Engineering Comments 1.pdfDate:
March 21, 2019
Amber Groll, Planner
Natalie Griggs, Engineering Technician
PLN20190007— Lot Line Adjustment
7011 Lake Ballinger Way
The comments provided below are based upon review of the application and documents
submitted for the subject application. Additional information is requested from the applicant
at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond to the following.
City maps indicate a sewer main
runs east to west through the I�i
subject property. The map below
provides an approximate location
of the sewer main and actual
location should be confirmed on ICI
site. I was not able to find C
confirmation of a sewer
easement through the subject
properties (7011 & 7007 Lk
Ballinger Way). Please revise the-+
lot line adjustment documents to
also include the granting of a 20-
foot wide public sewer easement
to the City of Edmonds from the �J
western property boundary of the
subject parcel to the eastern
property boundary of the
neighboring parcel, with the r
sewer main centered within the I
easement area or provide proof
of an existing easement and
reference the recording
document accordingly.
Thank you.
City of Edmonds