Engineering Comments 1.pdfof ED40 CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION �sr_ ig90 (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: September 21, 2017 TO: Steve Barnes sbames@comerstonearch.com FROM: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Joanne/zulauf@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld20170899/0900 Project: Edmonds Apartments Project Address: 8509 2441h St SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or Fire may result in additional comments. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1. Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website) and utilize "write-in" sections where appropriate. a. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off - site improvements. b. A 3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. 2. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. Please provide a written response from the geotech that the civil plans are consistent with the geotech report. 4. Please consider moving the paving sheets (currently C 1.1 and C 1.2) to the end of the construction sheets to mimic the flow of a construction job. Please move the general notes to the first or second sheet. 5. Please submit a traffic control plan for work on 2441n 6. Include the haul route on 1" or second sheet. 7. Some sheets are missing the City Engineering Division approval block. Please revise. 8. Olympic View Water and Sewer District shall have their own approval block on pages specific to their review and approval. The applicant will be required to submit plans approved and signed by OVWSD prior to the final approval of the civil plans by the City. 9. Stormwater Checklists (found in the Appendices of the Addendum) are required to be submitted for all projects. Please complete and return Checklist #2, #3, #4, and #6 and any other checklists that may apply to this project. The lists are a combination of informational material and plan requirements; due to the formatting of the checklists, there is definitely some overlap within each checklist and across the checklists. They are still a work in progress. Ultimately though they contain details that you may have overlooked in our code and addendum or in the Manual so it is definitely to your advantage to complete them. 10. A Stormwater Covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the proposed stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including notarization and required exhibits and submit to the city. The document must be complete, but will not be recorded prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction final location of facilities are to be verified (by field inspection and asbuilt) and then the covenant will be recorded. Sheet C1.0 — COVER SHEET 11. Move construction sequence on this sheet. 12. Include General Construction Notes. Please revise: 13. change 2016 to 2017 WSDOT/APWA 14. change "Washington State ..." to "2012/14 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW)" 15. replace references to city of Edmonds water and sewer regulations/requirements to information for OVWSD water and sewer. 16. Please revise "Governing Agencies". See Handout E28 as a guide to the information needed for this section. Include City of Edmonds as purveyor of Stormwater. Also, please remove COE reviewers names and emails from the plans as they will not be the first contact for construction. 17. Please add property owner information. 18. Add project zone information. 19. Add project description. SHEET C1.1 PAVING PLAN 20. Use the textures in the legend to show the access drive limits. Create an existing and proposed paving texture to use for those areas. 21. Striping is part of the civil review of the parking area, please add all striping to this plan. Include all striping required by the Fire Marshall. 22. Are those bollards shown around the fire hydrant? Please label. If not, please add them. 23. What does "C" in the parking stalls refer to? The texture shows concrete so not needed to show that? 24. Provide dimensions for the parking stalls. Just one for each size stall or irregular stalls. 25. Legend notes "Light Duty Paving" and "Heavy Duty Paving". Please use texture to delineate areas of each. 26. Is the space along the south parking stalls, next to building 2 intended to be a parking stall. If not, please provide paving striping to deter cars from using it for parking. Page 2 of 6 27. Note #5 references concrete striping, some areas to be striped are asphalt. 28. Note the fence height on this plan. 29. Unable to locate mailbox. 30. Note aisle width. Please confirm with Fire comments that aisle width and turn around is acceptable. 31. Please revise note regarding berm to one option. Whichever option is chosen, the note should be on the drainage sheet too and be clear on the plans how it will work. 32. The details for the following paving notes should be included in the civil set of drawings; Note # 6 and 7, block wall. The block wall will be reviewed by both the building division and the engineering division. SHEET C1.2 PAVING PLAN (FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS) 33. To avoid confusion, please change the name of this sheet to Frontage Improvements. 34. Will a monument or pole sign be installed? If you are planning to install a sign, please indicate the location and dimensions of the sign to show no utility conflicts or sight distance issues are created. 