Engineering Comments 1-BLD20180503-Kids Fdn Acad.pdfOF EDV0 CITY OF EDMONDS
6'st 1 g90 (425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE: May 30, 2018
TO: Ralph Allen
Grace Architects
FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
RE: Application 4: bld20180503
Project: Kids Foundation Academy
Project Address: 21827 76th Ave W
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents with a written
response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City
1. The proposed phasing of work (labeled as SI and TI) is complicating review of the subject
project. Please include all proposed site work within one plan set and remove references to
2. Current plan set also indicates work in the lower lot will be done under SW permit and
references an SW-0.0 plan sheet, but this was not included in the plan set. Again, please include
all proposed work within one plan set to be reviewed with the subject permit.
3. The site development plans/civil construction plans for this project should show all proposed
improvements on private property, as well as existing and proposed changes to frontage
improvements along 219th St SW.
4. Include Construction Sequence. Refer to sample on City website.
5. Include General Construction Notes. Refer to sample on City website.
6. Provide a traffic control plan addressing lane closure on 219th during construction.
7. Provide traffic impact analysis worksheet. Refer to City Handout E82.
8. Comments provided below reference the plan sheet in which the improvements are currently
shown, however, in future submittals the plan sheet naming/numbering should be revised in
response to the comments above.
9. Please note, additional comments not included in this review may be produced after reviewing
the next submittal
1. Provide a demolition and temporary erosion control plan.
2. Indicate all required temporary erosion control measures and reference City standard details.
3. Tree protection measures are to be shown on this plan. Where trees are to be maintained barrier
fencing shall be placed at the drip line of the tree in order to protect the root system.
4. Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of
Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction.
5. Add note: "disturbed areas to be compost amended".
6. Show existing improvements and indicate which improvements are to be removed.
1. Provide a stormwater and utility plan.
2. Show location of existing water, sewer, storm and dry utilities on the site.
3. Show revisions proposed to any of the site utilities.
4. Include Hard Surface Area chart on the plans. Provide a breakdown of all existing and proposed
impervious/hard surface areas.
a. Indicate the quantity of impervious surface area that currently drains to the existing
stormwater management system and how much area will drain to that system in the final
b. If the current project creates or replaces more than 2000sf of impervious/hard surface
area and the proposed amount exceeds the capacity of the existing stormwater
management system, then a new/additional stormwater management system will need to
be provided.
c. A chart has been provided on Sheet TI-0.0 that includes a net change. The net change
does not determine stormwater management requirement thresholds, the project itself is
what this determination is based off. If the project itself creates 2000sf or more hard
surface area then stormwater management will be required. The question is how much
of that can/will drain to the existing on -site stormwater management system and how
much of that will need to discharge to a new on -site stormwater management system.
5. Show location of existing stormwater management system and show conveyance lines to that
6. Note TI 5 on sheet TI-0.0 states the existing storm drain line will be extended. Clearly indicate
location of existing catch basins and conveyance lines and label as such. Provide RIM and
invert elevations at existing and proposed structures and indicate how existing lines (if any) will
be connected to the storm system in its revised location.
7. Note TI 6 on sheet TI-0.0 states unit pavers will be provided surrounding an existing catch
basin. Please clarify the purpose of pavers. Will this existing catch basin collect surface water
runoff in the proposed final condition? If not then installation of a solid lid may be the best
route. Provide RIM elevation and elevations of surrounding area to confirm how this CB
functions with the surrounding area.
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1. Revise plan sheet to show all proposed site work (without project phasing).
2. Revise to show complete improvements along the frontage of the access drive, including
existing sidewalk and curb ramps.
3. Closure of existing parking garage will require existing driveway approach to be removed and
replaced with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk. Revise plans to show proposed improvements
and reference City standard details.
4. Please add a north arrow to the plans.
5. Label drive aisles/parking areas.
6. Show location of rockery referenced in note TI 2 and provide top and bottom of rockery
7. The following comments are based off the project notes, but include plan revisions as well.
Please revise accordingly.
TI 4 — Note states "... assume landscape bark" As this area will be the kids outdoor play
area, it is assumed that landscape bark will not be used. Please clarify what surface material
will be used at this location — will it be pervious or impervious?
TI 7 — Note states "New 4" concrete sidewalk with 6"x6" wwm over compacted and
prepared sub -grade — slope to drain". Please clarify what a 6x6 wwm is.
TI 10 — Note states "Move mailbox (approx. 6') to location shown". Please revise plans to
also show location of existing mailbox.
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