, excavate to the estimated elevation at which the imported soil mix will lie
on top of the underlying native soil.
For permeable pavements, excavate to the elevation at which the imported subgrade
materials, or the pavement itself, will contact the underlying native soil.
Lay back the slopes sufficiently to avoid caving and erosion during the test, or consider
shoring the sides of the test pit.
The horizontal surface area of the bottom of the test pit should be 12 to 32 square feet.
Accurately document the size, location, and geometry of the test pit.
Install a vertical measuring rod that is marked in 0.5-inch increments in the center of the pit
Convey water to the pit using a rigid pipe with a splash plate on the bottom to convey water
to the pit. Use a 3-inch-diameter pipe for pits on the smaller end of the recommended
surface area, and a 4-inch pipe for pits on the larger end of the recommended surface area.
Soaking Period
Pre-soak: Add water to the pit so that there is standing water for at least 6 hours. Maintain
the water level at least 12 inches above the bottom of the pit.
Add water to the pit at a rate that will maintain a fixed 6- to 12-inch water level above the
bottom of the pit over a full hour. The depth should not exceed the proposed maximum
depth of water expected in the completed facility.
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
Every 15 minutes, record the cumulative volume and instantaneous flow rate in gallons per
minute necessary to maintain the water level at the same point (between 6 to 12 inches) on
the measuring rod. The specific depth should be the same as the maximum designed
ponding depth (usually 6 to 12 inches).
Measurement of the Infiltration Rate
After the flow rate has stabilized for 1 hour, turn off the water and record the rate of
infiltration (the drop rate of the standing water) in inches per hour from the measuring rod
data, until the pit is empty. Use 15-minute increments if feasible.
Calculate the Design Infiltration Rate
Calculate and record the infiltration rate in inches per hour. Use the lowest hourly rate
determined in row 32 above.
To compute the design infiltration rate (Ksatd,,,g„), adjust the final measured infiltration
rates by the appropriate correction factors outlined above.
Groundwater Mounding
Over -excavate the pit to see if the test water is mounded on shallow restrictive layers or if it
has continued to flow deep into the subsurface. The soils professional should judge whether
a mounding analysis is necessary.
Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure
(as Modified for the City of Edmonds; for performance verification only)
Space tests uniformly throughout the area. If soil conditions are highly variable, more tests
may be required.
Preparation of Test Hole
The diameter of each test hole is 8 inches.
The depth of each test is to the proposed depths of the absorption systems or to the most
limiting soil horizon.
To expose a natural soil surface, scratch the bottom of the hole with a sharp pointed
instrument and remove the loose material from the test hole.
Set a PVC pipe (6 inch -inner -diameter, 4 foot long) into the hole and press into the soil
6 inches.
Place 2 inches of 0.5- to 0.75-inch rock in the pipe to protect the bottom from scouring
when water is added.
Soaking Period
In sandy soils with little or no clay, soaking is not necessary (proceed to Measurement of
the Percolation Rate).
Carefully fill the pipe with at least 12 inches of clear water. Maintain the depth of water for
at least 4 hours (and preferably overnight if clay soils are present).
If, after filling the pipe twice with 12 inches of water, the water seeps completely away in
less than 10 minutes, the test can proceed immediately (proceed to Measurement of the
Percolation Rate).
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
Measurement of the Percolation Rate
Except for sandy soils, make percolation rate measurements 15 hours but no more than
30 hours after the soaking period began.
Adjust the water level to 6 inches above the gravel (or 8 inches above the bottom of the
hole). At no time during the test is the water level allowed to rise more than 6 inches above
the gravel.
Immediately after adjustment, measure the water level from a fixed reference point to the
nearest 1/16th inch at 30-minute intervals. Continue the test until two successive water level
drops do not vary by more than 1/16 inch within a 90-minute period. At least three
measurements are to be made.
After each measurement, readjust the water level to the 6-inch level.
Use the last water level drop to calculate the percolation rate.
In sandy soils or soils in which the first 6 inches of water added after the soaking period
seeps away in less than 30 minutes, make water level measurements at 10-minute intervals
for a 1-hour period. Use the last water level drop to calculate the percolation rate.
Calculate the Design Infiltration Rate
Calculate the percolation rate for each test site by dividing the time interval used between
measurements by the magnitude of the last water level drop. This calculation results in a
percolation rate in minutes/inch. To determine the percolation rate for the area, average the
rates obtained from each hole. (If tests in the area vary by more than 20 minutes/inch,
variations in soil type are indicated. Under these circumstances, percolation rates should not
be averaged.)
To compute the design infiltration rate (Ksatdesign), adjust the final percolation rates by the
appropriate correction factors outlined above.
Method 3 — Soil Grain Analysis
(SWMMWW Volume III, Section 3.3.6)
For infiltration basins and trenches, perform the grain size analysis for each defined layer
below the infiltration facility to a depth below the facility bottom of 2.5 times the maximum
depth of water in the pond, but not less than 10 feet.
For large infiltration facilities serving drainage areas of 10 acres or more, soil grain size
analyses are performed on layers up to 50 feet deep (or no more than 10 feet below the
water table).
For bioretention areas, each defined layer is analyzed below the top of the final bioretention
area subgrade to a depth of at least 3 times the maximum ponding depth, but not less than
3 feet (1 meter).
For permeable pavement, each defined layer is analyzed below the top of the final subgrade
to a depth of at least 3 times the maximum ponding depth within the base (reservoir) course,
but not less than 3 feet (1 meter).
If the licensed professional conducting the investigation determines that deeper layers will
influence the rate of infiltration for the facility, soil layers at greater depths may be
considered when assessing the site's hydraulic conductivity characteristics.
►_1DID] 40U111L[y.IXy34CIM!
