Engineering Comments 1.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: April 4, 2019 FROM: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Joanne.zulauf@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld20181622 Project: GRE Edmonds, LLC Project Address: 23400 Highway 99 During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1. Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website) and utilize "write-in" sections where appropriate. a. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off - site improvements. b. A 3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 100% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. 2. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. Please provide a written response from the geotech that the civil plans are consistent with the geotech report. 4. Olympic View Water and Sewer District shall have their own approval block on pages specific to their review and approval. The applicant will be required to obtain OVWSD project approval prior to final approval of the civil plans by the City. Sheet C1.00 — COVER SHEET 1. Please add Fire District 1 as Fire Prevention and Emergency purveyor. Sheet C1.10 — COVER SHEET 2. Please revise part 1 of the General Construction Notes to the correct year for the APWA/WSDOT. Sheet C2.00 — GRADING/DEMO/TESC 1. In the southwest corner of the property there is a note #4 that says protect the utility pole and guy wire. On sheet C4.00, Site Plan, there is a note that the pole is to be removed. Please revise sheets to be consistent. 2. Please add a reference to the Tree protection plan in the Landscape plans. Protection measures are to at minimum be referenced on this plan. 3. Add note to plans: Existing sidewalk frontage improvements shall be maintained as long as possible during the course of construction. 4. Show stockpile location and indicate requirements to keep it covered. 5. Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction. 6. Add note: All disturbed areas to be compost amended per 2014 SWMMWW BMP T.5.13. SHEET C4.00 — SITE PLAN 1. Please add a note to the plans that states the painted fogline and centerline will be restriped, as required, prior to project completion. 2. Add note to plans: Utility patches with less than 20-feet of separation shall be combined and full width or half width overlay will be required depending on the extent of disturbance. Where utility patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required. 3. Please add note regarding #8 (sawcut), "Sawcut to be determined by the engineering inspector" 4. As mentioned above, the pole in the southwest corner of the property is noted to be removed on this sheet and retained on the TESC sheet. The call out on the site plan references "note 1" but there is no note 1 on this sheet. Please revise as needed. SHEET C5.00 — GRADING AND DRAINAGE 1. Please provide additional information regarding the length, slope and location of the ramps on either side of the driveway. This information can be added either on the Site Plan or the Driveway detail. 2. The driveway detail on this sheet shows point elevations of 419.68 at west edge of garage opening and 417.86 at the east edge. It is unclear how the driveway with a cross slope of approximately 9.1 % at the building will transition into the garage where the floor elevation is shown at what appears to be a fairly level 417+ elevation (Sheet G006). Please revise drawings or provide additional information to clarify the plan. Sheet C6.00 — WATER & SEWER PLAN 1. The city shall receive water and sewer plans approved and signed by Olympic View Water and Sewer District prior to the final city engineering review of the project. Sheet X of X — TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. Please submit a traffic control and haul route plan for review and approval. Individual plans shall be provided for all elements of work to be completed on Highway 99 and 234tn Page 2 of 3 2. Disruption fees will be charged for closure of parking stalls and sidewalk areas. Clearly specify areas of closure and indicate the approximate timeframe for which you request the closure. Sheet L1.3 — LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. Please revise matrix to note the Street Tree species as "to be determined by the City Parks Manager" and that it will be 3" caliper with 7 ft branching height. 2. The traffic on Highway 99 travels at a pretty high speed which means that the easier it is to see pedestrians trying to cross 234th, the safer it is, especially for cars turning up 234th. The plants proposed adjacent to the pedestrian ramp range in height at full growth between 2 ft to 4 ft. The areas with the Spirea and Lavender are of the most concern. Please revise the planting plan with low growing plantings for this area. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson(a,edmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Page 3 of 3