35. Indicate the proposed location of the fire/address sign on 240 36. This property falls within the RM 1.5 Zone. 7 ft to loft Sidewalks are required in this zone. Width is dependent on available right of way. 7 ft sidewalks shall be required. 37. It appears that the light standard encroaches into the public sidewalk. A 5 ft clear path shall be shown for the sidewalk where the pole is located. If a 5 ft clearance cannot be met, light standard may need to be moved. 38. Extruded curb is not permitted in the right of way. Please remove extruded curb shown between sidewalk and property line. 39. Please show the rockery or wall along the east side of the access drive. 40. If the rockery enters the right of way, please add note that it will be removed. Rockeries are prohibited in the right of way and where they are constructed on private property must be a distance from the property line equal to the height of the rockery. Please review the code section 18.40.020 carefully to understand all the prohibitions. The B62 Retaining Wall handout, located under the building division handouts on our website, is available for wall construction information if needed to meet grade conditions. Additionally, Per ECDC Chapter 18.70 approval of an Encroachment Permit may be granted to locate a Retaining Wall within the City right-of-way if it does not interfere with the public's use of the right-of-way and/or if the proposal benefits the public interest, safety or convenience. 41. Use the correct texture to show the access drive limits. 42. Add dimensions to the paved drive and the access easement. 43. Please label all water lines as existing/proposed. 44. Note that water meter lids shall be replaced with drive rated lids where necessary. 45. Overhead power to the site is shown. All utilities serving the property, including power shall be underground. 46. The existing 10' sewer easement limits are unclear. 47. "Ex. A.C. Paving" is called out in the access easement. Please add note to the plans stating existing failing, damaged or non-ADA compliant frontage improvements shall be removed and replaced as determined by the City Engineering Inspector. 48. City of Edmonds requires a 2 ft minimum sawcut, please revise note. 49. Add the COE standard details for paving and reference wherever paving will be performed in the right of way. Page 3 of 6 50. Legend notes "Light Duty Paving" and "Heavy Duty Paving". Please use texture to delineate areas of each. 51. Please show a transitional sidewalk panel on the west and east side of the driveway approach outside of the ramps. This panel shall be a minimum of 4 ft in length and shall act as a transition between the new and existing width, and from any non-ADA conditions of the existing sidewalk to the new sidewalk meeting the current City and ADA requirements. 52. Utility patches shall be combined and full width or half width overlay will be required dependent on the extent of disturbance. Where utility patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required. SHEET C2.1 EROSION CONTROL 53. Please revise sheet title to TESC and Demolition. 54. Clearly note that TESC details can be found on Sheet C6.1. 55. A copy of this sheet can be submitted with your demolition application with the added note: "Demolition of structures only. Clearing and Grading not approved with this permit." 56. Reference the location of the SWPPP. 57. Submitted SWPPP was prepared using the 2005 Stormwater Manual. The City has adopted the 2012/14 Stormwater Manual as of January lst, 2017. Please revise SWPPP to current code. 58. SWPPP notes 4803 bcy cut and 726 bcy fill. It does not include the 339 bcy noted as stripped on plan sheet CO.1. Please revise for consistency. 59. Add standard notes for erosion control. (see 2012 SWMMWW Vol II, Appendix II -A). 60. Add name and contact number for CESCL or preparer of the SWPPP or other tesc responsible person on plan sheet with construction sequence. 61. Construction is proposed to begin in wet weather season. Tesc proposed shall meet wet weather tesc requirements. Specific wet weather requirements shall be prominently noted on plan and noted in construction sequence. 62. Show job shack location, if any. 63. The location of the temporary sediment pond is in the same location as the proposed stormwater system. Please revise plans to avoid this conflict. 64. A temporary sediment pond typically is designed to remove sediment no smaller that medium silt (0.02mm). This method does not lower the turbidity enough for the runoff to leave the site. See 2014 SWMMWW BMP C241. Minimum turbidity of 25 NTUs is required for runoff directed off site. The temp sediment pond may be used but will be subject to daily turbidity testing. Provide a point for testing the NTUs after the pond and before the property line. The testing is to be provided by special inspection. A special inspection form from the engineering division shall be completed with all required signatures and submitted prior to plan issuance. Other options include removing the water from the pond via baker tank or similar. Please clarify which option is to be followed by the contractor or revise plan using another tesc measure. 65. Show all existing trees on the plan. Indicate trees to be removed and show tree protection for all trees to remain. Add standard detail for tree protection. 66. The BMPs noted in the SWPPP to be installed shall be shown on the plans. Add note referencing other measures (from SWPPP) to be installed "as needed". 