Engineering Comments 2-BLD20180503-Kids Fdn Acad.pdfof EDV0 CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION 6'st 1 g90 (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: August 2, 2018 TO: Ralph Allen Grace Architects rwallen@gracearchitectspllc.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov RE: Application 4: bld20180503 Project: Kids Foundation Academy Project Address: 21827 76th Ave W During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. Comments 1 —May 30, 2018 Comments 2 — August 2, 2018 The scope of the project and plan sheet numbering has changed. The previous plan review comments that remain in effect have been rearranged to correlate with the new plan sheets. GENERAL 1. August 2, 2018 — Response letter states that no work is planned for 219th; however, frontage improvement work along 219th St SW will be required with the removal of the parking garage entrance. Please revise plans accordingly. May 30, 2018 comment - The site development plans/civil construction plans for this project should show all proposed improvements on private property, as well as existing and proposed changes to frontage improvements along 219th St SW. 2. August 2, 2018 — Response letter states that no closures of 219' are anticipated; however, frontage improvement work along 219' St SW will be required with the removal of the parking garage entrance. Please provide a traffic control plan. May 30, 2018 comment - Provide a traffic control plan addressing lane closure on 2191h during construction. August 2, 2018 — comment not addressed. It has been stated that some coordination with the applicant's traffic engineer is needed; however, no questions have been posed by the traffic engineer so it is unknown what is needed. May 30, 2018 comment - Provide traffic impact analysis worksheet. Refer to City Handout E82. C-01— TESC PLAN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 1. August 2, 2018 — Comment partially addressed. It is understood that the current project does not trigger stormwater management, but the proposed improvements will direct stormwater runoff to the existing system and therefore the requested information is applicable to this project. An Impervious Surface Area Analysis chart was provided that still includes a net change. Please refer to the net change discussion below and revise the table accordingly. In addition, provide a response to (a.) below. May 30, 2018 comment - Include Hard Surface Area chart on the plans. Provide a breakdown of all existing and proposed impervious/hard surface areas. a. Indicate the quantity of impervious surface area that currently drains to the existing stormwater management system and how much area will drain to that system in the final condition. b. If the current project creates or replaces more than 2000sf of impervious/hard surface area and the proposed amount exceeds the capacity of the existing stormwater management system, then a new/additional stormwater management system will need to be provided. c. A chart has been provided on Sheet TI-0.0 that includes a net change. The net change does not determine stormwater management requirement thresholds, the project itself is what this determination is based off. If the project itself creates 2000sf or more hard surface area then stormwater management will be required. The question is how much of that can/will drain to the existing on -site stormwater management system and how much of that will need to discharge to a new on -site stormwater management system. 2. August 2, 2018 — Several labels on the plans have been left incomplete such as "Existing tree to ... ". Please revise as needed. 3. August 2, 2018 — revise note that states "line of erosion control fencing / hay bales" to state straw wattles instead of hay bales. 4. August 2, 2018 - Please clarify what the blue striped hatching indicates on the plans. 5. August 2, 2018 — See comment 1 under C-02 below. Revise demo plan as needed to address future conditions. C-02 — SITE WORK — CIVIL / LANDSCAPE 1. August 2, 2018 - Remove features from this plan sheet that are shown to be removed on the demo plan. This plan shall clearly show what is to be constructed. 2. August 2, 2018 — As noted in the comments above, with the removal of the entrance to the parking garage, the driveway approach shall be removed. The approach will also not be used by the trash hauler as the plans currently indicate. A wide curb ramp may be provided to roll the trash bin in and out of the enclosure, but this will not look like a driveway approach. A driveway approach is intended to lead vehicles onto a site, typically to a parking area. Revise plans to show new curb, gutter and sidewalk per City standards. Standard details pertaining to frontage improvements shall be included in the plan set. Page 2 of 3 May 30, 2018 comment - Closure of existing parking garage will require existing driveway approach to be removed and replaced with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk. Revise plans to show proposed improvements and reference City standard details. 3. August 2, 2018 — Areas that are converted from impervious to landscape area shall be compost amended. This may apply to some of the area where the old driveway will be removed. May 30, 2018 comment - Add note: "disturbed areas to be compost amended". 4. August 2, 2018 — Response comment letter states these will be confirmed on site by the contractor prior to beginning work. As the project consists of underground utility work, knowing the location of these existing utilities is critical. Please revise plans as requested. May 30, 2018 comment - Show location of existing water, sewer, storm and dry utilities on the site. 6. August 2, 2018 — comment not addressed. May 30, 2018 comment - Show location of existing stormwater management system and show conveyance lines to that system. 7. August 2, 2018 — comment partially addressed. RIM and invert elevations at existing and proposed structures has not been provided. Please note, in reconfiguring the driveway approach and access to the trash enclosure, a drain may not be necessary. Some of the area currently shown to be concrete may become landscaping. May 30, 2018 comment - Note TI 5 on sheet TI-0.0 states the existing storm drain line will be extended. Clearly indicate location of existing catch basins and conveyance lines and label as such. Provide RIM and invert elevations at existing and proposed structures and indicate how existing lines (if any) will be connected to the storm system in its revised location. 8. August 2, 2018 — The new mailbox location has been shown on the plans; however, it is not accessible from a mail delivery vehicle on 2191" St SW. Please coordinate with the post office on an approved location with access from 219' St SW. May 30, 2018 comment - TI 10 — Note states "Move mailbox (approx. 6') to location shown". Please revise plans to also show location of existing mailbox. 9. August 2, 2018 — For clarification, landscape bark would be considered a pervious surface, but typically a play area would have wood chips or other surface instead of bark. The surface material was questioned to confirm impervious/pervious area quantities, but also to confirm whether an open grate on the CB would be acceptable. The existing CB falls within a play area in which children will be running and playing. There is high probability that the material will fall into or be dropped into the catch basin. This needs to be reviewed closely to prevent issues within the storm system that would affect the overall function of the system. May 30, 2018 comment - TI 4 — Note states "... assume landscape bark" As this area will be the kids outdoor play area, it is assumed that landscape bark will not be used. Please clarify what surface material will be used at this location — will it be pervious or impervious? 10. August 2, 2018 — Please provide topography contour elevations. 11. August 2, 2018 — Refer to plan review comments from Steve Fisher regarding the trash enclosure. Revise plans to show the required concrete pad for the enclosure. Page 3 of 3