Engineering Memo of Compliance.pdfMEMORANDUM a' ENGINEERING MEMO OF COMPLIANCE Date: July 27, 2018 To: Kernen Lien, Planning From: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Subject: PLN20170059, Clear Vision, 2 lot short plat 18227 80th Ave W. Engineering has reviewed the preliminary short plat application for the Clear Vision property at 18227 80th Ave W. The information provided indicates general engineering feasibility. The project -specific design, including final utility system design and location, as well as Title 18 Edmonds Community Development Code compliance, will be reviewed during the civil construction phase of this project. Preliminary approval shall not be interpreted to mean approval of the improvements as shown on the preliminary plans. Please find attached the Engineering Requirements for the subject development. The applicant will be required to satisfy these requirements as a condition of short plat approval. Subsequent to obtaining a preliminary short plat determination of approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit revised civil construction plans addressing all short plat conditions. Plans are to be submitted to the Engineering Division. A civil plan review fee is to be paid at the time of submittal. At this time, the review fee is $2785. The following information is provided in an effort to assist with preparation of the civil construction plans: 1) Civil plan sheets shall include an approval block similar to that provided on the City website. 2) Include utility purveyor information for Stormwater, City of Edmonds. 3) Update General Notes to current version found on the City website and replace the reference to the WSDOT/APWA to the expected year of civil plan approval and add the year of the version of SWMMM. City of Edmonds 4) All standard details have been updated and revised. Please use the new standard details available on the city website. 5) Confirm construction sequence is consistent with that found on the City website. Include phasing of work and protection of areas where low impact development techniques will be used to meet stormwater management requirements. Existing trees and vegetation shall be retained where feasible. 6) Civil plans shall show all existing and the future separate building permit improvements in a light line weight. All improvements and notes specific to only the construction of the short plat improvements shall be shown using a dark line weight. Thank you.