Engineering Comments 2-PLN20170052-Gunn-Street_Vacation.pdfDate: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM February 7, 2018 Jen Machuga, Associate Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20170052 — Vacation of Right -of -Way Ken Gunn —10430 231st St SW (Lots 10, 11, 16) The comments provided below are based upon review of the application and documents submitted for the subject application in response to plan review comments dated 12/13/2017. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond to the following. 1. 21712018 —Comment Addressed 12/13/2017 - Please provide documentation indicating the subject right-of-way was deeded entirely by those properties along the north half of the right-of-way. 2. 21712018 —Comment Addressed 12/13/2017 - Contact Olympic View Water and Sewer District and provide the City with confirmation that the district will or will not require easements through the right-of-way proposed to be vacated. 3. 21712018 — Mr. Gunn has been working with Brian Harding, Facility Director for the School District, to determine the extent of easement area needed for the subject storm line. Based on the records held by the School District, it does in fact appear that the storm line is located within the right-of-way subject to the proposed street vacation. The exact location is unknown and Mr. Gunn has a utility locator scheduled to visit the site in mid -February. If the location of the storm line can be determined, the easement will likely not need to extend the full width of the subject unopened right-of-way. The extent of easement area required by the School District will need to be determined by the appropriate parties at the District. The City will await this confirmation prior to proceeding with the proposed street vacation request. As such, in order to maintain the scheduled hearing date on March 20, the limits of the required easement shall be submitted to the City no later than February 27, 2018. 12/13/2017 - City GIS utility maps indicate a private storm line from the School District is located within or adjacent to the subject right-of-way. Please contact the School District and provide the City with confirmation that the school district will or will not require easements through the right-of-way. Thank you. City of Edmonds