Engineering Comments, JoAnne
From: Zulauf, JoAnne
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 10:53 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Retaining Wall
Attachments: Engineering Comments 2.pdf
Hi Leia,
I am looking at the resubmitted plans and am confused as why the new catch basin is shown without any information
need more information than a line and a box unfortunately. I have attached the drawing with red lines showing the
information I need in order to approve this permit.
The information needed is:
1) rim and all three inverts of the proposed catch basin
2) invert at the connection to the wall
3) length of the pipe from connection at wall to the catch basin
4) show the storm line to and past the location of the proposed catch basin
I am sending this ahead of planning's review so I don't know if they will have any other comments but wanted you to be
able to work on this as soon as possible. They can make the corrections on sheet 1 and not worry about the rest of the
plan sheets.
You can email the corrected sheet back to me if you want and I will review it as soon as I receive it.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
JoAnne Zulauf I Senior Engineering Technician
Engineering Division I City of Edmonds
121 5t" Ave N I Edmonds, WA 98020
425.771.0220 x 1324