Engineering Comments 3.pdfof ED40CITY OF EDMONDS �° PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION �sr_ ig90 (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: August 5, 2019 — 3rd Comment Letter FROM: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Joanne.zulauf@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: BLD20190116 Project: Aw - Single Family Residence Project Address: 9527 190th PI SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including a written response to each item below. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.gov under Services/Permits and Development. GENERAL 1) Done. 2) Done. 3) Done. 4) Done. 5) 8/5/19 Stormwater covenant must be notarized. 7/1/19 Not Done. No stormwater covenant found in the materials submitted. A Stormwater Covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the proposed stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including notarization and any required exhibits and submit to the city. Ensure the stormwater covenant meets Snohomish County Record Drawing requirements. The document must be complete, but will not be recorded prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction, final location of facilities are to be verified (by field inspection and asbuilt) and then the covenant will be recorded. 6) Done. 7) 8/5/19 See Below. 7/1/19 Not Done. No new waiver request has been received. Without an approved waiver of frontage improvements, all improvements shall be required. Show all existing and proposed frontage improvements. 8) Done. 9) Done. 10) Done. 11) Done. Sidewalk Waiver: 8/5/19 The recently submitted waiver request appeared to not address anything I mentioned below and has been denied. The request provided no concrete information or costs that would be above and beyond the construction of the improvements at an average site. You can't say that the normal sidewalk construction costs are part of the "extra" costs for example. The criteria is "special circumstances" that render the improvements economically unfeasible or practically impossible to construct." Please read the information below thoroughly. Provide each special circumstance with supporting information and documentation, if another waiver submittal is planned. Otherwise show the frontage improvements on the plan, include all standard details etc. 7/1/19 No new request was received. In reviewing the sidewalk waiver request, there is not enough information for us to determine the situation meets the criteria for waiver. The two criteria are economically unfeasible and practically impossible. To meet an economically unfeasible criteria, actual monetary amounts need to be spelled out. Comparison between cost of project with sidewalk construction and without sidewalk construction needs to be discussed. Included can be the additional cost of designing stormwater for a category 2 site rather than a category 1 site. To meet practically impossible there needs to be more of a reason than the steep slope alone. Would you need to build retaining walls to support the sidewalk? Any type of over the top construction necessary should be included here. The road alignment doesn't come in to this as the sidewalks would be required along the existing road. As far as the telephone pole, developers move them behind the sidewalk all the time so maybe look at where the pole could be moved to accommodate a sidewalk. Keep the arguments for each criteria separate. Each special condition should be listed with an explanation of why it is special to this property and the cost that would be extra because of this condition. Since this seems to be so confusing I will try once more for the Aws. The following may help: Provide a drawing that shows constructing the sidewalks and all the above to scale. Show an 11 ft wide westbound lane measured from the perceived centerline of the existing paved road. Show curb/gutter and a five foot sidewalk behind it. Show a one directional curb ramp where 190th meets Olympic View Dr. Then use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet to estimate the costs. Do not include anything that will be done anyway —like the driveway for example. THEN identify every cost that is above and beyond frontage improvements at another location. What are the additional things that need to be done at this site specifically to make the improvements work that would not be required at most other sites. That total would be the amount you are arguing makes the frontage improvement construction economically unfeasible. For the slope issues, provide a road profile. Show where it is excessively steep. Everything you identify as a special circumstance has to have an explanation of why it is over and beyond what any "normal" property would need to spend for frontage improvements. It needs to have a clearly estimated measure and cost -use the king county bond worksheet not a contractors estimate. The estimate that was submitted included no measurements and included all the frontage improvements. The driveway will be constructed regardless so is not considered a "special" cost. It should not have been included in the estimate. Page 2 of 2