Engineering Comments 1.pdfof Ell-'Vo CITY OF EDMONDS PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 4�3"'A ENGINEERING DIVISION .(425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: June 5, 2018 TO: John Zimmerman Johnlzimmerman51@gmail.com FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician Jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.gov RE: Application 4: BLD20180576 Project: John Zimmerman Project Address: 820 Dayton St During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including a written response to each item below. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, New updated standard details with new reference numbers, application and other forms, and development code may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.gov under Services/Permits and Development. Sheet C 1 of 2 (Drainage and Utility) 1) The plans are unclear as to exactly what is new/replaced impervious and what is proposed impervious surface areas. If the existing impervious areas are being removed to bare soils (roof and foundation) and replaced with new impervious surfaces, this area will be counted towards new/replaced impervious areas. a. Please clearly show what is new/replaced (i.e. hatching, etc.). b. Please clearly distinguish between new/replaced and 2nd story additions that do not count as new/replaced impervious areas. c. Please clearly show areas where new/replaced roof overhang is to be installed over existing pervious areas. d. It is stated that the driveway is to remain; however, the plans indicate that a large portion will be replaced with storm line improvements. The existing driveway areas outside of the replaced area seem to be poor condition and unlikely to be preserved. Any portion of the driveway outside of what is currently shown on the plans to be replaced, will count as replaced impervious area. If this increases the new/replaced impervious area to 2000sf or greater, a stormwater management system will be required. 2) Impervious Areas chart: Provide a breakdown for all the impervious surfaces. Stormwater management trigger is 2000sf. If proposed project does not create/replace 2000sf or more impervious surface area then the following is not required. A simple accounting of the proposed impervious surface area should be provided. Project Site Category: Category I Discharge location: (City's MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system), BNSF Property, Puget Sound through the City's MS4) Type of area Square footage Stormwater Facility Lawn and Landscape Roofs Hard surfaces 25% Retrofit 3) The project is proposing to add foundation to the existing garage; however it appears that a portion of the existing garage and/or roof overhang is encroaching into the City right-of- way. Encroachment into the right-of-way is not approved; therefore, please confirm that no portion of the existing encroachment will be enclosed or expanded upon. a. Please note that the City will not approve any repairs to the retaining walls, fences, roof overhangs, and shed that is located within the City right-of-way. When those structures need to be replaced or as otherwise directed by the City, they will need to be located on private property. 4) The City's GIS system shows that there are stormwater flows on the subject site. Please show the stormwater on the plans if they exist. Page 2 of 3 Sheet C2 of 2 (Grading and TESC Plan) 1) Show the stormwater as stated above in #4 and any TESC needed to protect the stormwater flows. 2) The plans show a construction entrance detail; however, it is unclear where the construction entrance is to be located. Please show the location on the plans. If the intention is to use the existing driveway as the construction entrance, remove the detail and state as such on the plans. 3) Please show the location of the silt fence and reference the City standard detail. 4) Revise the clearing limit to include the foundation being installed on the existing garage. Page 3 of 3