Engineering-Request for Info.pdfMEMORANDUM REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Date: June 13, 2018 To: Mike Clugston, Senior Planner From: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Subject: PLN20180034, Westhaven/Select Homes 10 Lot Plat 21511/15/25 98t" Ave W The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary civil plans & documents for the subject plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the plat. Please ask the applicant to provide a written response to each of the comments below and revise and resubmit plans accordingly. GENERAL 1. Show all proposed driveway approaches. Clearly indicate proposed points of access. Properties gaining access off the cul-de-sac shall share access points where possible. 2. Please show a house, driveway including sufficient turnaround area if needed on each lot consistent with the approx. amount of impervious surface available according to the stormwater report. UTILITIES 3. Show the location of proposed dry utilities. 4. The connection to the public sewer main shall be a manhole. Please revise SSCO #1 to a manhole. You may consider connecting to the main to the north of the property where the pipe invert is not a deep. 5. Per the Criteria for Sewage Works Design, Dept of Ecology (aka the Orange Book) states that a run of 6" sewer line over 150ft can only be approved by DOE review. A manhole can be installed at some point in the stretch to reduce the run length. 6. Placing water meters in driveways and access roads is discouraged, please revise meter locations the cul-de-sac. 7. Provide a storm connection for Lot 9. 8. In the cul-de-sac, the end of the sewer run shall be a manhole. Please revise SSCO #2. 9. Fire Hydrant shall be installed in public right of way. Please confirm there is sufficient area in the location shown. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to attached plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson@edmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. City of Edmonds