Within each blank cell, enter comment codes as follows:
C = Complete R = Revise (i.e., make corrections)
N/A = Not Applicable M = Missing (i.e., please include)
IC = Incomplete
Use the following relationship to determine the initial hydraulic conductivity:
loglo (Kspr) _ -1.57 + 1.90DIo + 0.015D60 - 0.013D90 - 2.08ff..O,
Where, D,o, D60, and D90 are the grain sizes in min for which 10 perccnt, 60 percent, and
90 percent of the sample is more fine and ffnes is the fraction of the soil (by weight) that
passes the US 4200 sieve (Ksat is in cm/s).
Compaction effects must be taken into account when estimating hydraulic conductivity
where applicable.
Review Date:
Reviewer Phone #:
Reviewer Comments:
After recording return to:
City Clerk
City of Edmonds
121 Fifth Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Document Title(s)
Declaration of Covenant - Private Stormwater Facility
Reference Number(s) of Related Documents
City of Edmonds (permit number)
Grantor(s) (Last, First and Middle Initial)
Grantee(s) (Last, First and Middle Initial)
City of Edmonds
Legal Description (abbreviated form; i.e., lot, plat or section, township, range, quarter/quarter)
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number at the Time of Recording:
The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or
completeness of the indexing information provided herein.
Private Stormwater Facility
WHEREAS, the undersigned Declarant(s) have installed one or more stormwater
facilities under Edmonds Community Development Code Chapter 18.30 known as a "low impact
development best management practices (LID BMP)" as selected below:
❑ Permeable Pavement ❑
❑ Rain Garden / Bioretention Cell ❑
❑ Drywell ❑
Infiltration Trench
Gravelless Chamber
WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds has allowed installation of the LID BMP, subject to the
execution and recording of this Declaration of Covenant; NOW, THEREFORE,
THE UNDERSIGNED DECLARANT(S), being the owners of the real property ("the
Property") located at the following address:
in the City of
Edmonds, Washington, and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference as if set forth in full, hereby covenants and agrees, on behalf of
himself/herself/themselves/itself and his/her/their/its successors and assigns, as follows:
Declarant(s) warrant that he/she/they are the owners of the property described on Exhibit
A and have the authority to impose this covenant on the property and bind all future owners,
successors, and assigns of the Declarant(s). The Declarant(s), future owners, successors,
and assigns of the Declarant(s) shall be referred to collectively as "Owners."
2. The Owners of the Property agree that the Property contains one or more stormwater
management facilities referred to as an "LID BMP," which was installed to mitigate the
stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or all of the impervious or non-native
pervious surfaces on the property. "Low impact development" means development
conducted in a way that seeks to minimize or completely prevent alterations to the natural
hydrology of the site. Low impact development includes site planning and design to reduce
alterations of natural soil and vegetation cover, minimize impervious surfaces, and specific
practices that help to replicate natural hydrology such as permeable pavements, green
roofs, soil amendments, bioretention systems, and dispersion of runoff.
3. The Owners shall maintain the size, placement, and design of the LID BMP as depicted on
the approved site plan, Exhibit B, and design details shall be maintained and may not be
changed without written approval either from the Engineering Division of the City of
Edmonds or through a future development permit from the City of Edmonds. Chemical
fertilizers and pesticides shall not be used where LID BMP is located. All costs of
maintenance and repair shall be the sole responsibility of the Owners.
4. The Owners shall inspect LID BMPs annually for physical defects. After major storm
events, the system shall also be checked to ensure that the overflow system is working
properly. The Owners also shall maintain all LID BMPs so they function as designed on a
year-round basis.
5. The City of Edmonds is hereby granted by the Owners the right, but not the obligation, to
enter upon the Property described on Exhibit A at all reasonable times for the purpose of
inspecting the private stormwater LID BMP facility. If, as the result of any such inspection,
the City of Edmonds determines that the LID BMP is in disrepair, requires maintenance or
repair, or is otherwise not functioning as provided in the BMP site plan, the City Engineer
or his designee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to order the Owners to maintain
or repair the same.
6. If the City of Edmonds determines that the LID BMP requires maintenance or repair
pursuant to Section 5, the City of Edmonds shall provide notice to the Owners of the
deadline within which such maintenance or repair must be completed. Said notice may
further advise that, should the violator fail to perform required maintenance or make repairs
within the established deadline, the work may be done by the city or a contractor designated
by the City Engineer and the expense thereof shall be charged to the Owners. The City's
officers, agents, employees, and contractors shall have the right, which is hereby granted
by the Owners, to enter upon the Property described on Exhibit A in order to perform such
work. The Owners shall bear the cost of all work performed.
7. The Owners shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, its officers,
officials, employees and agents from any and all claims, demands, suits, penalties, losses,
damages, judgments, attorneys' fees and/or costs of any kind whatsoever, arising out of or
in any way resulting from the approval of the LID BMP(s), the installation and presence
of the LID BMP(s), and the acts or omissions of the Owners, their officers, employees,
contractors, and agents relating to the construction, operation and maintenance of the LID
BMP(s) on the Property, except for the City's intentional and willful tortious acts, and
waive and release the City of Edmonds from any and all claims for damages and injunctive
relief which the Owners may themselves have now or in the future, by reason of the
construction, maintenance and operation of said LID BMP(s).
8. This covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon the Owners.
(Print Name)
(Print Name)
State of Washington
County of Snohomish
(Print Name)
On this day personally appeared before me
{Declarant(s)} to me known to be the individual, or individuals described in and who executed
the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as
his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me this day of , 201_.
(Name legibly printed or stamped)
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington.
Residing at:
My commission expires
Exhibit A
Legal description
Exhibit B
Site Plan