67. All tesc bmp standard details referenced are from the SWMMWW, Vol II chap 4, please replace COE details with the SWMMWW details on sheet C6.1. Please use the stormwater manual detail reference numbers so reference can be made to the stormwater manual extended summary of the bmp if needed. Page 4 of 6 SWPPP REPORT 68. Section 2.2. Cut and Fill amounts are not consistent with Sheet. 69. Section 6.2.1 Please correct "If turbidity exceeds 250 NTU" to 25 NTU. 70. Appendix B Construction BMPs is missing page 2A-73, which includes part of the description of the sediment pond. Please add page and check for other missing pages. SHEET C3.1— GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 71. The portion of segmental wall ranges from 2 ft to 6 ft. The "large" segmental wall ranges from 2 ft to 3 ft. Are they mislabeled as the smaller wall states it is being designed by others? The wall standard detail 3/3.2 is consistent with the COE detail E8.12 Modular Block Wall. At heights over 4 ft, they must be designed by an engineer. Also a 2 ft shy distance must be maintained between driveway areas. 72. There is a symbol on the center landscape strip located on the north row of parking stalls. It appears to have no label. If existing cb, please provide rim and invert elevations, if not, please label to identify. —found it on the sewer plan -please label the new light standard. 73. Rolled asphalt berm or trench drain call out. Please choose one and depict on the plans. A trench drain will require an invert elevation at the connection to tightline. 74. Please label the Bioretention Swale as a Bioretention Planter. Also please correct reference from 3/C4 to 2/C6.2. There is no sheet C4 in the drawing set. 75. The very first infeasibility criteria for bioretention-in the SWMMWW Vol V, page 7-9 is the following: "Where professional geotechnical evaluation recommends infiltration not be used due to reasonable concerns about erosion, slope failure, or down gradient flooding. " Please review the Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Geotechnical Engineering Report Section 4.3 on page 4. "infiltration into the till is not recommended. " Please choose another treatment consistent with those conditions or provide specific information in the stormwater report stating that this system is the appropriate choice for the soil conditions. 76. The note located at northeast of site "See Sheet C4 for Offsite Storm Line" references sheet C4. Sheet C3.2 is the location of that information. 77. Where the sewer enters the adjoining condominium property, please extend to show the point where is crosses the proposed storm line. Provide approximant inverts for both pipes at point of crossing. 78. Provide a copy of the easement agreement (draft okay) with the condominiums for stormwater installation and access. 79. See Stormwater Engineer Comment Letter for additional comments on Sheet C3.1. a. If a vault is chosen for stormwater mitigation, a separate structural plan and calculations shall be provided. The vault submittal will be sent out for peer review. The fee is $300 plus the consultants peer review fee which will be pass through. Underground Wiring Requirements of ECDC 18.05 shall be followed. All utility services shall be installed underground. b. Show location of pad mounted transformer; it is to be located on private property. c. Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property). Page 5 of 6 SHEET C3.2 — GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 80. Please provide the bottom and top elevation of the rockery on the condo property at the location of the proposed storm line. If the rockery will be removed at that point and it meets any of the prohibition criteria, please provide a proposal to replace. See comment #21 above under SHEET C2.1. SHEET C4.3 — SEWER PLAN 81. The plans show an existing sewer easement. Is there a sewer line in it? Please provide a copy of the easement language to confirm the installation of other improvements do not interfere. The dumpster, for example. Sheet L1.1— LANDSCAPE PLAN 82. Add Note: "A separate irrigation permit must be obtained from the City Public Works Department. Prior to final acceptance provide a copy of the backflow test report to the City's Cross -Connection Control Specialist. Test reports can be faxed to 425.744.6057 or e-mailed to jeff.koblyk(&edmondswa.gov. Backflow testing will be required on an annual basis thereafter." 83. Please review Civil Sheet C4.2. Please see the fire equipment placement and provide plantings that will not interfere with access. 84. The bioretention planter is shown with 5 large bushes that spread up to 5' in width. Please arrange and choose planting that will leave access to clean out and to beehive outlet free for maintenance of the mitigation system. STORMWATER REPORT 85. Page 7. Please elaborate or revise the criteria used to move down the bmp lists. The infeasibility criteria must be addressed consistent with the 2017 COE Stormwater Code and Addendum, and the 2014 Stormwater Manual. The following comments are provided from Robert Edwards, Stormwater Engineer. Please contact Robert directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at Robert.edwards(aedmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding these comments. Prior to resubmission, please confirm that all plans, civils, site plan and landscape plans are consistent. Page 6 of 6